The Hidden World

Chapter 295 – By the Lakeside

“Do I know a place like that?” Saren repeated, leaning on her cash register. “I don’t know. This town doesn’t really have many nice places. We’re more practical when it comes to where we live.”

“How about outside?” Yuki asked. “I’m sure there is at least one place people go to.”

Saren hummed to herself softly as she thought. Her expression brightened as a thought hit her.

“I think I know a place,” she grinned. “It’s in the forest a bit away from town, but it has fantastic scenery. I would recommend going at night. You won’t regret it.”

“Can you give me the directions?” 

“Err, a bit north of here. I think one and a half miles or so? You can’t miss it. It’s next to the only lake around here.”

“I can find it,” Akira nodded. “Thanks for your time, Saren.”

“No problem,” she smiled. “You’re the first guests I had in a while. Most just come here for food. I’m curious though. Why did you want to know a place like that?”

“Personal business,” Yuki winked. She slid a bronze coin over to Saren who raised an eyebrow. “For your troubles.”

“You didn’t need to, but I won’t refuse it,” she said as she took the coin. “Thanks. Good luck on whatever that business is.”


Yuki left the inn with Akira who began to scan the area around the town in a two mile radius. She locked onto a lake within seconds and began jogging to the north, Yuki beside her. They stopped at a guard tower and waited. A guard appeared moments later.

“What’s your business?” the guard asked. 

“Going sightseeing,” Yuki replied. “When does the gate close?”

“At sunset,” the guard said. “You have around five hours, give or take. Where are you headed?”

“To the lake.”

“Good choice. When you come back, just wait in the field,” the guard instructed. “We’ll let you in after we very it’s you two.”

“Got it.”

The guard stepped aside, and waved them through. When the two cleared the gate, they set off on a brisk run, zooming across the field. Yuki let Akira take the lead. They blew past trees, whipping the air around them as they scared animals away. Akira halted after a few minutes of running.

“It’s just up ahead,” she said.

They walked a bit further and broke past the trees. A lake spread in front of them with water as blue as the sky that rippled gently with the breeze. Waterfowl floated on the water’s surface without a care in the world. Multicolored pebbles made up the lake’s banks.

“Saren was right. This is quite nice,” Yuki commented. 

“It is,” Akira agreed.

“I think this will work,” she said. “Let’s get started then, shall we?”

“You got the place all laid out in your mind already?”

“Nope. We’re going to wing it,” Yuki smiled.

“I thought so.”

“Erica, wake up,” a voice whispered into her ear.

Erica groaned a bit and cracked open her eyes to see who was the one disturbing her sleep. She found silver eyes staring back and jolted wide awake. 

“What are you doing, Yuki?” she whispered. She glanced around the room, making sure that no one else was being disturbed. 

“Come with me,” Yuki said. “I want to show you something.”

Confused but curious, Erica slipped out of bed and changed her clothes. Yuki waited patiently outside in the hallway. When Erica popped out, she saw that Yuki had already changed out of her sleeping clothes. The outfit she wore was a bit fancier than what Erica would have envisioned for a trip outside.

“Where are we going?” she asked.

Yuki put a finger to her lip and descended down the stairs of the inn. The restaurant downstairs was dark, Saren nowhere to be seen. She was probably sleeping in her office. 

‘I need to remember to thank her before I leave,’ she thought. ‘She let me stay.’

The door opened with a small jiggle from Yuki who held it open for Erica before locking it behind them. She gestured towards Erica to follow before flitting down the street, hidden in the night. Erica ran after her, still not certain what was going on.

Yuki turned into an alleyway where Erica caught up to her. She motioned to Erica to come closer. When she did, Yuki wrapped her in a small hug.

“Close your eyes,” she whispered.

Erica followed her directions. She felt her gut clench for a moment before Yuki unwrapped her arms. They were standing at the bank of a lake with a clear night sky above them. A splattering of stairs painted the blackness as a bright moon offered light. The lake rippled under that light, its dark waters reflecting the sky. 

She remembered this place. A sense of bitter nostalgia hit her. Here, she would sneak off to meet Faye. Here, they laid down on the banks of the lake to stare at the stars or dipped their feet into the water. 

Her hand went to her eyes as she wiped away the tears that were starting to form. She hoped Yuki couldn’t see them. 

“What do you think?” Yuki asked.

“This was one of my favorite places to be,” Erica replied, her voice subdued. “I...made a lot of memories here.”

“Oh. You’ve been here before,” Yuki said. Erica heard a hint of disappointment in her voice.

‘Was this why she was out yesterday?’

After lunch, Yuki had disappeared with Akira. Erica didn’t know where they had gone, but she assumed they wanted to explore the town. But they must have gone out of town and found this lake.

‘And she brought me out to show me,’ Erica thought. ‘She’s trying to cheer me up.’

A small smile touched her lips as she realised the meaning behind the gesture. Yuki was reassuring her that everything she found out about Erica hadn’t changed her view. Warmth filled her as her worries began to subside.

“Thanks for bringing me here,” she said. “I haven’t been here in ages. It’s a comforting place.”

“That’s good,” Yuki nodded. “I’m glad. Um, I also wanted to talk about something.”

Erica frowned as worry began trickling back in. 

“What is it?” she asked.

“Come, sit.” Yuki patted the ground next to her. As Erica sat, Yuki spoke. “So. We’ve known each other for quite a while now. Years. The way we met wasn’t exactly normal though.”

“It was definitely not normal,” Erica smiled.

“After that, our lives have been intertwined,” she continued. She looked up at the stars. “There was rarely a time we were away from each other. You were always helping me with running the guild and doing tasks that I asked for. Never a complaint. And before, I didn’t think much about it. I wasn’t the most emotive and open person then.”

“I’m glad that I was helpful. I wasn’t sure actually.”

“Why? You run intelligence, you train with me, you found people to help start up the guild,” Yuki listed. “You’ve done a lot. More that I could have asked for.”

“Well, if you put that way.” Erica blushed and stared at the ground.

“But I’ve been thinking. All the times you’ve helped me, I’ve never done anything for you. It’s always been about me and my goals.”

“That’s not true,” Erica protested. “You’ve done a lot.”

“No, I don’t think I did,” Yuki said with a rueful smile. “Or at least, I’ve never done anything solely for you. There was always some benefit for me. I know you’ve felt that.”

Erica quieted.

“That’s why, I want to make up for that. To make up for all of my selfishness. To show you what you mean to me.”

Yuki got to her feet and walked a bit further into the bank of the lake. She spread her arms as mana began to pour out from her, whirling around her in a silver aura. Dragon wings sprouted from her back as horns curled out from her shining hair. 

The world around them morphed and twisted as the earth rose and the lake churned. Arches erupted from the ground, pebbles decorating them. In between them, a pathway was flattened that led into the lake. Orbs of light floated in the air like fireflies. 

In the lake, the water twisted until an elegant gazebo was made. Elegant curves and flowery designs decorated the watery gazebo. Blue lights floated around, painting the gazebo in a mystical light. Ice froze over parts of the lake, a walkway of frozen water being formed. 

Erica stared at all of this as it happened with an expression of wonder. Her eyes wandered back to the one who made it all. Yuki looked back with eyes who’s pupils were slits and iris that shimmered. An odd sensation exuded out from her. To Erica, it felt similar to that of a succubus, but instead of a charm made from lust, it was one made from a certain otherworldliness. 

“Yuki, you’re a dragon,” Erica breathed. Yuki only smiled in response.

She walked toward Erica and offered her hand.

“Come,” she said softly.

Erica slid her hand onto Yuki’s and let herself be pulled up. Yuki led her forward, walking down the pathway towards the lake. As they moved, Erica’s head twisted and turned as she took in everything. 

“Watch your step,” Yuki said. 

They stepped onto the ice path, Erica taking care not to slip. Yuki stayed close, their hands still together. Whenever she felt off balance, Yuki was there to hold her steady.

When they entered the watery gazebo, Erica was hesitant to step in it. The floor was made of water instead of ice like the walkway. Yuki stepped right on it and it held her as if it was land. Yuki giggled as she saw Erica’s eyes widened.

“It’s safe,” Yuki said. “Trust me.”

Yuki walked backwards and pulled Erica in. The floor felt no different than a normal wooden one. It was clear though. She could see past it to the fish that drifted around beneath it. When she looked up, she found Yuki staring at her. They were standing right at the center of the gazebo.

“Eri,” Yuki said, “there’s only one way I can truly show you how I feel. One way to prove to you that I mean it. But I still need to ask you. Are you willing?”

Erica’s hands went to her mouth as she realised what this was all about. Yuki was offering to be her partner. This was a bonding proposal. A smile sprouted on her face as tears began to well up in her eyes. 

“Yes, of course, yes,” she said. 

Yuki smiled back and pulled Erica into an embrace. 

“Then it’s settled.”

She whispered words into Erica’s ears, words of magic that wove mana around it. Erica closed her eyes as she felt the magic work. A gentle warmth began pressing down on the skin on her collarbone. The warmth flared to a burn, but it disappeared as fast as it had come. Then a soft presence touched her mind. It was Yuki.

“About time, you idiot,” Erica whispered.

“I’m sorry it took so long,” Yuki replied. “I was a bit occupied.”

They leaned away from each other and gave one another a long look before laughing. When their giggles subsided, Yuki brushed Erica’s jaw with her fingers.

“Can I?” she murmured. Her other hand fingered the bracelet that Erica wore. The bracelet that held back Erica’s aura. 

“Are you sure?” Erica asked.

Yuki replied with a kiss, their lips touching and their tongues searching. With a single motion, Erica felt the bracelet around her wrist unclasp and her aura roared out, wrapping both of them. 

“We should find a room,” Erica whispered when she broke away. Her face felt flushed and her body was aching. 

“We’re already in one,” Yuki replied. 

The gazebo around them closed, turning into a floating room. The lights dimmed, hiding them from the views of anyone that could be near. 

It was a long night.

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