Chapter 122 Pack up the new ancient dust sand, the big guy begs for a cover, pretend, you continue to pretend!

Xiao Huohuo also can’t help it.

Although he has the heart to identify a high-level world.

But the truth is here, and he can’t help it.

The only thing that was a little uncomfortable was that that Gu Chensha actually voted for him to the supreme world.

It made him very uncomfortable.

This is not a good thing for him at all, isn’t it embarrassing to him?

But seeing Gu Chensha’s sincere appearance, this made Xiao Huohuo not know what to say for a while.

What else can I do, of course, forgive him!

Next, it came to Li Hanyi’s world.

Faced with the same three options, the members of the group also voted for themselves.

Dominating the world: “I still choose the No. 1, the low-level world.” ”

“As for the reason, everyone is a low-level world, and I feel that your world is not as good as mine.” Naturally, it is a low-level world. ”

Xiao Huohuo: “Me too, choose 1, the low-level world, your world is not as good as me, I must vote for you the low-level world.” ”

The reasons given by Xiao Huohuo are also very sufficient.

Seeing this, Li Hanyi was also difficult to say anything.

In fact, she also knows a lot about her own world.

No way, it’s too weak.

Hey, what can she say at this time?


Han ran away: “I choose the low-level world because this world is too weak. Both in terms of performance and longevity, it is too poor. ”

In the face of someone weaker than himself, Han Run’s attitude almost switched to the state of Li Feiyu, not as cautious as before, for fear of saying something wrong.

But Han Run’s attitude was not very bad, because he didn’t know what the background of these people was.

What if these guys have a strong backer?

It’s better to be careful.


Taikoo Forbidden God: “If nothing else, as a high-level world, the minimum standard “six four zero” allows you to meet the standard of life, your world, even the life of the strongest, is only a thousand years, it is too short, I can only choose the low-level world.” ”

Dugu Wutian also helplessly said that he really didn’t want to vote indiscriminately.

Whenever your world can reach the threshold of the advanced world, he will vote yes.

But none of the current three worlds can be related to the advanced world.

If nothing else, just a hundred years of life, you are also embarrassed to say your own advanced world.

The world of Xiao Huo Huo before has reached the standard in terms of lifespan.

But the combat effectiveness performance is too poor.

It’s a pity, it’s a pity.

This is not to mention Li Hanyi’s world.

The combat effectiveness is really too bad, and it is not as good as Xiao Huohuo’s world.

Where did my sheep go: “No, your world is too weak, I still choose 1, the lower world.” ”


Fried Sky Gang Xu Que: “Although I am very unhappy with this sheep herding, but this time he is right, it is really too weak, I choose 1, the low-level world.” ”


Next, everyone in this chat group also began to vote.

There is no surprise, both new and old members, basically voted for the lower world.

And the only exception was precisely that man.

Ancient dust sand.

Ancient Dust Sand still gave a ticket to a supreme world as always.

He wasn’t even willing to vote for the lower world.

He really, I cried to death!

Meng Xin Gu Dust: “I will definitely choose the third supreme world!” You look at this sword immortal, it’s all powerful! One sword down, sword qi crisscrossed! Heaven and earth have been cut open!!! ”


Li Hanyi was also speechless.

What is the situation of this ancient dust sand!?

Even Li Hanyi didn’t know what to say all of a sudden.

People are not spraying themselves, but praising themselves, and they are so sincere, which makes Li Hanyi embarrassed to refute him.

As for why they can feel sincere, self-heating is that the ancient dust sand itself is very sincere… Playing with them.

No way, Ancient Dust Sand is also a powerful existence in its own world.

The situation is similar to Gu Changsheng, so this chat group is also used for fun.

Meng Xin Gu Dust: “Don’t be discouraged, it’s okay, big guys, you are already very powerful.” ”

Gu Chensha was actually worried about An Lan and their self-isolation, and took the initiative to comfort them.

When Xiao Huohuo and the three of them saw Gu Chensha say this, they were immediately speechless, and only one person felt that their world was awesome.

I can only say that I never expected it.

This ancient dust sand is really a guy they don’t expect.

Could it be that this guy’s world is even lower than theirs?

Moreover, they also thought that in this group, they could still be called big guys.

In this way, the mood of some social death suddenly improved a lot.

Seems to feel good?

This also instantly attracted Tang San’s attention.

In Tang San’s opinion, this ancient dust sand actually went to please a few of them.

What does this mean?

It shows that his world is even lower than the world where Xiongba is located!!!

I didn’t expect ah, there is actually a lower world?!

Well, he is finally not at the bottom!

Tang San, who was peeping at the screen, could be said to be overjoyed.

He didn’t expect to encounter such a thing.

Although he didn’t want to admit it, he also knew how spicy his world was.

It’s great that someone is spicier than his world right now.

Thinking of this, Tang San’s heart was still a little excited.

In addition to mocking these people in the future, he can also mock another ancient dust.

This is so good!!

I’m finally out of the bottom of the chat group!

At this time, the identification results also came out.

Gu Changsheng glanced at the identification results.

Sure enough, the worlds of all three of them were identified as low-level worlds.

For this world, Gu Changsheng is not surprised at all.

They are still far from the standard of the advanced world.

Gu Changsheng naturally would not specifically change this result.

“The group members dominate the world where the world is located, and are identified as low-level worlds.”

“The world where the group member Sword Immortal Li Hanyi is located has been identified as a low-level world.”

“The world where the group member Xiao Huohuo is located has been identified as a low-level world.”

At this time, three group prompts jumped out.

The three heroes, who had been prepared for this, were expressionless.

At this time, they also received the contribution hall for uploading videos.

Among the three, it was Xiongba who gave the most contribution points, a full 7,000.

And like Li Hanyi and Xiao Huohuo, they only received 3,000 and 4,000 contribution points respectively.

In fact, under normal circumstances, Xiao Huohuo should have contributed the most points among the three people.

But there is still a hidden part behind the world of Xionghe, but he doesn’t know it.

In the identification just now, the system detected that the world of the hero was indeed the world of comics.

In this way, the world of dominance is a world with a big day, Nuwa, and even a time-traveling existence, which is naturally a little more advanced than Xiao Huohuo’s world.

At the same time, as the world was identified, the power of the three qi luck spread out from the void and fell into Gu Changsheng’s body.

Although the power of this luck is very rare, it is also victorious.

Gu Changsheng took a deep breath and absorbed the power of these qi luck, making his cultivation slightly improved.

Of course, while they received a small number of contribution points, the three of them were also restricted from speaking.

Seeing that the number of available chats today behind their nickname is 0/5, they are directly crying fainting in the toilet.

Is this what it feels like to be restricted from chatting?

It’s so uncomfortable.

Sure enough, this is the gap with the big guy, the big guy uploads the video, and the minute is the supreme certification.

They upload videos, but this is the B.

But no way, who makes their world a little too weak.

You can’t get the water group in the future, you have to rely on a small number of contribution points to exchange the number of speeches.

Thinking of this, they all feel that it is difficult to accept, and they must find some way to do it.

But right now, the three of them really can’t help.

There are very few things in their world that can be exchanged for contribution points.

Otherwise, they wouldn’t have taken such a risk to identify the world.

So, how is it possible to use contribution points for chat?

Hey, it seems that there will be less water in the future.

But before they could finish this thought, several group prompts appeared.

“Congratulations to the group members for dominating the world, 1,000 times, the number of chats.”

“Congratulations to the group member Sword Immortal Li Hanyi, who has obtained 1200 times and the number of chats.”

“Congratulations to group member Xiao Huohuo, who got 1,500 chats.”

What’s going on?!

Do you say…

The three of them were surprised, and they immediately thought of Su Xiaoyu’s example before. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Didn’t Su Xiaoyu also get the number of chats given by the administrator?

Could it be that they…

Originally, they were still thinking that they didn’t have the number of chats, and they couldn’t water in the future.

I didn’t expect so many more chats at once.

Originally, it was Ye Hei and other administrators who saw that these people were too pitiful, so they sent them red envelopes to increase the number of their speeches.

Otherwise, there will be three words missing in the group at once, I am afraid it will be much more boring.

Moreover, this will undoubtedly affect the enthusiasm of the lower world members to identify the world.

Some worlds are low-level, but they can give them a lot of inspiration, and they don’t want to miss it.

What’s more, for them, the administrators, the number of speeches is really worthless.

Because as administrators, they have a certain amount of credit for giving away chat every week.

Leaving it on yourself is also a waste, and it is now considered waste.

When the three of them saw the extra number of speeches they had at once, they were immediately ecstatic and expressed their gratitude.

Dominating the world [low-level world]: “Thank you guys!!!! ”

Sword Immortal Li Hanyi [Low World]: “Thank you!!! ”

Xiao Huohuo [Low World]: “The big guy is awesome!! Thanks thank you thank you!! ”

At the same time, the three of them are also a little sour in their hearts, this is the low-level world, only by relying on the alms of the big guys can they fool around in the group.

No matter where you are, you need strength!

Strength is the root of everything….

Thinking of this, Xiongba and the others couldn’t help sighing.

Meng Xin Gu Chensha: “Eh, this is not the number of chats, congratulations to the big guy!” ”

When Xiongba and the others heard this, they immediately became numb.

Why did you forget about this guy.

Why do you always come out at this time to make trouble.

Dominating the world [low-level world]: “Don’t don’t, don’t call me a big guy, I’m not a !!! ”

Sword Immortal Li Hanyi [Low-level World]: “That’s it, don’t shout!” I’m not a big guy! ”

Xiao Huohuo [Low World]: “I can’t afford the title of big guy, don’t shout.” ”

However, what they didn’t expect was that even though they had denied it so strongly, Gu Chensha still went his own way.

Meng Xin Gu Dust: “I can’t say that.” ”

Meng Xin Gu Chensha: “No matter what others say, you are all big guys in my mind!” ”

Meng Xin Gu Chensha: “My dream is to find a few big brothers to cover me, do a few big guys really not consider me?” ”

Seeing that this ancient dust and sand said so, this made the three of them feel complicated, and they couldn’t help but feel warm in their hearts.

In their eyes, this world of ancient dust and sand must be a world that is weak to the extreme.

Even a low-level plane like them is an extremely powerful world in the eyes of the other party.

Otherwise, they would not think that they would be big guys if they existed.

If Gu Chensha is really a big guy, there is no need to fool them so much.

And they can’t bring anything good to each other.

As the saying goes, as long as I am wasteful enough, then I am not afraid of being used by others!

No matter what, they felt that Gu Chensha had no reason to deceive them.

Because it doesn’t make sense.

No way, who let them ignore the most unlikely point.

It’s just having fun.

Maybe they haven’t seen such a boring powerhouse, right?

Oh no, they have seen it, that is Gu Changsheng.

It’s just that Gu Changsheng didn’t show it in front of him, and still maintained the mystery and indifference of the group leader.

Therefore, they didn’t know that this Gu Changsheng was actually here to have fun.

In this battle alone, these three people all felt that this little brother could deal with it, or not, right?

They’re also a little excited.

After all, they have been working as a little brother in the group before, and now there is an opportunity to accept the little brother, how can they let it go.

Or this “loyal” little brother.

To be honest, they were all moved.

Dominating the world [low-level world]: “Hey, since you said so, then in this group, I will cover you!” ”

Sword Immortal Li Hanyi [Low-level World]: “Count me in.” ”

Xiao Huohuo [Low World]: “+1, me too.” ”

Meng Xin Gu Dust: “Really?!!! Thank you guys for covering me!!! ”

Gu Chensha even hugged his thighs on the spot, not to mention how happy he was.

Of course, Gu Chensha is really happy.

Can you not be happy to have such fun?

Gu Changsheng didn’t care about him either.

As long as he doesn’t affect the operation of the chat group, he has fun.

He also happened to have fun and kill two birds with one stone.

Other unwitting melon-eating personnel are secretly surprised.

It seems that there is no lowest-level world, only a lower-level world, even the likes of Xiongba 5.3 are the thick thighs in the eyes of some cute newcomers, and their own world may also be strong in the eyes of others?

Tang San showed even more disdain when he saw this scene.

“Three smelly fish and rotten shrimp, and got together.”

“Hood man? Can you cover it? Who are you covering? ”

Douluo Xiaolu World, Tang San said with a look of disdain.

It’s just that three guys can cover people, really, why look for him?

I can cover you too!!

Why are you looking for these guys and not me?

It’s really a pity!!

In fact, Tang San also wanted to enjoy the feeling of being touted.

It’s a pity that reality doesn’t give a chance.

This newcomer, actually licking those useless guys, is really a waste!!!

How nice it would be to lick me.

Tang San laughed from time to time, and the times pondered.

The little dance on the side was shocked.

These days, the three of them always sit alone on themselves, laughing bitterly and laughing for a while.

What happened?

But the third brother never told her, which made her feel quite upset.

It’s the same today, just sitting there alone, giggling from time to time.


Thinking of this, Xiao Wu couldn’t help sighing.

On the other side, Su Xiaoyu looked at this magical scene, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Can’t help but secretly complain.

The big guys in this year, are they popular to pretend to be pigs and eat tigers?


You keep loading!

Others don’t know the world of ancient dust and sand, doesn’t she Su Xiaoyu know yet?

Thinking of the terrifying world of ancient dust sand, Su Xiaoyu couldn’t help but tremble.

Moreover, Su Xiaoyu knew that this was only part of what he knew.

But even so, it is already outrageously strong.

She couldn’t imagine what the real world behind this ancient dust and sand was like.

Hey, big guy, just be happy.

Su Xiaoyu secretly said in her heart.

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