The Hidden World

Chapter 302 – A Mother

The beds inside the hotel room the angels gave them were quite comfortable. The mattresses were soft and the white sheets and blankets that came with it were silky to the touch. They were given many rooms, each with two beds within them. Yuna was paired with Yuki, or rather, Yuki made Yuna pair with her. 

Now she laid in that soft bed as thoughts ran through her head. Yuki didn’t say a word to her that night and had gone to sleep in the bed beside her. She could hear the soft breaths. 

‘She’s so nice,’ Yuna thought. ‘Maybe I should talk to her about all of this. She can help.’

But now that Yuki was sleeping, she couldn’t do that. 

‘What do I do?’

Yuna’s childhood was something she had almost no memories of. She knew she was picked up from an orphanage, but the reason for that was unknown to her. Her memories of that orphanage were patchy at best. Anything before that, she didn’t remember a thing. 

Now, she was told that she was born in the main angel city to the most powerful being among the angels during a time of unrest that required her to be evacuated. And to add to that, it was all conjecture with nothing proven. 

She wanted to believe it though. Then she would know where she came from. Who she had. She had accepted long ago that she was an orphan with no family, but that didn’t mean she ever gave up that small sliver of hope. 

‘I wonder what happened to my father then,’ she thought.

Her father had to be right in the middle of that period of unrest in the Capital City. She wondered if he was still alive. If what the archangels said was true, then he might have been hunted down because of her.

‘I hope he’s fine. If he exists.’

If her mother was this Great Archangel, then there was no doubt that she was alive. Someone that powerful couldn’t be taken down so easily. And from what Carol said, the Great Archangel didn’t even live in the Capital City. She only visited.

‘I wonder where she is right now. Where does she live? Does she remember me?’

That was what she wondered the most. Did this person know where Yuna was? Did this person try to find her? Before, Yuna didn’t think much about it. She assumed her parents were dead and that was the reason she was in an orphanage to begin with. But if that wasn’t true, then where was her mother? Her father?

And most importantly.

‘Will I meet her?’

“Yuna, it’s time to wake up,” a soft voice whispered into her ear. 

Yuna’s eyes peeked open and spied Yuki leaning over her with a small smile as she leaned on her arms. Yuna startled a bit from the close proximity, her eyes staring at Yuki. It had been a long time since she last had a good look at her face. Everything looked familiar. Those grey eyes, red lips, and soft skin. It was a beauty she couldn’t forget.


She blinked, snapping herself out of her daze as she averted her gaze. Her cheeks blushed as she got out of bed. She hoped Yuki hadn't noticed her staring, but she knew better. Yuki wasn’t one to be oblivious to those things.

“What time is it?” Yuna asked, wanting to divert attention as fast as possible.

“Around eight in the morning. The angel sent to train you has come already,” Yuki replied. “She’s waiting in the dining hall of this hotel. She came to the room, but I shooed her away.”

“How long ago?” 

“Oh, like two hours ago?” Looking at Yuna’s shocked face, Yuki let out a small giggle. “You had a long day, yesterday. I wanted you to have some rest. The angel was very understanding.”

“I should go meet her right now,” Yuna said. “I don’t want to keep her waiting any longer.”

She couldn’t imagine waiting for someone for two hours, much less someone that was supposed to be your student. She cringed inwardly as she prayed that her instructor didn’t punish her. 

“Don’t worry about it. I kept her company as well as Akira and Ember,” Yuki said. “She knows quite a bit about the city. Those two hours went by fast.”

“If you say so,” she mumbled. She looked down at her clothes and frowned. “I should change. I don’t want to look rude going out in sleeping clothes.”

“I’ll leave then,” Yuki smiled. “Unless of course, you want me to stay?”

She winked and Yuna replied with red cheeks. 

“No, I think I’m fine,” Yuna said. 

“Alright. I’ll go now. There’s food in the hall. It’s pretty easy to find,” she said as she headed to the door of the hotel room. “If you want to shower and get ready before meeting the angel, you can. I think she can wait a bit more.”

“Okay,” Yuna nodded.

As Yuki opened the door, she paused a bit and looked back. 

“Oh, and another thing,” she said. Yuna lifted her brows, waiting. “Remember not to stare.”

She slipped out before Yuna, who's already red cheeks were getting hotter, could give a response. She let out a small hmph, before laughing a bit to herself. She should have known what Yuki was going to say.

She went through her morning routine, speeding things up today to not keep the angel waiting any longer. When she finished washing herself and brushing her hair, she changed into a t-shirt and sweatpants. She wasn’t sure what this instruction would entail, so she wanted to be prepared if there was something physical she needed to do.

The hallway outside of the hotel room was quiet. There wasn’t a person in sight. She walked down the hall to a set of stairs that led her down. The hotel wasn’t very large. It really was more like an inn than a hotel, but she called it that since the angels referred to this place as such. 

The dining hall was on the first floor somewhere off to the side of the lobby. There was a kitchen there where Yuna spied a cook as well as a small bar of sorts that held condiments and utensils. Outside, there were a number of tables and stools. Yuki and the others were seated at one of those tables. An unknown angel was with them.

As she approached, Yuki was the first to see her. She waved at Yuna, moving everyone's attention towards Yuna. The angel stood, a welcoming smile on her face. Yuna realised that she recognized this angel. Or rather, this archangel.

“Nice to meet you again,” Laurel greeted. “You seem a bit shocked.”

“Sorry. I didn’t think you would be teaching me,” Yuna said. “Isn’t it not safe for you to be out here?”

“It should be fine,” Laurel replied. “I was sent to teach you since your light is stronger than most. A normal angel might struggle to teach or control someone like that. It’s a safety precaution. Also, we’ve met already.”

“We did.”

“I hope there are no complaints?” Laurel asked.

“No, I’m fine. You’re right and doing this with someone I at least have seen would be more comfortable for me,” Yuna said.


“I’m sorry for keeping you waiting,” Yuna apologized. 

“No, no, it’s all fine. Your friends were wonderful company,” Laurel smiled. “I told them a bit about the city as we waited. Now that you’re here, we can get started. Do you need to get something to eat?”

“If I can.”

“Go ahead, but take it with you,” she said. “We’ll be going to a quieter part of the city. A cooler one as well.”

Yuna followed what Laurel said and went to the order window where a cook waited. In a few minutes, she was holding a breakfast sandwich that contained some meat that she didn’t know. It smelled good to her, though.

She stopped for a moment to grab a bottle of water before going over to Laurel who looked at the items she had in hand and nodded.

“Got everything?” Laurel asked. 


“Then let’s get going,” she said.

Laurel began to head towards the hotel lobby door, Yuna trailing behind. Before they left, Yuna waved behind her, Yuki and the rest waving back and wishing her good luck. Then with that, she followed Laurel to wherever this quiet place was.

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