The Holy Hand Medical Concubine

Chapter 1790: Extra: Theory

   Chapter 1790 Fanwai: On the Plan

   "Ahan, is it what he said? Did I give you the bracelet?" she asked.

   However, before Bei Yehan could answer her question, she turned her head again, looked at Shen Yusu, and smiled evilly.

   "Who am I willing to give the bracelet to, and what does it have to do with you?"

"Holy, Sheng Chuxin, I'm your serious boyfriend. You would rather give the bracelet to a stranger than to me. I really can't see it. I'm such a woman who eats inside and out and is so sloppy. I'm really blind. I'll be with you for so long."

   Qiu Wu gritted his teeth, his scarlet eyes staring at Sheng Chuxin.

   He is very aware of Shen Yusu's poison, one is enough to kill people, not to mention that they have all been poisoned by three kinds of poisons, and they are still on this vast sea, and their lives will disappear at any time.

   Now, he is not afraid to say some things.

   However, as soon as his words fell, he felt a hand directly grabbed his neck, lifted him up from the chair, and was suspended in mid-air.

   "This sage has said that, if I hear half a slander from your mouth, this sage will kill you immediately!" Bei Yehan rang in their ears because of his voice.

   "Ahan, let him go first."

   Sheng Chuxin said to Bei Yehan with a cold face when he saw that Qiu Wu's entire face was flushed red, as if he was about to be strangled to death.

   Bei Yehan didn't say anything, just a look, Qiu Wu's body 'bang' and fell back on the chair, his head slapped heavily on the table, panting heavily.

"Boyfriend, Qiu Wu, I really don't understand what's going on in your head? Think about it yourself, when did I treat you Qiu Wu as a boyfriend? When did I promise you? Allow you to do it My Shengchuxin's boyfriend?"

   Sheng Chuxin strode to Qiu Wu's side and asked him with a sneer.

   If she only occasionally eats together and talks about work, she can be called a boyfriend and girlfriend, then she has many boyfriends.

"Peeping at my things, you still want to kill my life as a matter of course, do people like you still want to be treated with my sincerity? Qiu Wu, Shen Yusu, Gu Xiyan, Bai Dai, if it wasn't for Sun Ruoruo's face, you Do you think you can enter Lixin Hospital and make friends with my Shengchuxin? Dream!"

   said, she returned to her chair and looked at them fixedly.

   "Ruoruo, you should understand the faces of these people, right? Selfishness, self-interest, greed, insidiousness, I can't even find a good word for them, can you find them?"

   She looked at the pot of plants in front of her and asked faintly.

   "Sheng Chuxin, are you crazy? It's just a pot of flowers, not Sun Ruoruo at all!" Shen Yusu reminded her.

  Although Shengchuxin is good at it now, he can't help but wonder if Shengchuxin has been driven crazy by them? He even called Sun Ruoruo's name in front of a pot of plants.

  If Sheng Chuxin is really crazy, it will be easy to handle. He has treated many mentally ill patients before, and they are easy to deal with.

   "Isn't this Sun Ruoruo?" Sheng Chuxin asked him back with raised eyebrows.

   "I can see it clearly, she is not Sun Ruoruo, who is she?"

   "Sacred Beginning Heart..."

   "Xu Xu, you come out."

   Without waiting for Shen Yusu to speak, Sheng Chuxin called out the whiskers, and her appearance made Shen Yusu and the others widen their eyes in horror, wondering what they saw.

   (end of this chapter)

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