The Holy Hand Medical Concubine

Chapter 213: Very domineering poison

   Chapter 213 What a domineering poison


  I don’t know how many array **** I used along the way, driving out batch after batch of monsters, and Sheng Chu Xin was able to reach the entrance of the seventh floor.

   "I really doubt if the array ball is used up?" she muttered to herself.

   This time, she kept her mind on her head, instead of entering the seventh floor first, she stopped in front of the vortex and took out the purple gas medicine furnace.

   She took out all the demon herbs that she picked up from the sixth floor, and she carefully distinguished which ones could be used and which ones had to be saved first.

   "Dragon Vein Grass, Yin Beard, Dendrobium Flowers... Put them all away."

   put the medicinal herbs in two piles, she collected one pile of holy jade bracelets, and put the other pile in front of her.

   raised his hand, wanting to slowly condense spiritual fire...

   "Damn, how can you concoct pills without spiritual power?" He cursed.

   It was only now that she remembered why she wanted to refine the demon antidote, because she lost her spiritual power.

   rolled her eyes secretly, she reluctantly looked at the purple gas furnace.

   "Forget it, just use the old way."

   It just took some time to find firewood, and it is very easy to fail in refining.

   But what can be done, who made her lose her spiritual power?

   Sheng Chu Xin could only put away the purple gas medicine stove and lift his feet to pick up firewood.


   day and night, whole day and night.

   Finally, she had refined two demon detox elixir, which made her breathe a sigh of relief.

   "Baby, real baby."

  There are two medicinal pills that are not high-grade in the palm of his hand, and Sheng Chuxin still looks at them with satisfaction.

   is not a treasure, she has refined it seven times, and finally it is a successful pill.

  If she can't refine it again, she will have to find a way to collect herbs again, and the stock on hand has been used up.

   took out an empty porcelain bottle and put one pill in it, put it in the holy jade bracelet, and put the other one in her mouth.

   Just after a while, I felt my chest tighten and my face turned pale.


   She took a deep breath, grabbed her fast-beating chest with her left hand, and fell heavily to the ground.

   "What... what's going on?"

   Feeling completely out of breath, the feeling of suffocation is very uncomfortable.

   But obviously he can breathe, but his heart is uncomfortable and uncomfortable, as if it was blocked by something.

   The blood in her whole body seemed to be wrapped in a layer of ice, and she shivered from the cold, so she could only wrap her arms around herself, trying to warm herself up.

   But the next moment, the blood that was still cold a second ago seemed to be boiled again, and it was so hot that she wanted to tear off all her clothes.

   The complexion is on fire, and it is so bright red!


   Suddenly, a mouthful of black blood spurted out, and all the weeds sprayed by the black blood withered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

   "Okay... such a domineering poison."

   Sheng Chuxin took a deep breath and fell to the ground, his strength was already drained.

   After a long time, she felt a lot more relaxed in her chest, and when she thought about it, she went to the dantian, and the spiritual power came back slowly.

   She immediately sat on the ground and began to move her spirits throughout her body.

   The whole body felt a lot lighter, and she exhaled a turbid breath, feeling strange in her heart.

   "How do you feel that you have improved your practice?"

   The next moment, she used spiritual power in her hand and slapped a big tree not far away.

   There was only a 'bang' sound, and the spiritual power was obviously much stronger than before.

   "Is it the peak of the heartbeat period?!"

   She actually jumped to the peak of the heartbeat stage after being poisoned? Is there anyone more evil than her?

   (end of this chapter)

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