The Hidden World

Chapter 342 – Breaking In

“How did you do it?” Vermilion asked. He crouched and touched the runes Yuki had inscribed into the ground. “I’ve been listening to your chant and reading these inscriptions, but I need an explanation.”

“That’s expected,” Yuki nodded as she struggled to sit back up. “Most of the actual work is mental. If you don’t know what to look for and how to look for it, you wouldn’t understand.”

“Do you think you have time to give me a quick explanation on that?”

“I don’t think this type of magic should be shared so freely,” Yuki frowned. “If the wrong person learns of it, I don’t want to even think about what they would be able to do.”

“I see,” Vermilion said. “That’s a valid concern. I won’t push then. This is proof enough that this type of magic is possible. I guess the plan will be going forward then.”

“Tomorrow,” Yuki replied. “I need to rest today.”

She pushed herself to her feet and looked around. Erica was there and Mathali was most likely hidden in the shadows watching. Akira wasn’t anywhere to be found.

“Where’s Akira?” she asked.

“She went on another scouting trip,” Erica said. “She came back a little while ago to see how things were going. Do you want me to call her back?”

“No. I can do it.”

She reached out to Akira and tapped the link bonding the two of them. Akira reached back immediately.

‘I’m done, Aki,’ Yuki said. ‘Where are you right now?’

[I’m a minute away,] Akira replied. [Did you do it?’]

‘Yep. I don’t think I’m doing that again anytime soon though,’ she said with a small giggle. ‘It takes too much out of me.”

[Hmm. Now that I’m looking, I can tell. I’ll be right there soon. We start the next step tomorrow, right?]

‘Yes. Tell Yuna to come.’

[I’ll do that. When we get back home.]

“You got here fast,” Yuki commented.

“I was waiting for the call,” Kilik replied as he walked forward. 

Yuki looked him over for a quick moment. It was the day of the plan, and Kilik had come prepared. He wore armor that covered every part of him except for his head. Tucked underneath his right armpit was the helmet that completed the set. The armor looked quite form fitting, alternating between soft and stiff plates to give the wearer as much maneuverability as possible. 

“Where did you get the armor?” Yuki asked, jutting her chin toward him.

“It’s standard armor for our guards,” Kilik said. “I just borrowed one. Do you or your friends need armor?”

“I have armor, but my friends could use some,” Yuki nodded. She looked over at Ember. “You wearing the same thing?”

“Yep,” she said. “They’re easy to move in, so Akira and the others should get used to it really fast.”

“Here.” Kilik held out four sets of armour of varying sizes. “I estimated the size of your friends. I assume the devil will be joining us as well, correct?”

“He is. Mathali,” Yuki said. He appeared beside her. “Can you give these to the others? The bigger one is for you. I need to talk with Ember and Kilik about the next step of our plan.”

“As you wish,” Mathali replied with a small bow before taking the armor with him.

“You want to talk to us?” Kilik asked.

“Yes,” Yuki nodded. “I don’t think I went into the plan in great detail with you two. It’s not complicated, but I do like making sure that everything is understood, if you understand what I mean.”

“That’s a good habit for a leader,” Kilik said. “What do you want to say?”

“The beginning stages of the plan is basically what I outlined during the meeting,” she said. “However, once we move to the attack phase, there are a few things that I need to go over. But first, I need to make sure. Kilik, are you taking up an offensive role?”

“That would be preferred, but if you need me elsewhere, I wouldn’t mind.”

“No, no, that’s fine. That’s perfect actually. Before we start the battle, I’ll be doing some preparations. When the fighting starts, it will be my job to make sure that it is as contained as possible. I want to limit how much attention this battle will gather.”

“How will you be doing that?” Kilik asked.

“I’m encasing the area in a barrier that will dampen the mana signatures that will be radiating out from the fight. It’ll also track people that leave the area so that we can go clean them up. While I’m doing that, I need you to go in with Akira, Erica, and Yuna to clear the area and locate the leadership. Ember, can you protect me?”

“That’s kind of my job,” Ember smiled. “You can trust me.”

“You’ll be working with Mathali on that then,” Yuki said. “Once the barrier is up, I’ll be able to join the battle.”

“Is that all?” Kilik said.

“No. If you see a man that wields blue flames and an old man that can turn into the wind, tell me. I’ll take care of them myself.”

“Revenge, hmm?” Kilik said, cocking a brow. “Alright then. I’ll let you go after them. But do not endanger your team. I’m sure you know that though.”

“Of course,” Yuki nodded. She glanced back and saw that the others were ready. “Let’s get this started then.”

They rejoined the main group and Yuki began the operation. With a wave, Akira stepped through the barrier and casted an invisibility spell around herself. Yuki held her breath for a moment, waiting to see if any guards approached or alarms began sounding. There was nothing.

‘It worked then,’ she sighed in relief. ‘That’s good. You could never be too sure.’

Now they waited for Akira to signal that they could come through. Yuki counted the seconds off in her mind as she stared at the barrier that blocked the Shikaku base from view. When the time began to approach five minutes, Akira messaged Yuki.

[I found a route,] she said. [Get ready to move when I say so. I’ll be telling Erica the same instructions.]

‘Got it.’

“Get ready,” Yuki commanded. “Erica, you know what to do.”

“I’m on it,” she replied.

Under her breath, she muttered a spell and a bubble of mana ballooned out from her. Yuki gathered everyone around her so that the bubble could cover them all. Now, they were hidden from view and no one would even bother looking in their direction thanks to a bit of mind magic Erica had infused the spell with.

[Move. Straight.]

They marched forward as one, passing the barrier without a problem. Akira called out directions as she guided them around the facility to stay out of sight of the robot guards and sensors. The small walk felt surreal to Yuki. Five people huddled together, seemingly out in the open with nothing covering them, and the guards not noticing a thing.

‘At least this spell is working.’

[There,] Akira said, halting them. [The two guards there are the ones that are rotating soon.]

“Yuna,” Yuki whispered quickly. “Invisibility.”

Yuna nodded and muttered the spell as Yuki did the same. Then the two of them crept out of the concealing bubble and clambered up the walls of the facility before dropping on top of the living guard and her robot partner. With a quick strike, Yuna knocked the living guard unconscious while Yuki powered off the robot with a quick surge of electricity.

With a bit of magic, Yuki opened up the back panel of the robot and fiddled with the wires before connecting them to the device. Then she slammed the back shut and powered the robot back on.

“Yuna, you have the thing?” Yuki asked.

“Right pocket,” she replied as she pulled the clothes of the guard over herself. “When’s the rotation?”

“Thirty seconds,” Yuki said as she checked her watch. She put a hand to her ear where a communicator was nestled. “Uriel, you in?”

“I am. The robots are all mine~,” Uriel answered.

“Good.” Yuki lifted the unconscious guard and slung her over her shoulder. Then she hopped down to the ground from the balcony. “Erica, give her some nice dreams.”

She handed the unconscious guard to the succubus who grinned. 

“Now, we wait,” Yuki said.

The thirty seconds passed, and Yuna left the balcony with the robot now controlled by Uriel. If Yuna was following the plan, the transmitter in her pocket should be communicating with as many systems as it could as she walked to the next location.

‘Come on, come on, come on,’ Yuki prayed. ‘Akira, how are you?’

[I’m following her,] she replied. [No problems so far.]

‘Good, good.’

A minute later, a new set of guards appeared on the balcony above the hidden group. That must have meant that Yuna was at the second location now. 

“Boss,” Uriel’s voice said into Yuki’s ear. 

“Good news?”

“Yep. I have them.”

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