Chapter 131 Qualification Division! Tenryu Heart Method! Give the group members a little supreme world shock!

Just when everyone sighed that this ancient dust and sand was too powerful, they found that this video was not over yet!?

This made everyone curious.

Next, what should Ancient Dust Sand introduce?

Or rather, there is something in his world that can make him treat it so solemnly.

The video continues.

In the video, Gu Chensha continued to introduce.

“My world divides the qualifications of different people into different levels.”

“They are, fool, slightly qualified, medium-qualified, superior qualification, genius, genius, born saint, son of destiny~. Beyond the Son of Destiny. ”

As soon as these words came out, everyone’s attention was focused.

Everyone wants to know what their qualifications are.

But there has been no such thing as a standard before.

Only know what genius to say and so on.

But what exactly counts as a genius, and what is the difference between geniuses.

There has been no one measure in it.

Well, now, it can be regarded as a unified standard, or a standard from the supreme world, which undoubtedly convinced everyone.

“Fool, this lowest talent.”

“Let this kind of person learn a set of basic boxing techniques, how can not learn, people will also be lazy, afraid of hardship, this is a matter of character, even if he is given pills, cut hair and wash the pith, and increase his strength, he will not achieve much.”

“Those who are a little better than fools are slightly qualified.”

“Learning boxing and reading books is much faster, and even some of the more esoteric martial arts can be practiced.”

“At the top, it’s a medium qualification.”

“The personality is a little smart. Even if he is born ordinary, he has an extraordinary aura, this kind of person can get ahead wherever he goes, he can show talent in reading, raise people in the middle, do business can become rich, practice martial arts can become a master, and even a grandmaster. ”

“Superior qualifications, these people are formed by the spiritual show of heaven and earth, and their tenacious personalities make people know at a glance that they are not idle, as long as they practice well, they will be able to achieve the Dao realm. Superior qualifications can cultivate at most the five transformations of the Dao Realm. ”

“Genius, just the so-called natural talent, wild and uninhibited, but amazing, no matter what line can be passed down through the ages, after the Immortal Dao Sect discovers this kind of person, it must be included in the sect, as long as it is slightly adjusted, the achievements are limitless.” A genius can cultivate up to eighteen transformation Dao Jindan. ”

“Wizards, this kind of person is rare to come out for hundreds of years, it must be earth-shattering, many powerful things cannot be described in words, the Immortal Dao Sect has searched hard, and may not be able to get one, this belongs to the unattainable, the reincarnation of the stars are it. The Wizards of the Globe have unleashed all their potential and can cultivate to the point of two warriors and seven transformations. ”

“Born saints, this kind of people are born to gather the fortunes of heaven and earth.”

“This kind of character, any martial arts can be learned as soon as it is learned, and it is refined as soon as it is learned, and it does not even need any study, and when he sees the flaws in the other party’s martial arts, he will be defeated with one blow. In addition, the same natural saints are also divided into three, six and nine. ”

“This kind of person is also very rare in our world, basically the most talented existence.”

“The son of Heavenly Destiny, who has the qualifications of a born saint and has obtained the approval of the Heavenly Sacrifice Rune, then he will transform into the son of Heavenly Destiny.”

“Outlier: In addition to qualifications, those who are not limited by qualifications to improve their cultivation are outliers.”

“The so-called outliers are all born after tomorrow, reversing the destiny of heaven, so that they are not bound by the qualifications of the destiny of heaven, break the limit, and make their skills and qualifications completely asymmetrical.”

“Such a person must have experienced countless sufferings and calamities, and finally realized the mysteries of heaven and earth, the mysteries of the universe, the vicissitudes of the world, the changes of the past, present, and future, and realized it in his heart. There will not be a few of them in the ancient world, and the anomalies that can break through the Mandate of Heaven are even rarer and more precious than innate saints. After becoming an “outlier”, it is even more terrifying, unacceptable to the way of heaven, since ancient records, odd numbers are rare, beyond the thirty-six changes, jumping out of the three realms, not in the five elements less, the ancient flood era and the ancient era, some outliers died in the calamity”

“Variable, that is, the existence beyond the outlier, is unimaginably powerful. It is impossible to derive such a person between heaven and earth, but the creatures produced by the entanglement of Gu Tao Immortal and Heavenly Dao, generally speaking, even from the birth of the universe to the destruction, may not produce such a character. Such a character does not know how to describe it, what exactly is this kind of person. ”

“By this measure, I’m pretty much the level of variables.”

Gu Chensha’s words were very calm, looking arrogant, but no one felt wrong.

Because of the strength of ancient dust sand, it is completely the word variable.

Dominating the world [low-level world]: “In this way, I should be regarded as a high-class qualification?” It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s not too bad. ”

Dominating the World [Low-level World]: “In this way, I am finally relieved, not too bad.” ”

Sword Immortal Li Hanyi [Low World]: “… Relieved, I should be considered a superior qualification. ”

Xiao Huohuo [Low World]: “How do I feel, I am a genius?” ”

Emperor Ye Tiandi [Supreme World]: “In this way, I should be regarded as an outlier, right?” Am I a little too complacent? ”

Immortal Qin Shi Huang [Supreme World]: “Looking at it this way, the barren boss should also be regarded as a variable, right?” ”

Little Lord Luo Feng [Supreme World]: “It seems that only the big man can be regarded as a variable. ”

Su Xiaoyu [Low World]: “I’m actually a fool!?” Well, I should also be a fool, I don’t know about myself? ”


An Lan looked at the standards in this group, and her face was also very ugly.

Because, according to this standard, can he be considered a born saint?

Barely, right?

It shouldn’t be enough.

But the qualification of Ara is definitely a variable, even if it is not a variable, it is also at the level of an outlier.

Damn, he is not even a child of destiny, no wonder he is not an opponent of the wild!!

This absurd talent is really terrifying!!

How could I fight him?

Ara looked at this comment with a bit of a strange look.

So it seems that your qualifications are good?


But Ara didn’t care.

In Huang’s view, qualifications and everything is an external force, and the key is to look at himself.

Just like in his old years, even if he lost the supreme bone, he was still invincible to the world!!

Douluo Xiaolu World.

Tang San’s face showed an incredulous look.

No way!!

When pigs fly!!!

My qualifications, only slightly qualified?!

How can it be!!!

I am obviously a peerless genius!

How is it slightly qualified!!

Tang San’s face became extremely hideous!

He can’t accept this fact!!


While everyone is discussing this qualification, the video continues to be introduced.

“After introducing the qualifications, it is time to start introducing the martial arts of my world.”

“The martial arts of my world are mortal products, treasures, king products, imperial products, immortal products, and heavenly products.”

“No Dragon Heart Method.”

“This is the highest secret method that I have calculated by gathering all the knowledge and experience.”

“Cultivating according to the heart method can make people surpass the limits of their qualifications and become outliers.”

“The Dragonless Heart Method has actually surpassed all Dao martial arts, including almost all civilizations, manufacturing, cultivation, enlightenment, Yuan Shen, and Dao. It is the general outline of all things, the source of all paths, the essence of cultivating truth, and the foundation of seeking immortals. ”

“In this era, the highest crystallization and comprehension of the cultivation civilization. Just the fragment of the heart method can seize the creation of the heavenly path, allowing people to use their spiritual power to condense the position of true god! ”

“If all of them are complete, they can also condense the position of the Heavenly Emperor, sit on an equal footing with the Heavenly Dao, and finally transform the Cangsheng and surpass the Heavenly Dao. The Dragonless Heart Method no longer belongs to martial arts, nor to Taoism, nor is it a divine skill practice, but a civilization, a civilization that surpasses the scientific and technological civilization and the immortal path civilization at a higher level. ”

Everyone in the group, looking at the introduction of Gu Chensha, all gasped.

This kung fu is also too perverted, right?

Even qualifications can be changed.

Or is it an all-powerful exercise?

This made everyone have an idea about this exercise.

If he could practice this technique, wouldn’t he have taken off?

For a while, everyone wanted to have a good relationship with Gu Chensha.

This is a golden thigh!!

Now everyone can’t wait to hold his thigh and ask, is the big guy’s thigh missing a pendant?

“Great Slaughter God Law.”

“Known as the first killing path of the heavens, the attack is invincible, but it is not inherited from the primeval world.”

“It is the Heavenly Fu Emperor who combines all kinds of martial arts, comprehends the supreme mystery, and creates his own martial arts, even if the ancient gods and Buddhas are alive, it is difficult to escape a blow, this method uses not brute force, nor spiritual power, nor soul power, nor the power of the Yuan God, this power does not exist in the world.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“It’s like bringing together various forces to create a whole new kind of power.”

“Following the Great Slaughter God Method, there is also a Great God Devouring Method.”

“This method is not to devour the surrounding aura, but to use extremely high meditation frequencies and use various modern energy formulas to form keys, open higher dimensions, and screen higher immortal qi than aura.”

This exercise also shocked the group.

Especially those group members who come from the real world.

They never thought that this cultivation could still be analyzed in this way?

What is this?

Modern Xiuxian?

Cyberpunk Xiuxian??

The video continues with the next exercise.

“Son of Heaven Sealing Divine Technique.”

“The Heaven Sacrifice Rune Edict contains special martial arts, the first miracle skill in ancient and modern times, and from the Heaven Sacrifice Rune Edict, you can figure out the heavenly essence righteousness, and you can obtain the Son of Heaven Sealing Technique.”

“This technique is a masterpiece, which can sweep away all evil demons, replace the heavenly path, suppress mountains and rivers, run the stars, canonize the gods, and the world’s martial arts, all evolved from this technique… 3 There are only three moves in this technique, namely, the sun and the moon shine together, the heaven and the earth live together, and all sentient beings have the same heart. ”

“Well, this magical ability is more suitable for the emperor.”

“The emperor will be able to double the effort with half the effort when he cultivates this technique, maybe he can develop some of these special abilities?”


“Moyun Sutra, Wang Pin Gongfa.”

“The Maha Town Sutra, one of the highest secret texts in the Moko Holy Religion, at a critical moment, it is necessary to communicate with the Maha God King and get guidance in the underworld.”


“The Ten Extremes Flood Desolate Dao, it is rumored that in the Endless Continent, in the primeval times, there were ten emperors, respectively, mastering the extremes of the heavens, and if the ten emperors could combine, they could change certain rules. Each person cultivates and masters one pole, and finally merges, and the power increases by a thousand times. ”

“The five seasons of sword techniques, there are only four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter between heaven and earth. But in ancient times, there were five seasons, because in the fifth season, there would be ten days in the sky, roasting the earth, mountains and rivers to the ground, and the creatures were tormented in the oven, and then there were heroes of the world, shooting down nine days, so that only the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter remained. ”


The introduction of this technique made the members of the group shocked.

Each exercise is enough to make the eyes of the members of the group hot.

These exercises all seem too powerful!

Immortal Qin Shi Huang looked at the Son of Heaven Sealing Divine Technique, and his eyes also had a strange color.

Although he had not practiced this exercise, he could feel that this exercise was very suitable for him.

If he could, he hoped he would be able to get the exercise.

I just don’t know what kind of price I have to pay to let Gu Chensha exchange with him?

In the realm of ancient dust and sand, the demand for external things is basically gone.

So what is there in your own world that can attract ancient dust and sand?

Immortal Qin Shi Huang fell into deep thought.

An Lan also had an idea at this time.

Before, he had been thinking about how to defeat the wilderness and surpass the wilderness.

But there has been no way, and now there is finally a chance!!!

As the saying goes, one mountain does not allow two tigers, this ancient dust and sand is so powerful, it will be against the wilderness sooner or later.

Moreover, An Lan felt that this desolation should not be the opponent of Ancient Dust Sand.

My own opportunity has finally come!!

As long as he has a good relationship with this ancient dust, then where do he need to be afraid of this guy?

I finally don’t have to hold back so much!

At this moment, An Lan felt that he had lifted the clouds and mist and saw the moon.

What the?

Pride in being an Immortal King?

In front of this kind of big guy, the immortal king is a fart!

Opportunity, you must seize this opportunity!!

Emperor Jiang Li looked at the many exercises displayed in this video, and also showed a thoughtful look.

From the exercises of one world, we can see the strength and heritage of this world.

With such a wide variety of exercises, the world where this ancient dust and sand is located is really terrifyingly powerful!!

This made the fighting spirit in his heart begin to burn.

He felt that if he could fight with Gu Chensha, he might be able to break through!

The more Emperor Jiang Li thought about it, the more excited he became, and he seemed to have found an opportunity for his breakthrough! ! !

Emperor Ye Tiandi also sighed when he looked at Gu Chensha’s introduction.

Sure enough, the heavens and realms are mysterious and powerful.

There can be no complacency at any time.

Because, you never know, where a person appears, his world, is so strong.

“In addition to the exercises, there are all kinds of magical elixirs in my world…”

At this time, the voice in the video continued to sound, once again attracting everyone’s attention.

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