Immortal King An Lan: “The foolish are ignorant, I am in the supreme world, I am not something you can afford to offend.” ”

As soon as these words fell, the low-level members in the group did not dare to come out.

No way, the big guy’s aura is too strong.

The average person does not dare to get close at all.

At this time, only the attitude of the newcomers has not changed a bit.

The one who is assertive for eternity: “Hehe, what a big joke!” ”

The one who is assertive for eternity: “I am afraid that you have said the opposite!” ”

Immortal King An Lan: “? ”

The one who is dictatory: “? ”

Su Xiaoyu [Low-level World]: “Immortal King An Lan, in other words, is An Lan big guy going to upload a video?” Then I’m looking forward to it! ”

Seeing that the two looked like they were about to pinch up, Su Xiaoyu came out at the right time to change the topic.

The effect was also immediate, and the group brushed the screen at once.

Sword Immortal Li Hanyi: “Looking forward to +1!” ”

Xiao Huohuo: “I’m the first to look forward to, watch the video from the front row!” ”

Dominating the world: “The big guy wants to upload a video, how can he be without me, strong onlookers!” ”

Chen Beixuan: “I want to see +1!” ”

Immortal Qin Shi Huang: “Listen to you blow your exotic army ears are calloused, to be honest, Xu is also very curious about your world, hurry up!” ”

Jiang Li Emperor [Supreme World]: “Curious +1, don’t make a noise next, watch the video well.” ”

Tang San [Low-level World]: “Sit and wait for the big guy to hit the newcomer in the face!” ”

One yard to one yard.

Although there is some discord between the newcomer and An Lan, it does not affect their expectation of An Lan’s video.

After all, judging from the usual speech, An Lan’s plane seems to be a supreme world!

Even Tang San couldn’t help but come out and speak.

He also wanted to see this awesome newcomer, and after seeing An Lan’s world, he turned on the humble mode of only promises.

This is simply the same as when he first entered the group, he was arrogant and ignorant.

As long as this man attracts enough hatred to replace him as the new clown, he doesn’t have to endure being ridiculed every day.

Feel the enthusiasm of the crowd.

An Lan smiled, because the haze generated by the newcomer also dissipated a little.

For his level, collecting information and sorting out materials is just a matter of thought, and making a video does not take more than 19 less effort.


A prompt pops up in the group.

“Ding! Immortal King An Lan uploaded a video! ”

“Please click to view!”

Almost the moment An Lan uploaded the video, in the chat group, down to the low-level plane members, up to the high-plane members, all clicked in.

A video title that is surrounded by chaos, as if containing the supreme law, comes into view.

Perfect big world!

This shocked everyone in the crowd.

What kind of world can be called perfect?


Sounds extraordinary!

This title alone has a trace of the breath of the supreme world coming to the face, which is very shocking.

As the title of the video slowly dissipated, the rumbling divine sound was like thunder, echoing in ten days and nine places, shaking the heavens and domains.

“The peak of the immortals, proud of the world, with me Anlan there will be heaven”

“Red Blade Spear, Immortal Shield, Kill the Immortal King for Nine Days”

In the boundless starry sky, a figure slowly walked out.

This figure is incomparably tall, standing up to the heavens and the earth, as if he wants to fill the heavens and the earth.

Countless chaotic qi, the Great Avenue symbol fell from his side, shaking the heavens.

In his left hand, he holds a golden war spear, and in his right hand is an ancient shield.

Above the war spear, a fighting intent rose up into the sky, tearing apart the great universe.

Above the shield, there is an ancient aura.

On his body, he was wearing a gold armor.

Countless avenue runes were inscribed on the battle armor, and the light emitted was like billions of rounds of scorching sun!

Dazzling, An Lan’s true body is extremely dazzling!

The brilliant golden fairy light blows the vast starry sky, stunning the ancient and modern future, so brilliant that it is impossible to look directly, even through the video, you can feel the invincible aura that sweeps everything and gives up others.

There is no true face, only fairy light is eternal!

This forced appearance made the low-level gods in the group very shocked.

Xiao Huohuo: “Shhh! Is this the true body of An Lan Guy? That’s pretty handsome! ”

Dominating the world: “If you, like me, find this way of appearing shocking yuppie, then I think this matter… Thai pants are spicy!!! ”

Sword Immortal Li Hanyi: “It’s too flashy and flashy, I can’t look directly at it, and the humble group members are not even qualified to see the true face of the big guy!” ”

Chen Beixuan: “Good fellow, you know how to pretend, when I was cultivating the True Realm for the Beixuan Immortal Venerable, I showed my face, and I didn’t pretend like you!” ”

Immortal Qin Shi Huang: “Hey, are you here to introduce your own world, or are you here to pretend?” ”

Jiang Li Emperor [Supreme World]: “Let you introduce the world, and pretend to be forced without letting you come up!” ”

Ye Tiandi [Supreme World]: “I originally thought that the opening scene of the video I uploaded was already very pretend, but I didn’t expect that you could pretend more than me!” ”


An Lan’s wave of operations can be said to be filling the waterfall with a cup and directly filling.

Let the members of the supreme plane can’t help but speak.

And looking at the reaction of the group, An Lan was very satisfied.

The main thing is a high-end!

The main thing is a forced frame!

Shock it.

Creatures of the lower world.

Among the low-level plane members, compared to the praise of others, Su Xiaoyu did not echo.

Because she knew that if she ran out to praise An Lan now, she would undoubtedly offend another big guy.

Can’t afford to mess with, can’t afford to mess with, just when I don’t exist!!

I’m a little transparent !!!

Sure enough, at this time, a discordant news appeared in the group.

The one who asserts himself for eternity: “Hehe, that is, you appear in the video, if you dare to appear in front of me…”

This revealed words full of disdain, making everyone call the good guy again.

This newcomer is really fierce.

No matter what time, don’t forget to put your face to the output.

Seeing these words, An Lan’s face sank.

Immediately, send a message back.

But Anlan thought about it.

When did the words of the ants also deserve to be so much of his attention?

There are countless mortals in the Nether, if these mortals all speak ill of him, will he have to be killed one by one?

So, An Lan dismissed the idea of going back.

Pair up with unknown ants in the group, what a loss.

It is better to prove with practical actions and let the other party know what kind of world they live in and what status they have in this world.

At that time, the fear of the other party will arise on its own.

At that time, there is no need for him to make a move, and the rest of the group will help him solve it.

The pride of the divine dragon never allowed himself to take care of the insects and ants on the ground.

Of course, this does not mean that being so hostile, An Lan will swallow his anger and not say anything.

Immortal King An Lan: “Huh. ”

See An Lan’s simple and neat response.

This made Xiao Huohuo, Xiongba and others feel convinced.

Is this the heart of the big guy?

I didn’t think about the newcomers.

In other words, they are probably already the keyboard to spray up.

Emotionally stable, not angry or irritable.

You say whatever you want, I’ll take care of myself.

This is the posture that a strong man should have!

At this time, in the video, An Lan’s voice sounded in vain, and her low and powerful voice suddenly pulled everyone’s attention back.

“A grass can cut the sun, moon, and stars.”

“A speck of dust can be reclaimed.”

“Rise together, thousands of races stand together, and the world is turned upside down at the snap of a finger.”

“The plane I am in is called Perfect World!”

Then, the screen turns.

In an instant, the entire background became extremely black, and five fingers could not be seen.

A little light appears, allowing people to see the surrounding scenery, and it seems that they are in a mountain range that stretches for an unknown number of thousands of miles.

At a glance, you can’t see the edge.

There are only dense old forests, and rolling mountains.

Suddenly, in the midst of the mountains, there was a roar of a fierce beast, breaking this tranquility.

This roar shook the mountains and rivers, ten thousand trees trembled, and the chaotic leaves fell.

Even cracks appeared on many stones, and cracks appeared in the ground.

This roar was like turning on a switch.

I saw that among these mountains and ravines, all kinds of terrifying sounds rose and fell one after another in the darkness, and they wanted to split this heaven and earth.

A gust of wind blew through, and a huge dark cloud swept across the sky, covering the entire night sky and blocking the only bit of stars.

But when I looked closely, I found that it was not a dark cloud at all, but a giant bird.

The wings hang in the sky, I don’t know how many thousands of miles, directly obscuring the sky, making the sun and moon without light.

A fierce birdsong came from the high heavens, piercing the golden cracked stone.

The giant bird looked down, its two eyes like two rounds of blood moons, fierce and fierce. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

I saw it swooping down, setting off a gust of wind, countless trees were blown and boulders were shattered.

Like a black lightning bolt, he streaked through this primeval jungle.

In the next second, the giant bird rose into the air, and in his claws was a huge fierce tiger as large as a small mountain.

The bird’s claws were deeply embedded in the tiger’s head, cutting off the breath of the fierce tiger.

However, before the giant bird could fly far, he heard the earth suddenly tremble.

A blurry figure rushed from afar, actually as high as the mountains!

The terrifying aura emanated, the mountains were as silent as death, and the fierce birds and beasts were dormant, not daring to make a sound.

This is a giant ape, he walks upright, amazingly large, comparable in height to the mountains, hairless, and densely covered with golden scales, shining.

Its face is flat, with only one vertical eye, and the opening and closing are like a golden lightning bolt streaking, sharp and intimidating.

The whole flesh and qi are like a sea, like a god and demon!


The giant ape roared, and then directly rose to the ground to kill the giant bird that rose into the air at great speed.

The terrifying giant bird did not even have a chance to react and was directly smashed to death by this giant ape, and it was held in his hands.

The giant ape opened its blood basin and swallowed the giant bird directly into its abdomen.

Not far away, a ten-meter-long, bucket-thick, silver-shining centipede meandered through the mountains, like cast silver, each section shining and hideous.

Its faint gaze stared at the giant ape not far away, waiting for the opportunity, as if it could attack at any time.

In this place, prey and predators will attack and defend at any time.


Xiao Huohuo: “Shhh! The world of An Lan is inevitably too terrifying, I feel that I, the Dou Emperor, have parachuted into the past and will not live for a day! ”

Sword Immortal Li Hanyi: “Such a dangerous world, I don’t think it takes a day at all, I can lie down in a second!” ”

Sword Immortal Li Hanyi: “[Afraid of .jpg]”

Dominating the world: “Shock! I can’t even beat a snake in this world! ”

Chen Beixuan: “Ah this, I, Chen Beixuan, have acted in my life, and I may not dare to pretend to be forced in this world!” ”

Immortal Qin Shi Huang: “Be confident, don’t dare to remove it!” ”

Little Lord Luo Feng: “Is this the perfect big world?” It looks like a reckless era, and a flood breath comes to the face, which is really extraordinary. ”

Immortal Qin Shi Huang: “Well, just visually, there is something to eat.” ”

Jiang Li Emperor [Supreme World]: “Not bad.” ”

Tang San [Low-level World]: “Hundreds of millions of years of soul beasts walking everywhere, low-level plane creatures are inferior to dogs, is this the supreme world?” Terrifying!!! ”


Seeing the scene shown in the video, the members of the low plane were shocked.

Peeping leopard in the tube, visible spots.

This perfect big world where An Lan is located is also too terrifying.

Even the members of the Supreme World felt extraordinary and were amazed.

The beginning revealed something extraordinary, and it can be imagined that the starting point of cultivation in this world must be very high.

At this time, An Lan in the video spoke again.

“This is one of the scenes in the world I am in, the Eight Nether Domains.”

What the?

It’s actually just the Nether?!

The low-level creatures in the group were shocked again, full of incredulity and disbelief.


It’s the Nether!

Such a terrifying scene is actually only a part of the Nether Domain???

At this time, Anlan explained again in the video.

“Heaven and earth are yellow, and the universe is flooded.”

“This lower realm is subdivided into eight realms, which are the Heavenly Domain, the Region, the Xuan Domain, the Yu Domain, the Zeus Domain, the Flood Domain, and the Desolate Domain.”

“Therefore, it is called Nether Eight Domain 910.”

“The eight domains of the Nether Realm, each of which is vast and boundless, with countless ferocious beasts running rampant, and countless kingdoms standing in even a corner.”

“In any realm, if an ordinary cultivator simply flies without the help of a teleportation array or flying tools, it will take thousands of years to fly alone without any obstacles, even from the east to the southeast corner.”

“And across a domain, it takes 10,000 years, or even tens of thousands of years.”

“Therefore, most of the cultivators between heaven and earth have only lived in one domain all their lives, and have never gone out.”

With An Lan’s words, pictures appeared in the video.

In this picture is one of the eight domains.

This domain alone is vast.

Even hundreds of millions of miles can not describe its edge, a formation and fall is like dust and sand, and no trace can be found.

The heavens and the earth are vast, and all beings are insignificant.

The low-level creatures in the group, that is, Xiao Huohuo, Xiongba and the others were suddenly stunned.


Just any domain in this Nether Realm is already so huge.

How vast is the world?

In the picture, An Lan stands with his hands in his hands, like a round of divine sun breaking the sky, blooming with brilliant immortal radiance, still cheering and powerful.

“Above the eight lower realms, there are upper realms.”

“The upper realm is divided into three thousand Dao states, and even the tiny corner of the smallest Dao state, that is, the size of a grain of dust, is equivalent to the combination of eight domains.”

“And all of these three thousand prefectures add up, but it is only one of the nine heavens and ten lands, not bad, in addition to the three thousand prefectures, there are nine immeasurable heavens and ten immeasurable lands!”



Groove !!!

When these words came out, Xiao Huohuo and the others were stunned again.

Feeling the three views explode, the cognition was shocked again.

In their opinion, any domain of the Nether Eight Domains was already boundless.

At least when they go there, they are exhausted and spend a lifetime rushing, and they can’t get out of one of the domains.

As a result, the eight Nether Realms added together to be worth a speck of dust in the smallest Dao Prefecture of the Upper Realm Three Thousand Dao Prefectures.

It must be known that the entire three thousand prefectures added up is one place among the nine heavens and ten lands!

Above the eight domains of the Nether Realm are the three thousand Dao states of the upper realm, and they are just a speck of dust in the smallest Dao prefecture among the three thousand Dao states.

And above the three thousand prefectures, there is also a nine heavens and ten lands!

The entire three thousand prefectures added up, it is only one of the nine heavens and ten lands!

For a while, Xiao Huohuo and the others’ brains couldn’t turn around, and the brains were buzzing, except for the sleeping groove, only the lying groove remained.

How big is the perfect world?!

Not only Xiao Huohuo and the others, but also the Supreme World members in the group were shocked.

Immortal Qin Shi Huang: “Big, big finch food!” ”

Little Lord Luo Feng: “It turns out that the opening scene just now is just the tip of the iceberg?” The world of Taoist friends is so advanced! ”

Jiang Li Emperor [Supreme World]: “There is still something!” ”

Just when the crowd reacted differently, An Lan sounded again with a hint of pride.

“However, nine heavens and ten lands are not the whole of my realm.”

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