The Hollow God

29 There should be a balance to life.

The most important thing of course was putting up a school for the children, after all what's more important as a foundation for humanity then education? He put old man Alder in charge of it as the principle as he was already teaching some of the younger kids reading, writing and about the beasts and plants they will possibly encounter outside he should be pretty experienced. He decided to add a bit more to the kids schedule though. From now on the school would also be teaching basic Math, geography, science, warrior training, and lastly artificer class. Warrior class would be led by Val while Ralfe would be doing the artificer class as the only one in the village.

He could see that fatty Ralfe wasn't very happy having to teach village kids his craft but who cares what he thinks hahahah.

Malik also had them start building a public bathroom for everyone after all health was incredibly important in a medieval world like this, especially since he was no doctor in his last life so he wouldn't be able to help at all when it came to that other than basic first aid.

Lastly he set up a research group with old man Alder and Ralfe as leaders to experiment and try their best to bring his ideas to reality. They would be working by themselves at first when they were not teaching at school and when they found good seedlings there they could take them as assistants.

"Ok that's pretty much it. If you have any questions later just come to me and I'll try to answer as well as I can. As for you Ralfe, stay behind for a bit"

It was already way past lunch time now and he could hear some of their stomachs growling so he decided to end it there for the day. Ralfe should be fine though, with that body he could probably survive a month without eating no problem.

Everyone quickly got up and left after bowing to the young divine. Ralfe looked at them leaving for lunch with an envious gaze.

"Ok Mr. Ralfe, let's talk about your profession. Give me a quick summary of what you make and what you need to make, and also how do the artifacts you create work." The young handsome man said as he turned his violet eyes towards him.

Turning back his gaze from the people leaving Ralfe sighed to himself before he started to explain

"Though I am an artificer I'm not a Chosen yet so I can't create any elemental artifacts like weapons, armors, or tools. I can however make none elemental ones which can be used by anyone that has control over their mana which are first level warriors and over." He calmly explained.

Ralfe then noticed that the young divine took a look at the red fire wand he had by his side in confusion.

Understanding his confusion, Ralfe started to speak once again.

"Hmm, I see. So what are the limitations of the artifacts?" The young man asked curiously.

Taking out his wand the fatty started to patiently explain. "You can think of the artifacts as basically a mold of what the Artificer can do. As my friend was already a Chosen and had the fire element he could imbue this wand with an ability of his choice which in this case he chose fireball. So when I put in the minimum amount of mana necessary into the wand it will cast a fireball automatically in the direction I choose."

Ralfe then pointed at the large red crystal at the wands tip as he continued. "This beast core here is used as a medium to convert my mana into the appropriate element so I'm able to cast the fireball, though how efficient the conversion is depends on your affinity with the element. A Chosen with the fire element wouldn't need the core and could cast fireball with only the wand itself which is useful for a lower level Chosen to use a higher level ability. Artifacts with beast cores however need to be bound to one person first to be used and wont work for anyone else unless you switch the core to another which would need to be done by an artificer."

"So could a Divine's flying ability be put into an artifact and people can use it to fly?"

"Well theoretically yes if you had a Divine that is an artificer and he used a beast core from a Divine as well, but the amount of mana necessary to cast it would be so high it would basically be unusable other than by divines themselves" Ralfe answered.

"I see, well what artifacts can you make?" The young man asked.

"Well since elemental artifacts are fully dependent on being a Chosen I can't make those yet. I'm also only a first level warrior which means all I can do with my mana is strengthen strengthen my body with it. However since this is something all first level warriors can do and only first level warriors and over can use artifacts, making one that can do this is completely useless." Ralfe answered feeling a bit embarrassed.

"So you haven't actually created an artifact before?" Malik asked, surprised.

"I haven't but I have the knowledge! I studied for years! I have also worked with other artificers in making theirs! If I had an element I would be able to easily make one!" The fatty answered loudly as his pale skin gained a reddish pink tint from embarrassment.

"Hmm … come here" Malik said as he held up his hand.

Ralfe realized what he was going to do and became excited as he quickly jumped off his chair and went to his chair before putting his hand onto the young man's hand.

'Ugh his hand is all sweaty. All he did was sit the whole morning. Why did he sweat so much?' holding back his disgust he started to check for the fatty's talents.

As he slowly put the darkness element into his body they both patiently waited for the result. For a few seconds both Ralfe and him were standing quietly next to each other holding hands quietly waiting.

This scene reminded him of a scene in a movie he saw once where the husband and wife were anxiously waiting excitedly for the pregnancy test, he couldn't help but take a quick look at Ralfe's large stomach.

Shaking his head side to side he instantly removed the disgusting thoughts from his head before going back to concentrating on what he was doing.

As the fatties body started to reject the darkness, only a small amount was left sitting there the size of a tennis ball.

'He's even worse than The kid!' Letting out a large sigh in disappointment he waited for the darkness element in his body to dissolve so he could try out the gravity element.

'This is a village at the corner of the continent so maybe I should lower my expectations a bit." He thought to himself a bit disappointed.

Once all the darkness element was gone he started to put in the gravity element slowly into the fatties large body, he made sure to concentrate so his head wouldn't have time to think up any more weird ideas.

one minute passed, then two minutes passed, then three … ….He finally realized there was something strange!

'Wait shouldn't it be full by now? Could it be because of his large body?' The young man though as he hid the surprised look on his face.

As he looked inside his body he noticed that the fatties large body was almost completely full! It only started to reject the element when it reached around 90-92%! This fatty was a genius with the gravity element!

Malik was extremely excited! He found one of his Chosen! And it was an artificer to boot!

Of course on the outside he didn't show his excitement at all. 'This fatty was living such a good life I can't have him being happy all the time, there should be a balance to life after all hehehe'

"Ahem, well your talent isn't too bad but I wont know if it's the best in the village, you can go back home now to eat. I'll call you if I need anything."

Hearing that his talent wasn't too bad made Ralfe happy but knowing there were still over one thousand village people to be tested brought his happiness back down again. He knew he had good affinity for the fire element but darkness and gravity? The chances that he is higher than all the villagers was too low. He couldn't help but let out a sigh.

"Sighs, I see, thank you young master for testing me." The fatty said before bowing his head and leaving.

Seeing the disappointed fatty waddling out of the building Malik couldn't help but let out a bright smile. "Don't blame me alright? It would be too unfair to humanity if you were having such a good life all the time. Hehe, that's one Chosen found now I only have 11 more to go!"

Now that the meeting was over the black haired young man stretched his body a bit before getting up off the chair and leaving the building, not forgetting to put the little crab on his shoulder of course.

As he reached the outside he noticed that the sun was already going down in the horizon, Though the village was basically already at night time for a few hours now due to the shadow his large body was casting.

He wanted to get help from his main body to check for everyone's talent in the village as he could probably do it over one night however it was too busy. It had just started to feel the thoughts that the living beings had towards him and was in the process of understanding how to refine it into a kind of belief energy as Edyta had taught him. So he would have to do it slowly by his own clone's self.

Surprisingly though he found that most of the emotions people had towards him was fear for some reason. He could understand the ones that were coming from the ocean as it used to be his hunting ground, also he could understand breeze city a bit as he had a small exchange with Edyta but even his village as well! Though it was mixed with other emotions like curiosity, admiration, and gratitude what he found strange was that most of the fear came to him at night. They shouldn't even be able to see him in the dark sky so why were they so afraid?

Letting out a sigh Malik decided he would try and fix his image in the future.

'I should start finding my Chosen soon. After all, my clone should be getting back with the tree in around a month and I want to create the chosen and the totem at the same time. It's a bit late already though so I'll speak with little gold tomorrow and start then" He thought quietly to himself as he rubbed the head of the little crab that was on his shoulder who tried swatting his finger away with its little claws in annoyance.

"Hahahaha" Letting out a laugh at the little crab the young man headed back to his small mansion slowly through the darkness.

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