The Hidden World

Chapter 33 – Nature’s Ally

The Sanctuary was located right behind the Main Hall. The entrance of the Sanctuary was an ornate metal gate that opened up to a beautiful garden. When Yuki walked into the area, he was hit with the scent of flowers and dew. Further ahead, he saw the outlines of a small forest. The river that Yuki had seen when he had first entered the Academy was flowing near him.

‘But where are the beasts?’ Yuki thought.

Despite the meticulously kept nature around him, he couldn’t see even a hint of an animal. There were no birds singing, no squirrels rushing, and not even bugs buzzing. The Sanctuary was quiet save for the wind and the sounds of the river.

“I can’t give you any more advice than I already have,” Nataru said in front of the entrance. “Unlike your class selection, there is no crystal or spell to find your spirit beast. All you can do is wander around and hope for the best.”

‘Those are some wonderful instructions,’ Yuki thought to himself.

“So you students can go explore the Sanctuary for the next hour,” Nataru continued. Then he looked at his watch. “At 10:30 we will all meet back here at the entrance. If no beast finds you before that time, then that means that the right one for you isn’t here.”

“Go on and have fun,” he said, waving his hand. “You won’t get many days like this at the Academy. I will wait here for you.”

With his dismissal, the students began to amble around in confusion. Slowly they began to disperse; some went off by themselves and others grouped with others. Yuki set an alarm on his watch and decided to take a walk in the forest.

The forest was cool and quiet. As Yuki strolled through it, all he could hear was the soft whispers of the breeze and the rustling of the green leaves of the towering trees. Walking some more, Yuki found the river again as it lazily snaked about the trees.

Yuki changed his course, following the river. As he slowly walked along the border between the water and the trees, he began to breathe in deeply. The damp, cool air and the scent of the trees and river that mingled together filled his body.

A serene calm washed over Yuki. His mind emptied and his thoughts halted. Walking in this quiet oasis, the sights of nature filled the void in Yuki’s head. The way the leaves moved, the wind blew, and the water broke. All of this entered Yuki’s mind. All of the minute details. He stopped and closed his eyes.


It wasn’t a voice. But rather, it was a feeling. A word that resonated with Yuki, moving throughout his body. It was the forest. The river. The elements were greeting him.

Yuki felt something brush his legs, weaving in and out of them. He opened his eyes and saw a ferret. The ferret looked at him with bright eyes, and raised its paw in greeting. Then Yuki looked around him. Surrounding him were a multitude of creatures, some that looked like animals from Earth and others foreign. They all seemed to be welcoming him.

He reached out with his hand and a deer with dark green accents in its fur headbutted it. Yuki sat down on his knees and a rabbit that glowed lightly hopped onto his lap. Then a pure white owl landed on his head, its talons surprisingly chilly. A thud shook the ground, a blast of wind following it, and Yuki looked up.

Before Yuki was massive beast, nearly as tall as the trees. It resembled a lizard and had leathery wings that were connected to its front arms. It arched its slender neck and peered at Yuki with intelligent eyes. Then it snorted, lightning flickering out, rose its head again.

We welcome you, a different voice echoed in Yuki’s mind. The Sanctuary and its beings embrace you.

Yuki could only stare at the beast in front of him. The beast that seemed to be the source of the voice.

If you are in need of anything, then call to us and we shall answer. Let us meet again another time.

And with that, the beast spread its wings and with a powerful burst, launched itself into the air. The wind nearly blew Yuki away. Lifting his head up, Yuki watch as the outline of the massive beast shrank in the horizon.

He looked back down and watch the spirit beasts that ambled around him. As he sat there, his mind emptied again and he felt as if he was one with nature. And in a trance, he stayed there.

Suddenly his watch began to vibrate frantically, breaking him out of his reverie. He looked at it and saw that it was time for him to return to the gate. Yuki slowly stood up as the creatures around him observed his actions.

“I have to go,” Yuki told them softly, reaching out with his hand.

The deer rubbed its head against his hand again and with what seemed to be a nod, trotted away. The other spirit beasts followed suit, giving a Yuki a farewell and then leaving themselves.

‘That was quite an experience,’ Yuki thought as he began the march back to the gate.

Yuki returned to the entrance of the Sanctuary in a couple of minutes, a large group of students already there. Many of them had spirit beasts with them, but a surprising number didn’t. Yuki noticed that the girl who stopped the thugs didn’t have one.

“Welcome back,” Nataru said to them. “I see that most of you have found your spirit beast. That’s very promising. To the ones that didn’t, do not fret. This doesn’t mean that you are any weaker than the one that did.”

The he clapped his hands together.

“That is it for today,” he announced. “Go back to your dorms or your homes and become acquainted with your new partner. Tomorrow, we will bonding you together with your spirit beasts and sending you your schedule for the year. Have a good rest.”

And with that, the students departed.

“So what’s the report for today, Cadet Yuna?”

“Nothing too unusual for the first day,” Yuna replied, speaking to a dark hologram of the captain that was being projected by her smartwatch. It was currently 21:00.

“We were tested for our class and were sent out to find a spirit beast.”

“Good, good. So what class are you?” the captain asked her.

“I’m a magic swordswoman, sir,” Yuna answered.

“Excellent. I see our training has been beneficial to you,” the captain said. “And did you find a spirit beast?”

Yuna shook her head.

“No, sir. No spirit beast contacted me in the Sanctuary.”

“That is unfortunate,” the captain replied. “Do you have anything to report in terms of your other assignment?”

“Not much, sir,” Yuna said. “The human picked a buffer support class and seemed to not have contacted a spirit beast.”

The captain began to rub the outline of his chin.

“So a supporter, not a fighter,” the captain remarked. “That is interesting to hear. Good report, Cadet.”

“Thank you, sir,” Yuna replied seriously.

“Well, that would be all for today. I expect your next report in a month,” he said.


“This is for the people,” the captain reminded her. “Remember that. And good night.”

“Good night to you too, captain.”

The hologram blinked out and the bedroom was quiet. Yuna laid down on her bed and let out a soft sigh.

‘I didn’t expect that girl to be the human,’ she thought to herself.

The girl seemed quite calm for someone that was recently just sent to another world. She didn’t look scared or unsettled.

‘I have to get close to her. I’ll try to introduce myself during the lunch break tomorrow,’ Yuna planned, remembering her instructions. ‘I don’t even know her name.’

Nodding, Yuna then fell into a peaceful rest.

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