Looking at the group friends in the chat group brushing the screen again and Jiang Li’s silence again.

Gu Changsheng didn’t have any expression.

He really wasn’t pretending, he was just stating the facts.

The realm introduced by Jiang Li is actually very easy to understand, let’s take the setting of the flood world as an example.

If, if, every other time, the Flood Barren Heavenly Dao will descend the immeasurable calamity of the world, destroy the entire Flood Barren creatures, and let all living beings reopen.

In this realm of the same life of heaven and earth, it is difficult to escape its doom, and it will perish with heaven and earth.

Only the realm of reincarnation can resist the Heavenly Dao Tribulation, have the power to compete with the Heavenly Dao, and even become stronger and stronger in baptism after baptism.

But the two are not one level after all.

Even if it is just that the Heavenly Dao in the ordinary flood wilderness wants to kill a strong person with the same life as heaven and earth, there is no need to lower the amount of calamity so trouble, and it will directly kill you.

There is no need to erase regularly, there is one to count one, and it will be cleaned up for you every day!

In this way, the reincarnation realm can fight a little.

So he said that the realm of reincarnation is okay.

That makes sense, right?

Here, the video uploaded by Emperor Jiang Li is still playing.

Although I don’t know what Jiang Li’s expression is now when he hears Gu Changsheng’s evaluation, he is still uncomfortable in the video, and he explains the cultivation system of the Star River Emperor World in detail.

“The power of the strongest person in reincarnation is 1 reincarnation, that is, the power of one reincarnation, but Wu Wu has no first, 1 reincarnation can only be said to be a beginning, just beginning, and further up, there are 10 reincarnations, 100 reincarnation power…”

“These existences are all in chaos, and outside the chaos, there are countless powerful existences, the power is unrememberable, almost tens of thousands of reincarnations, hundreds of thousands, millions of reincarnations…”

“The number of reincarnations represents the gap between the reincarnation realms, and the gap is subdivided into great energy levels, hundreds of thousands of reincarnation levels, millions of reincarnation levels, hegemonic levels, giant levels…”

“Great energy level, with tens of thousands of reincarnation cultivation, representative figures, talisman beasts, you beasts.”

“Hundreds of thousands of reincarnation levels, with hundreds of thousands of reincarnation cultivations, representative figures, colorful eyeballs, gray eyeballs, with hundreds of thousands of reincarnation cultivation.”

“Million reincarnation level, with more than a million reincarnation cultivation, representative figure, the axe of the avenue, and the blood basin mouth.”

“Hegemonic level, with millions of reincarnation cultivation behavior, representative figures, Xuantian Divine Halberd, Passing Divine Bead, Jade Ruyi, Guqin.”

“Giant level, with more than 100 million reincarnation cultivation, representative figures, chaos, infinite gate, three giants of the Eternal River, and the newly promoted fourth giant of Vientiane City.”

“Above the giant level, there is also the prison core, and the strength of the prison core far exceeds the three giant levels.”

“Above the core of the prison, is the prison body, the prison body has the strongest power in the world of the Star River Emperor, has the power of infinite reincarnation, and is only one step away from detachment.”

With Jiang Li’s explanation in the video, the chat group was not calm again.

Su Xiaoyu: “Shhh!! The strongest reincarnation with the power of one reincarnation can wipe out the heaven and earth with one thought, what about ten reincarnations, hundreds of reincarnations? ”

Su Xiaoyu: “Not to mention, those hegemon-level, giant-level figures, IMHO, I can’t imagine how strong they are!” ”

Immortal King An Lan: “The power level of tens of thousands of reincarnations, the hegemonic level of millions of reincarnations, this is also too mysterious, I can’t imagine how powerful these existences are!” ”

Emperor Ye Tian: “One realm can be subdivided into so many small realms, and the strength of these small realms can be used as a large realm alone, which is outrageous!” ”

Immortal Qin Shi Huang: “Hundreds of thousands of reincarnations are enough, but a giant-level figure with hundreds of millions of reincarnation powers, what is that concept?” My brain is buzzing a bit now! ”

Seeing that everyone in the group was discussing, only Tang San was silent.

Silence, silence is the bright moonlit night of the twenty-four bridges hanging from his waist.


He wondered.

Can it be a little more outrageous?

Can you be a little more perverted?

This time.

Tang San was completely silent, and in addition to being silent, his face became more and more ugly, and even his clenched fingers became more and more pale.

The more terrifying the Star River Emperor World became, the more precarious his situation became.

Last time, Jiang Li saw the face of the group leader and let him go.

But a strong man from this kind of world may strike at any time to obliterate his plane, and even, God does not know, ghost does not know…

He believed that Jiang Li definitely had such means.


Tang San broke out in a cold sweat.


At this time, Ye Hei asked.

Emperor Ye Tian: “What is this prison you are talking about?” ”

He could understand the hegemonic level with millions of reincarnation power and the giant level with hundreds of millions of reincarnation powers.

But Jiang Li just said that above the hegemonic level and the giant level, there is also the core of the prison and the prison body.

What the hell is this prison?

As soon as these words came out, it also aroused the curiosity of others.

Prison, this does not sound like a realm title.

Jiang Li quickly replied in the group.

Emperor Jiang Li: “This prison is a bit complicated to say. ”

Emperor Jiang Li: “However, I have long been prepared, or that sentence, watch the video!” ”

Of course, Jiang Li also thought that someone in the group would ask this question, so naturally he also edited this part of the content into the video.

And with the introduction of the realm almost the same, it is also the turn of this part of the content to play.

With the guidance of Jiang Li’s words, everyone’s attention target was also put back into the video picture.

Under everyone’s attention, I only listened to Jiang Li slowly speaking…

“I started living on Earth, which is part of the solar system, which in turn is part of the Milky Way.”

“And the Milky Way is a small part of the universe.”

“But in the final analysis, whether it is the earth, the solar system, the Milky Way, or even the entire universe, they all belong to a very small and tiny part of the three-dimensional universe.”

“The three-dimensional universe is vast and boundless, including the immeasurable universe and the Hengsha Universe.”

“The endless universe is like gathering sand into a tower, building a big universe of the three-dimensional universe!”

“These endless universes are actually the heavens and realms, and the heavens and realms are contained in the three-dimensional universe, and this ten thousand is not only one world, but contains endless meaning!”

“It can be said that the three-dimensional universe is an infinite world!”

With Jiang Li’s explanation in the video, I don’t know how long it was, the entire chat group fell into silence!

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