The Holy Hand Medical Concubine

Chapter 222: Demon figure!

   Chapter 222 Demon Shadow!


   Only heard a muffled sound from the right, mixed with a hint of laughter.

   "What a nice little girl, I am very interested."

   Hearing the words, Sheng Chuxin narrowed his eyes dangerously, and secretly said in his heart: The shadow of a demon!

   The ordinary demons, let alone the shadow body, can't even come to Xuanji Continent, let alone let their shadow body break through the many seals and come to the flaming beast formation.

  Then this figure must be the strangler among the demons.

   "Who are you?" she asked.

   "Hehe, little girl, how about following this seat back to the Demon Race?" Shadow didn't answer her, but asked directly.

  How many years, his shadow body is here, this is the first time he has met a person who can resist his coercion, and he is still a little girl, how can he not be interested?

   "Not so good." Sheng Chu replied without thinking.

   This time, the figure has no sound.

   "Why, aren't the demons bad? The Holy Land of Magic Words, the Holy Land of All Beasts, and the Holy Land of Qianhua, which one is not thousands of times better than Xuanji, the broken continent?"

   After a long time, the figure asked.

   There are many people on Xuanji Continent who want to go to the Demon Race, but they don't have the honor.

   And when the opportunity was presented to the little girl, she didn't want it?

   Hearing Yingshen's words, Sheng Chuxin sneered and looked to his right with disdain.

   "Who told you that all the talents have to go thousands of times?"

   Magic Continent? Holy Land of All Beasts? Amazing.

   She has always known that in the eyes of the Spirit Clan, Ghost Clan and Demon Clan, Xuanji Continent is a garbage continent, and even the people on Xuanji Continent are looked down upon by them.

   But so what, she just wanted to tell everyone that Xuanji Continent is not as weak as people think, and there are many strong people here.

   Which of these powerhouses is brought out is no worse than the three clans of spirits, ghosts and demons!

   Ghost Land, Demon Land, Spirit Land, she will definitely set foot in the future, but at least not now.

   "Besides, I don't think Demon Land can get any better."

   "You little girl, you're not very skilled, but your tone is not small." Shadow body sneered after hearing her words.

   "That's all, this seat is different from your general knowledge. After you have passed the trap, this seat will take you to the Devil's Land."

   Said, Sheng Chuxin only felt a strong gravitational force rolling up his body.

   kept spinning in the air, and it was no exaggeration to turn the sky and the earth, and it slowly calmed down after a long time.


   cursed, and she found herself in the air, with her feet completely off the ground.

   Before she could think about anything else, she took out a magic ball and threw it at her body, and when a spiritual net popped up, she caught her body.

   "What the heck, the last five floors aren't full of people, right?"

   After she stabilized her body, she couldn't help cursing with her hands on her hips.

   From such a high place just now, if he really fell, it was absolutely impossible for him to be free from any damage by just relying on her little spiritual power.

   She shook her head, looked around, and found that it was no longer so dark.

   "What is this place? Formation?"

   There is still a fire for lighting, and it is definitely no longer in the forest.

   "Little girl, there are ten levels in the organs set up by this seat. If you can break through five, this seat will take you to the ninth floor, how about that?"

  Suddenly, the voice of that figure rang out again.

   (end of this chapter)

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