The Highest Bounty

Chapter 46: Grey Eagle Cruiser

On the way, the two were relatively smooth. Although they were attacked by some monsters on the way, they were only first-order genes and were easily solved by Guding.

Although Guding was not completely healed, still carrying Liliat, he rushed to the shipyard before dark.

The moment I saw the shipyard, Gooding still felt the shock.

The area of ​​this shipyard is too big to see. There are hundreds of aircrafts of various styles on the large square. However, most of them have been damaged so that they are slightly better, and there are obviously traces of strong impact.

Square, there are a few monsters bigger than the previous giant monster walking around, from time to time patting on some spaceships beside him. Some are like playing, some are like venting. But the strange thing is that there is no fighting between them.

Guding lowered his body and hid Liliat behind the back of a spaceship. The location of the two of them was on the edge of the square, far away from the location of several giant beasts.

"It's still not safe enough here," Liliat said with a low voice, worried.

"I know, we have to find a place where we can spend this evening safely." Guding nodded and also lowered his voice.

The voice of the sea emperor soon came, "Although my detection range is only 100 meters, through your visual inspection, I can estimate the trajectory of the monsters. There are five in this square, which completely blocked the shipyard. The door. Once one of them is provoked, the other four will surely come around. There is no fighting between them, and they are not chasing other monsters. The only explanation is that a monster stronger than them stops them. And ordered them to guard here. This also shows that the guy hiding behind the scenes has evolved quite powerful intelligence. "

"The video surveillance in the shipyard has been completely damaged, but the guy is not smart enough to turn off the fire monitoring. I can still see its movement through the fire monitoring." When talking about this, the sea emperor's tone suddenly became serious. , "I can only make a rough judgment by observing the strength of this guy, but the result of my judgment is that it is at least comparable to the sixth-order gene. If you and this little girl are found, your survival rate is 0. . "

"That monster occupies the shipyard, and sent so many monsters to stay here, don't you want to leave this planet?" Gooding made a terrible guess, he entered this sentence into the watch in his hand.

"From the data I have detected so far, this is indeed the case. It is repairing a huge spaceship. It may be that they want to take these big guys together." The sea emperor said, passing in a picture.

Looking at the picture, Guding was a bit dull. The spaceship in the picture is no longer an ordinary civilian spaceship, but an assault cruise ship.

Assault ships are graded with raptors, from low to high, including chicks, purple swallows, black crows, grey eagles, white falcons, silver eagles, golden eagles, jupeng, and phoenix.

Guding's previous purchase of the young eagle is a branch of the young bird-class spaceship, which is regarded as an assault class, in fact, there is not much attack power. The huge airship in the picture is already a very aggressive Griffon-class spaceship. The spaceships that reach the Griffin level are extremely destructive, and can easily destroy a city with a population of tens of millions.

Guding, who had learned the battleship command course in the Military Academy, could see the quality of this spaceship at a glance. After staring at the picture for a while, he suddenly found an anomaly. "How come an extra muzzle? Is it added by itself?"

"Yes, it's an antimatter gun. This guy was probably a highly intelligent weapon engineer before being infected with the virus. This gun was added by himself, even the antimatter reactor has been installed." All the data hidden by the other party on the Internet have been scanned, and he probably knows the whole process of repairing this spaceship.

"In this case, the attack power of this spaceship even surpasses the level of the Kestrel. The attack of the antimatter cannon can easily destroy a country on a planet that covers an area of ​​millions of square kilometers. It seems that he is not only a scientific madman, but also A war madman. "Guding frowned," This spaceship must not let him go, either destroy it, or we **** it away. "

"Are you crazy ?!" The Sea Emperor felt that Guding didn't seem to realize his situation. "If you are found, you will definitely be killed, and even the little girl will be buried with you."

"Of course not now," Guding seems to have made up his mind, "You help me see, which one of the nearby spacecraft has good internal shielding ability? Can isolate the change of energy fluctuation."

"Do you want to advance in such a dangerous place?" The sea emperor heard Guding's question and guessed his thoughts.

"Is there a safe place on this planet?" Gooding asked rhetorically.

The sea emperor originally wanted to refute, saying that the previous volcano was a safe place, but thinking about it also made the argument meaningless.

Guding has come here, it is not difficult to secretly want to leave. It is enough to find a spaceship that has not suffered too much damage to the power system and still has energy left to open the energy shield. Sneaking in, turning on the energy shield, and then turning on the power equipment. Even if it is attacked by several monsters, it is enough that the shield can hold the spacecraft to take off. But Gooding made another choice, which made the sea emperor speechless.

The sea emperor quickly explored all the spaceships on the square. He was shocked to find that the power systems of all the spaceships above the square had been destroyed, and no spaceship could take off. In other words, the only way Guding wants to leave without rescue is to seize the great ship of the Griffon class.

"In the direction of eleven o'clock, the black spaceship at a distance of 120 meters, the shielding system is complete, and there is an energy shield with remaining energy for about two hours ~ ~ The sea emperor will detect The result informed Guding, "Follow my instructions and move to the left below the next ship ..."

Gooding picked up Liliat again, the cat leaned over and moved towards the left ...

This distance of 120 meters, Gu Ding stopped walking, it took more than ten minutes to arrive.

After secretly climbing on the spaceship, Gooding fled to the cabin where Liliat was carrying.

The sea emperor has taken control of the rest of the spacecraft, only to hear a slight click, the cabin door opens, and almost at the same time a giant beast looks in this direction.

Gudin carrying Liliat rushed in immediately, and the door closed instantly. Although the giant beast heard the sound, he could only determine the general direction and did not know the specific location. It walked towards the source of the sound ...

(Seeing the suggestions of the brothers in the book review area, this chapter classifies the battleships, borrowed a little bit from the EVE settings, and slightly changed it. There is one more thing, to thank everyone, it rushed unexpectedly today The new book list on the homepage. When I read it in the morning, it was still ranked fifteen. I thought that there was no hope of being on the list this week. I just saw that it was eleventh. I looked at the people behind me. Only one was in front of me in the morning It stands to reason that it should be the fourteenth, it is estimated that there are three new books in the previous period, so I am lucky to be on the list. Well, thank you for every click, every recommendation ticket, and every collection. I hope you can continue to support. Also, thank you comrades who have passed the new book period, thank you for giving up your position. Well, that ’s it, good night everyone.)

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