The Highest Bounty

Chapter 65: New crisis

The unique astronomical location of Feng Yuanxing near the gray star field makes it a popular place for a large number of biological researchers and pharmacists. Where there is a pharmacist, it means a lot of wealth.

Of course, few people now know that it is because of its location that it is almost inaccessible before it is officially included by the federal government. Because everyone is worried, what if the virus of the gray star field expands and infects this planet?

But thankfully, this kind of thing did not happen. Feng Yuanxing has been a prosperous planet in only a few years since it was incorporated by the federal government. Up to now, the population has already exceeded 30 billion.

The port of Fengyuanxing has always been one of the most prosperous interstellar ports in Tianhe Starfield. The protection of port ships and ships from the infringement of any other forces is a guarantee that the Federal Government ’s Fengyuanxing Branch must guarantee.

For the rulers of a planet, they welcome any visitors who have the ability to consume, regardless of whether the other party's identity is an interstellar pirate, an interstellar hunter, or even a person in the dark magic domain. They have only one request for these visitors, and don't make trouble within their jurisdiction.

But the military and political departments are completely different departments. They are mainly responsible for hunting down fugitives on wanted orders, sending them to prison, and punishing them if necessary.

The responsibilities of the two different departments will of course be contradictory.

Military personnel often see interplanetary pirate ships on ports on various planets, but due to permission issues, they cannot directly detain ships, and even touch is in violation of federal law. The only way for them to hunt down wanted criminals is to catch the reward criminal himself.

However, if the reward criminal is hiding under the shelter of some other forces, the military personnel must have some scruples.

And the Alliance of Medicine Gods is undoubtedly a huge organization that is very scrupulous for the federal government and the military department.

In fact, there are quite a few offenders in the Alliance of Medicine Gods.

Because almost every mature interstellar pirate team, there must be at least one pharmacist. Otherwise, just buying the finished medicine, I am afraid that less than a third of the new route, the entire pirate group will go bankrupt.

No one is willing to offend the Pharmacist Union, because once the entire Union joins the refinery factory to strike, the entire Dragon universe, I am afraid that within a month, will die trillions of people due to various diseases. The Federal Government cannot afford this consequence, and the Military Department cannot afford it.

Moreover, in order to cultivate soldiers, the military department also has a lot of cooperation with the Medicine God Alliance.

Therefore, once a fugitive escapes into the refuge of the Medicine God Alliance, they can only choose to ignore the existence of the fugitive.

And Guding and Liliat are enjoying this state now, the two have been shopping in the market and exchange near the medicine **** alliance for one morning.

Although some military personnel were glaring at the two, they were only glaring and did not take any action. Liliat occasionally makes a provocative grimace, and those in the military department can only choose to ignore it and turn his face to the side.

Liliat bought a lot of things along the way. Most of the things were not practical for Guding. Even some things Liliat bought did not know the purpose at all. For this behavior, Guding can only sigh in his heart, "Daddy is right, the woman's mind is very difficult to understand."

Of course, Liliat's behavior also made Guding want to know how big her storage space is.

After obtaining the Kepu watch, the Emperor helped Guding to transfer all useful things into the storage space of Guding, and also merged the storage space of Kepu watch into the space of Guding. The storage space has expanded to more than 120 cubic meters. But Gooding knew very well that Liliat's storage space was at least 500 cubic meters, because Liliat easily put the body of a giant beast before. The giant beast is 20 meters high, and its total body volume is at least 400 cubic meters.

"Let's go shopping after lunch." Although Guding is not tired, he always feels that it is a good choice to have a meal and rest for a while.

"Okay," though Liliat hadn't visited enough, she and Guding ate compressed food for several days. On the two days, she had a variety of foods on Fengyuanxing. Can't refuse.

The two were preparing to walk towards a nearby food shop, but Gu Ding saw a familiar car coming over.

"Larry, why are you here?" Gooding recognized at a glance that it was Larry's car.

"Get in the car, I will take you to the port now, you must leave Fengyuanxing as soon as possible!" Larry's expression looked very anxious.

"What happened?" Gooding remembered that he had decided to let Larry wait for tomorrow.

"There was an interstellar hunter who went to the port early this morning to hear from you. Uncle Bobby said that the guy was Ter, a sixth-order gene, and he was very powerful. It is said that he had captured a bounty before. Hundreds of millions of interstellar pirates. He also has a nickname, you may have heard it, called the Ripper. "

"Oh, I heard this guy, a notorious interstellar hunter. After catching the interstellar pirate ~ ~ he likes to use brute force to break the bones of the opponent, and torture it before giving it to the federal government. "Guding is no stranger to this well-known interstellar hunter in the Tianhe Starfield." However, his target is generally someone with a reward of more than 50 million stars, how can he stare at me? Are you mistaken? Alright? "

"Yes, Uncle Bobby said that there is a rich guy who wants to buy your Griffon spaceship. Once you are arrested and confirmed the crime, your ownership of the spaceship will be levied by the federal government, and the federal government will The spaceship conducts an open auction. The rich man, who has a relationship within the federal government, can take the internal process to get the spaceship in hand, provided that you are sent to a federal prison. You are now sheltered by the League of Medicinal Gods, and the military department has no way to be here It ’s up to you, but the Star Hunters are all independent individuals, and they only need to be responsible for their actions. So Tell ’s hands, the asylum of the Apocalypse Alliance is invalid. Uncle Bobby said, look at the look of the guy in Tell ’s excitement, I knew that this time I did n’t undercharge the rich businessman ’s employment fees. "

"I got it," Guding grinned and said, "Larry, Lily and I are not going to leave tomorrow, we will start the day after tomorrow."

"But ..." Larry wanted to say something but was interrupted by Gooding.

"The last ability evolution made me stronger again. I don't know if I can win this battle with the real sixth-order gene warrior." Guding was obviously looking forward to this battle.

(Thanks to the praise of the students of the praises, I touched my head ~ I just found that it seems to have been clicked, it is estimated that everyone is too hard, let the background staff think that the data is abnormal ... Fortunately, the member clicks have not been deducted. Small Say a little, ask for some recommendation tickets to comfort ~~)

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