The Holy Hand Medical Concubine

Chapter 1739: Extra Story: Sheng Chuxin's younger sister

   Chapter 1739 Fanwai: Shengchuxin's younger sister

   "What are you doing, I still have to go out."

   Sheng Chu wanted to push him away, but he couldn't push him away, and rolled his eyes helplessly.

   "Ahan, don't make trouble, I really have to go out, it's too late if I don't."

   "Xin'er, I just want to ask, what are you doing, frightening them to death, is it interesting?" Bei Yehan asked her.

   "Of course it's interesting, how could it not be interesting?" When he mentioned what he was going to do now, Sheng Chuxin immediately regained his energy and said sternly.

"Look, while I made them suspect that I was dead, I also let them see me standing in front of them. The most important thing is that they tried to check with me several times whether I was dead or alive. , I didn't give them a chance at all.

   This is repeated a few times, and it’s only because their spirits are good that it’s weird. For revenge, they don’t have to shout and kill. The mental torture is the more painful, and I will let them suffer like this. "

After   , she raised her eyebrows towards Bei Yehan.

   "Do you want to be at home later, or..."

   "Let the beasts stay." Before she could finish speaking, Bei Yehan said immediately.

   Let him stay under the same roof with a strange woman, he can't do it, and naturally he wants to go out with his original intention.

   "Alright then." Sheng Chuxin nodded.


   For more than ten consecutive days, at night, I saw the ghost of Shengchuxin claiming his life. During the day, he looked normal, but not very normal, Shengchuxin, Shen Yusu and the others, were about to be tossed crazy.

   Finally, on the day when they don't have to go to work together, the four of them sat together with dark eyes.

   "I asked Ruoruo, she didn't see anything at all, and Shengchuxin never looked for her at all." Bai Dai lay on the table and said to them faintly.

   A few days later, he was almost driven insane, and he had an idea of ​​quitting his job at Lixin Hospital and going back to his hometown to avoid the limelight.

   However, he didn't want to watch Shen Yusu and the others get the bracelet, so he could only force him to stay.

   This is simply to support.

   "Why is she all right? Is it because she lives in Shengchu Xin's house?" Qiu Wu guessed.

   Apart from this reason, he really couldn't think of any other reason, or was it because Sun Ruoruo had a good relationship with Sheng Chuxin before, Sheng Chuxin was not willing to attack her?

   This doesn't make sense.

   "Yusu, I really doubt now, is the current Shengchuxin fake?" Gu Xiyan said.

   "What nonsense are you talking about." Shen Yusu gave her a white look.

   Fake, can it be faked like this? That face is clearly Sheng Chuxin himself. Could there be someone in this world who changed his face in only three days?

   Who would believe me if I say this.

   "How can I talk nonsense, otherwise, how to explain the current situation?" Gu Xiyan asked him back.

   "Will Sheng Chuxin have a younger sister? We harmed Sheng Chuxin, and as a result, her sister found out, so she pretended to be Sheng Chuxin to seek revenge on us?"

   she guessed.

  People: "..."

   Sheng Chuxin is an orphan, where did you get your sister from?

"And that Bei Yehan is not the boyfriend that Sheng Chuxin just met at all. The two of them met early in the morning, and they were boyfriend and girlfriend. This time Sheng Chuxin's sister is going to take revenge. As a boyfriend, Bei Yehan naturally wants to came along."

   Gu Xiyan continued to speak when he saw that they were not speaking.

   (end of this chapter)

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