The Highest Bounty

Chapter 58: Neptune, did I win?

Under the cloud of dust, a young man's voice sounded, and a weak feeling was revealed in his voice, "Haihuang, did I win?"

Guding lay on the ground, his body could no longer move, and almost all his cells were necrotic. Even the regenerative ability cannot repair this level of damage at all.

Looking at Guding's weakness, the sea emperor knows that if he is not effectively treated within half an hour, Guding is likely to completely lose his vitality. He was silent for a moment, then replied in a calm voice, "Yes, you won."

"How about Lily? Is she still alive?" Guding then asked, if he had killed the guy's body, the avatar that Lily encountered should also disappear, then Lily should be safe, but she didn't know she had Did not sustain this time.

"She is still alive, but ... although you won, the guy infected with the virus should not be dead, his avatar is still fighting Liliat." The sea emperor explained, "This forest There is no monitoring equipment in it, and I ca n’t see what he is now. But according to the intensity of your attack just now, even if he is not dead, he will definitely only be more seriously injured than you. "

"Although it's just a doppelganger, can Lily handle it?" Guding looked worried.

"You don't have to worry about her. I have been following her battle through her watch. She has handled it well. She has found the other party's weaknesses, and the battle should be resolved soon." Haihuang explained Finally, Guding was relieved.

"If you really become an interstellar pirate, you will recruit a lot of partners in the future. You can't protect everyone because you only have one person." The sea emperor feels that Guding's character is not suitable for becoming a Interstellar pirate.

"My partner, I'm not going to guard, who will go?" Guding grinned, even with such slight movements, he felt a pain in his body. Feeling this pain, Gooding seemed to realize what was happening, "Emperor, you tell me, am I about to die?"

The sea emperor was silent for a moment, and did not answer this question positively, "60% of the cells in your body are already necrotic, and the regeneration ability has no effect ... I have already told you not to use the limit The seventh layer of physical skill, you idiot just do n’t listen. Many times in battle, you need to use your brain, not brute force ... "

Listening to the apprehension of the sea emperor, Guding just smiled. Although the sea emperor did not answer positively, he already knew the answer. "Anyway, I am considered an official interstellar pirate. Although there is no reward yet, my pirate group already has another member. It's a pity that I haven't entered the universe ... . "

"Who said there is only one member, and I am clearly a member too?" The sea emperor was silent for a moment, interrupting the road. "Although I am super intelligent, and you human beings belong to different forms of life, you ignore me directly, I can go to the federal government to sue you for racial discrimination ... "

"After Lily comes over, if she sees my body and tells her not to cry, I am most afraid of seeing the girl cry." Gu Ding still smiled. "You also follow Lily to leave here, although Lili sometimes has a little temper, But overall, it is still a reliable partner ... "

Guding's voice is getting smaller and smaller, until the end, there is no sound at all.

"Guding, wake up, don't fall asleep!" The sea emperor knew that once Guding fell asleep, I am afraid it would be forever.

But Guding's eyelids were still drooping heavily, falling into a deep sleep.


In the shipyard, the battle of Liliat started a new round.

Kep's doppelganger has also been recondensed and formed at this moment, but he dare not easily do it, because he does not know how many flash bombs Liliat has in his hand. Every time he is dispelled, it brings extreme pain, and every time he is re-condensed, his strength will be weakened. He began to attack the opponent ’s confidence in words, "Do you think this kind of flash bomb is useful to me? This kind of thing can only expel me temporarily, and within a minute, I can re-condense and shape. Everything you do All efforts are futile. "

"If it really has no effect on you, would you still waste time telling me so much nonsense?" Liliat remembers the weakness of the shadow avatar very well. Every time they are evicted, their strength will be weakened. The other party refused to attack directly, apparently he was afraid of the flash bomb in his hand.

"I don't know what happened to Guding, the body is definitely more difficult than this avatar." Liliat also worried about Guding's situation.

At this moment, there was a voice in her ear, "Liliat, I am the sea emperor and a friend of Gooding. His situation is very dangerous now. If I can, I hope you can solve the battle as soon as possible. A map will be sent to you later, please rush to the location marked on the map as soon as possible. "

Hearing the voice of a little boy, anxiety was revealed in the voice, and Liliat believed it without much thought. As for how the other party connected to her communicator, she did not think about it, although she had set up to automatically block all messages.

Liliat soon had a countermeasure in her mind. The firearm in her hand changed shape again and became a submachine gun, and she quickly changed into the magazine. Sight locked on the position of Kepu's doppelganger, and began to shoot wildly.

Kep ’s doppelgangers dodge again and again. For him, this bullet ca n’t cause damage, but it still hurts to hit him, so he has been dodge, wanting to avoid these bullet attacks. But where he fled, the bullet went wherever he went, which made him annoyed.

After about two or three minutes, his discomfort broke out completely. The opponent's strength is obviously not as strong as himself, and these bullets have not much effect on themselves, but they feel very embarrassed when they are hit. Basically, he has been in a state of being suppressed.

As soon as this displeasure broke out, he could not care about the lessons of the previous flash bomb, and he guessed that Liliat might not have a second flash bomb.

A few steps left and right ~ ~ He immediately turned around and rushed towards Guding's position again. This time, he moved faster, deceived himself, and grabbed Liliat's throat again.

"I warn you, I will surely squeeze your neck by the previous method," Kepu's avatar threatened.

"Is it?" Liliat suddenly raised her head, a pair of pupils instantly turned into a golden color, and the mental power in her brain madly rushed out from the golden eyes, directly hit the other person's mind.

After the spirit attacked into the other party's mind, it was like tearing up everything like crazy.

"What are you doing?" Feeling that the consciousness was attacked, Kepp's avatar shuddered, and he immediately realized what Liliat wanted to do. Preparing to forcefully break Liliat's neck, Liliat's eyes flashed again, and the sharp pain in Kepu's brain came again. Then the third blow and the fourth blow continued to hit.

"Ah ..." Kepp's avatar tossed Liliat aside and rolled his head crazy on the ground with his head covered.

Liliat has so far issued six attacks. As she became more familiar with this type of attack, her attack became stronger, and her golden eyes sparkled in the dark room.

After the eighth wave of mental attack, Kepu's avatar rolling on the ground finally dispersed completely.

(I will change it for the time being and make it up tomorrow. I have already thought about the ending of this part very early, but I still hope that I can write more brilliantly in some details. It takes a little more time.)

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