The Holy Hand Medical Concubine

Chapter 215: Here comes the monster...

   Chapter 215 The monster is coming...

   "Mother, the monster is here, the monster is here..."

   Holy Beginning Heart: "..."

   raised his finger and pointed to the direction the beast ran away, and then pointed at himself, unable to help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

   The monster mentioned by the beast is not her, is it?

   Where does she look like a monster from start to finish?

   "Hey, little thing, wait, tell me who the monster is!"

With    eyes wide open, she also chased in the direction of the beast.

   She must ask clearly, she is such a delicate beauty, how did that guy see that she is a monster?

   The most important thing is that she wants to catch the little guy and ask what kind of beast it is.

   "Stop for this girl, don't run!"


   "Ah, ah, ah, mother, mother, there are monsters outside."

  When the little beast ran into a secluded cave, it ran away, screaming as it ran.

   Sheng Chuxin, who followed it behind him, was speechless.

   He looks so indignant, he can frighten a small beast into a panicked appearance, anyway, the little beast is not small, he can create that scene of shaking the ground.

   However, she was only speechless for a second, and with a violent roar, she was completely woken up.

   "You little bastard, why are you panicking, you bitch, where are the food you asked for, and the old lady to fix it!"

   Along with the roar, the scream of the little beast also sounded.

   "Mother, don't, don't fight, the beasts are not intentional, there are monsters outside, don't, the beasts and beasts hurt."

   "It hurts, you useless waste, how could my mother pick you up, you are so useless, hurry up and find something to eat, I can't find my mother to cook you and eat it."

   Sheng Chuxin frowned, and when he heard the old voice, he felt unhappy in his heart.

  What is this, to treat such a cute little beast, to be beaten and scolded?

   "Go beasts and beasts... No, mother, there are monsters outside, they will eat beasts and beasts." The little beast wanted to answer.

   But thinking of Sheng Chuxin, who is not even afraid of its illusion outside, he quickly shook his head, staring at the old beast who was twisting his ears in front of him with pitiful eyes.

   "Even if it really ate you, you have to go too!" said the old beast nonchalantly.

   She is hungry, she must have something to eat, or she will really cook this little beast to eat.

   But if she really cooks this little beast in front of her, then she won't have another meal, it's not worth it at all.

   "Mother..." The little beast flattened his mouth, wanting to refuse but not daring.

   "Who is your mother, your mother died 800 years ago, hurry up!" The old beast roared.

   "Outside, there are monsters outside." The little beast still whispered.

  It is inherently timid. If it weren't for the ability to create phantom illusions, where would it be possible to get food?

   But today's human doesn't know what's going on, he's not afraid of her phantom illusion, and he can still see it, can he not be afraid?

   "There are monsters? That old lady will eat you!" The old beast listened to what it said, and the anger in his heart was not at all.

   Open the mouth of the blood basin and swallow the little beast.

   "Ah—" The little beast screamed in fright, and fled to the corner to hide.

   "Mom, don't eat beasts, no one will find food for you after eating beasts. Mother, after the monster leaves, the beasts will find you..."

   "The old lady can't wait anymore, come here, the old lady ate you!" The old beast didn't wait for it to finish, and pointed his teeth at it.

   (end of this chapter)

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