The Highest Bounty

Chapter 21: I want to drop out!

In the early morning, the sky of Hailanxing was blue.

"Purisen returned to the headquarters of Tianhe Prison last night, and even the old Henry's meal was pushed away." The sea emperor brought Guding a piece of information about Purisen early in the morning.

"Is there any other news?" Gooding didn't care about Prysson's message. According to what he said, the two had already grudged and grieved, and there was no more trouble. If the other party is still staring at himself and the friends around him, he can only choose to send those video materials to the top level of the federal government, so that he will completely lose his reputation.

"There is a message that you should be interested in. It was just sent in the early hours of this morning and has not been confirmed yet." The voice of the sea emperor also had a hint of anticipation. A few days ago, we secretly visited our Dragon Cosmic Kingdom, and the two nations have discussed the issue of mutual openness in the past few days. "

"Are you sure you are the Philippine Charm Cosmos?" Gu Ding didn't quite believe this news. The Philippine Charm Cosmos is different from the Dragon's Cosmos and is a top-tier universe with five stars. The Dragon Kingdom, where Guding is located, is just a two-star universe, which is completely unequal to the power of the Philippine universe. Generally speaking, five-star universes rarely deal with universes under four stars, and they are the top overlords in the universe. They who possess the gods have a strong say in any cosmic kingdom below five stars.

And the two-star universe like Longteng usually depends on some Samsung universes. The Samsung Cosmic Kingdom is dependent on the Four-Star Cosmic Kingdom. If the Philippine Charm Universe really wants to establish diplomacy, it is enough to directly communicate with the four-star universe that governs the Dragon Cosmos. In order to establish long-term cooperative relations, it is also normal for the four-star universe to send out the jurisdiction of several two-star universes.

The five-star universe has taken the initiative to visit the two-star universe, which has never been heard of.

"Is this news reliable?" Gooding then asked.

"I don't know clearly, the level of communication authority between the universe is too high, and I can't invade it yet." This is the first time that the sea emperor admitted in front of Guding that he could not do something.

Gooding heard a little stunned. After knowing the sea emperor, he almost thought that the other party was omnipotent. He finally knew that there were things that the sea emperor could not do in this world.

"You need to improve your strength as soon as possible. The higher your genetic level, the more you can activate. I have estimated that as long as you reach the level of the tenth-order gene, the Dragon Kingdom should have no secrets for me. "The sea emperor made Guding speechless.

The tenth-order genome is too far away for Guding. Even the strongman with a reward of hundreds of millions like Uncle Kane is only the sixth-order genome. And the sixth-order genome can also be in the position of a federal university in the Dragon Kingdom.

Thinking of these, Guding felt a little depressed, "I don't know when I can break through to the second-order gene body. Now that the cell index has reached 19 o'clock, the genetic level has not been broken. Fortunately, I can practice limit body every day To strengthen cells, the average person has a cell index of more than ten points, and the genetic level has broken through. "

"Your genetic situation is a little special ..." The sea emperor was a little bit reticent.

"Do you know something?" Gooding seemed to know about his genes after listening to the tone of the sea emperor.

"Your genes are blocked, and they are double-blocked. One is a genetic lock that you were born with, and the other is a seal lock that someone deliberately added the day after tomorrow." The sea emperor actually discovered the anomaly of Guding in the first time. "Actually, the main reason I think you are Lord is your genetic status."

"Gene is blocked, is it a good thing?" Gu Ding frowned slightly. He didn't care too much about the gene lock he was born with. What he cared about was the seal lock from the day after tomorrow. Since childhood, he only had a family member like Dad. I'm afraid the seal lock was also added by Dad. "There must be a reason for Dad to do this ... It doesn't matter, find him, just ask him in person to know!"

"Innate genetic locks, only those born with extremely powerful genes will have talents. Usually this kind of human ancestors have such a powerful presence of gods. And once the heirs have genes returning to their ancestors, they inherit the gods’ genes. Some traits are born with this kind of genetic lock at birth. If you do n’t actively break this kind of genetic lock before adulthood, after adulthood, the terrorist power hidden in the gene will not only automatically break the genetic lock, but also cause the gene chain to break. , Or even collapse. In this case, the heir will die without treatment within three days. "

"The genetic seal of the acquired day is also a very powerful method in the ancient times. The exhibitor, even if it is not a god, is probably infinitely close to the god." The sea emperor explained, "The genetic seal of the acquired day is usually also The seals that elders make to awaken genetically awakened younger generations of powerful abilities. In order to allow them to practice on a down-to-earth basis, to avoid them from relying too much on their special abilities to waste their practice. Such seals are generally not very strong as long as the younger generation The strength exceeds the seal load capacity, it will automatically unlock. "

"That is to say, even if my cell comprehensive index exceeds 20 points, and the gene lock is not released, I still have no way to break through to the second-order gene body, I will still be unable to awaken the ability?" Guding frowned slightly, if his own If the genetic level cannot be broken through, then the time for awakening ability will be delayed. Humans only have a certain chance of awakening special abilities when they are promoted at the genetic level.

"If the genetic lock is not lifted, you will not be able to promote the second-order gene." The sea emperor gave an affirmative answer, "However, the person who has the genetic lock inborn will gain 100% of the ability once the gene is unlocked, and the obtained Ability will be very strong. "

"I don't want to do so much, exercise early, and then go to breakfast." Guding got up from the bed, morning running is an item he has to do every day, although with his current cell strength, this kind of exercise has little effect , But it is also a good habit. And this habit was forced by the old father.

Walked out and trot around, the voice of the sea emperor suddenly sounded, "Guding, that morning news is true!"

"Which news?" Gu Ding asked casually.

"In the news of the visit of the Philippine Charm Kingdom, the Dragon prince has just issued a statement that the Philippine Charm Universe officially opened the interstellar route to the Dragon Temporary Universe." The sea emperor's voice carried a trace of excitement.

"That is to say, in the future, Dragon's interstellar pirates do not have to bypass the three Samsung universes and a four-star universe ~ ~ can they directly enter the universe sea through the five-star route of the Philippine universe?" Guding heard his eyes. Shining, "I decided, I want to buy a young eagle, start now!"

"You don't seem to have graduated yet?" The sea emperor reminded him that Guding seemed to forget something.

"Well, I will go through the drop-out procedures later." Guding gave an amazing reply without hesitation. "Actually, the course at the Military Academy is basically over. I graduated with credits half a year ago. And I did n’t plan to go to the Higher Military Academy. It does n’t matter whether I get the diploma or not. If the new route is not opened, It ’s okay to depart a few months later. Anyway, many people have already traveled on the road ahead. But now that the new route is open, I want to leave as soon as possible to explore this new route that no one has traveled. Behind others! "

(Uh, it's too late to update ... This chapter is a chapter of the past and the next. I wrote a lot of thoughts, and it's a bit of cavin. Let me talk in advance. Some friends come to play on the weekend, and the update time is estimated to be released. It's evening. For the inconvenience caused to everyone, I will use Gauguin to express my apologies next week. There will be at least 16 chapter updates next week. If there are any changes on the weekend, they will be corrected on the basis of the next week. I just saw the lonely giant also rewarded it. The network circle is really not big, but as a small street, most of the friends in the circle are only friends, and there are not many friends who have actually met and have dinner together. Ju is just one. Others are very nice. I introduced you to the Beacon Giant and Broken Bridge Giant. You should have heard the "Endless Sword Costume" he wrote. Well, and he also recently opened the new book "Kuangshi Yaoshi". Readers who like fantasy must not be missed ~~)

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