The Holy Hand Medical Concubine

Chapter 251: Red eyes?

   Chapter 251 Are you jealous?

   "Isn't this the Holy Beginning Heart of Mingxin Academy? Didn't I hear that she was still in the flaming beast formation, why did she come out?"

   "Thirty days haven't come yet? Did she succeed in the battle?"

   "Is it thrown out? It must have been broken through the fire pill, right? She can also get through the tenth floor?"

  The place closest to Shengchu, those students stared at Shengchu's heart and began to whisper, with jealousy, disdain, envy, and even resentment in their eyes!

   Sheng Chuxin didn't know what Bei Yehan said in Mingde Hall, but in Qinglong Academy, there was no one else except her.

   Therefore, those students who have fantasies about Mo Shang and want to enter the Mingxin Academy, all secretly hate Shengchuxin.

   In particular, Sheng Chuxin was actually on the fifth floor of the flaming beast formation, and they hated it even more, wishing she would die in the blazing beast formation.

   Sheng Chuxin didn't care what they said, he stood up holding the golden box, ready to go back to Mingxin Courtyard.

   I don't know if Bei Yehan has come out, will he still be waiting for her in the flaming beast formation?

   It's just that she doesn't want to care about those people, but someone wants to care about her.

   "Saint Beginning Heart, hand over the golden box in your arms."

  A man jumped out and blocked Shengchuxin's way.

   No matter whether she succeeded in breaking through the level or not, what they can be sure of is that the golden box in her arms must contain the treasures of the flaming beasts.

  Since it is a treasure, how can it be that Shengchuxin is alone, they must have a share in it.

   Holy Beginning Heart: "..."

   lowered her head and glanced at the gold box she was holding in her hands. She looked up at the person who was blocking her way.

   "Senior, why should I hand over the golden box?"

   With so many eyes watching, you want to grab it? It's really easy to bully her when she comes out on the first day with her holy heart, isn't it?

   "The things in the flaming beast array are the things of Qinglong Academy, do you still want to keep them for yourself?"

   Another female disciple stood up, and as soon as she spoke, she accused Sheng Chuxin.

   Hearing this, Sheng Chuxin really laughed out loud.


   What she got at risk of her life was not hers or someone else's?

   "Are you trying to grab it? What's the matter, you are jealous when you see what I have in my hand?"

   How come there are such people in Qinglong Academy? How did this kind of person get admitted to Qinglong Academy?

   "What kind of jealousy, it is originally something of Qinglong Academy, we don't want it, but you have to hand it over to the academy." Another disciple said.

   As long as it is submitted to the academy, if it is medicinal materials, it must be divided equally by each master, and they will also have their share.

   Even if the golden box is really the Bodhi Fruit of Ten Hearts, it must be cut open and shared with everyone.

   "Since it's something of the academy, why don't you go through the barrier?" Sheng Chuxin asked rhetorically.

  I've never seen such a person before, so she ran out to **** her out, not afraid of losing her face, so that she won't be ashamed to come out to meet people in the future?

   Or when she only stayed at Qinglong Academy for three days, she didn't know the rules of the academy?

   "Junior Sister Chuxin, you just came to the academy, and you still don't understand the rules here. As a junior sister, if you get good things, you have to honor your senior brothers and seniors, right?" The male disciple who stopped her at first said.

   He heard that Master Mo Shang was not at Qinglong Academy at all these days.

  If you don't take advantage of this time to set rules for Sheng Chuxin, you might bully them in the future.

   (end of this chapter)

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