The Holy Hand Medical Concubine

Chapter 208: I don't mind destroying a businessman

   Chapter 208 Don't mind destroying a mere businessman

   She doesn't agree, she really doesn't agree, why can she get everything with her original heart, and no matter how much she fights, those people just ignore her?

   This time, she must fight to win, and she must not be cheap.

"That **** obviously has the antidote of the ecstasy wood in her hand, but she doesn't give it to us, she can kill the beasts, but she sees us getting hurt and dying, obviously there is such a big night pearl that can protect us from blood Chi Shenglian's persecution made us go to death, she... uh!"

   There are still many things to say about Shengchu Xin, but how could Bei Yehan give her another chance to speak.

   "Mo, Mo Shang... Master, you..."

   An invisible spiritual force directly grabbed the stomach of Karma, so tight that she could hardly breathe.

   "House, dean... save me..."

   The whole face turned red, and she was about to die. She could only look at Dean Chen and ask her for help.

   "Uncle, look, do you want to let her go this time?" Dean Chen gritted his teeth, turned to look at Bei Yehan, and asked.

   Naturally, if Bei Yehan didn't want to let go of his karma, he wouldn't have any opinion. He didn't want to offend Bei Yehan for a karma.

   The next moment, Ye Xin's body was thrown directly to the ground, flew a few meters away, and hit the door frame.

   "This Saint, I don't mind destroying a mere businessman." The cold words spewed out of his lips.

  Fate raised eyebrows, what is a businessman? It is the ten major families in Xuanji Continent, and he wants to destroy them.

   "Cough, cough." Ye Xin covered his neck with one hand, inhaled hard, and looked at Bei Yehan in disbelief.

   Is he really so arrogant, dare to go against the whole businessman?

   "Master, you will regret it, the Holy Beginning Heart is not worth you at all..."

   "Karma, shut up!"

  Suddenly, Narcissus came out from behind the extraordinary man, pointing at Karma angrily.

"Junior Sister Chuxin is not worth it, do you deserve it? How many times have you secretly stabbed Junior Sister Chuxin? How many times has Junior Sister Chuxin saved you? An ungrateful person like you is not worthy at all. For the disciples of Qinglong Academy!"

   She really can't stand it anymore.

   kept saying why the heart of Shengchu is not good, what about herself?

   "Daffodils, come back." Ming Bufan calmly called her back.

   Bei Yehan's own affairs, others don't have to interfere, can that guy still be unable to protect his daughter-in-law?

   Hearing the words, Narcissus glared at Karma unconvinced, and then went back to the fate of the extraordinary.

  Yaxin forced his body to get up from the ground, took a few steps forward, and looked at Narcissus.

   "Hmph, how much has she helped you all the way down the road? You naturally helped her to speak. Who doesn't know how to be soft-hearted and soft-hearted?"

   "You—" Narcissus got angry and wanted to speak again.

   "Huh?" Fate Bufan refused, hummed a note coldly, and turned to look at Bei Yehan.

   Narcissus took a deep breath and stopped talking.

   "Master Mo Shang, that woman in Shengchuxin is cold-blooded, ruthless, and has no friendship in her heart at all. She not only provoked the feelings of Senior Brother Chen and Senior Brother Zhao, but also severely injured Senior Brother Chen. This, Senior Brother Chen can testify for me."

  Ye Xin finished word by word and glanced at Chen Cheng.

  Chen Cheng was about to open his mouth, but he felt a cold wind blowing into his neck, making him shiver.

   (end of this chapter)

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