The Holy Hand Medical Concubine

Chapter 1442: A realm of emptiness?

   Chapter 1442 The realm of emptiness?

   Walking forward slowly, Sheng Chuxin glanced sideways and looked forward again.

   Every time he looked sideways, the surrounding environment changed, but it was still so terrifying and abnormal, as if a skull would pop up at any time under his feet.

   "What place is this?" Sheng Chuxin murmured.

   At this time, the realm was completely useless, she couldn't even sense it, let alone Xiaodie and the others, as if they had broken the contract.

   kept searching for the memory of the place where she was in her mind, and finally, after a long time, she remembered that she had seen the records and descriptions of this place in the book.

   "A Void Realm?"

  The so-called Void Realm is the place where the Primordial Spirit is forcibly ejected from the body and has nothing to rely on. This place is the place where the Primordial Spirit takes refuge, and it is said that there is no way back.

   But I have also heard that someone's soul has gone out from this place, and I don't know if it is true.

   Come to think of it, her luck will not be so bad, it is impossible to stay in this dark place forever, she must find the way out.

   squatted down slowly, her right palm facing down, slowly approaching the ground.

  'Pooh', a bubble burst out from the ground, shaking her palm slightly.

   She closed her eyes, feeling a force from the palm of her hand entering her dantian, and her whole body became slightly warm.

   "Yuanshen also heats up?"

   She wondered.

   Primordial spirit is not flesh, it has no temperature itself, and if the primordial spirit of ordinary people is beaten out of the flesh without predicting it, it will not have any spiritual power.

   Just like before, she didn't have any spiritual power in her hands.

   At this moment, as the primordial spirit slowly heated up, she actually felt a slight fluctuation of spiritual power in the primordial spirit.

   The next moment, she immediately reached out to another bubble that had emerged from the ground. Sure enough, as each bubble bounced into her palm, the spiritual power in her body gathered more and more.

   Her eyes widened, and she swept her palm to a place not far to the left.


   A voice suddenly rang out, and the shadow dodged the blow of Sheng Chuxin and dodged to the side.

   "Unexpectedly, someone found the mystery of the Void Realm so quickly." He said quietly, with hatred in his voice.

   Sheng Chuxin stood up and stared coldly at the dark shadow in front of him.

   "Who are you?"

  If she guessed correctly, this person is also a primordial spirit who has entered the realm of emptiness, right?

   It was just too late to discover the way to regain spiritual power, the body was destroyed, and the primordial spirit could not go back if he wanted to.

   "This seat is the master of the Void Realm," he said.


   After listening to his self-introduction, Sheng Chuxin couldn't help but chuckle.

   "When the Void Realm has a master, it's the first time I've heard of it."

  What kind of ruler, what kind of ruler does the Void Realm come from? It is simply a realm without any control, allowing the Primordial Spirit who cannot exist in the world to enter.

   "It's just this master, this saint is just a light blow, why do you want to hide? The master's ability is too weak, right?"

   "You—" Sombra got angry when he heard her words.

   took a step forward, and the black palm condensed a magic power. He wanted to hit Shengchuxin, but he hesitated for a few times, without any action.

   "I'm still the ruler of the Demon Race." Sheng Chuxin said with a slight curling of the corners of his lips.

   (end of this chapter)

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