The Holy Hand Medical Concubine

Chapter 253: It turned out to be really hungry!

   Chapter 253 It turned out to be really hungry!

   Sheng Chuxin just came out of the dining hall when he met a man and a woman who were approaching.

   "Miss, Miss, it's really you, Yun'er can be considered waiting for you."

   That little girl who was running towards her at high speed, her face full of excitement, who else could it be if it wasn't Yun'er?


When    was in the flaming beast formation, Bei Yehan hadn't mentioned Yun'er to her yet, but he didn't expect to see her as soon as he stepped out.

   "Miss, why are you here?"

   Qionglu couldn't help asking when he saw Shengchuxin.

   Shouldn't it be in Mingde Hall, why did you come to the dining hall?

   "What about my lord, he's not with you?"

   Hearing this, Sheng Chuxin shrugged.

   "I don't know why I'm here, Bei Yehan might still be in the squad, do you have a way to contact him?"

   She was sent directly by the Faying Palace, so Bei Yehan probably didn't know it yet.

   "Oh, the Lord should be out soon." Qionglu responded.

   It is impossible for the Lord to not know that Shengchu Xin has come out, and it is estimated that he will be back soon.

   "What are you doing here?" she asked, watching the two of them approach the dining hall.

   "Brother Qionglu said that brother Qiongqi is not here, we have to go to the dining hall to eat." Yuner said honestly.

   Actually, she didn't understand why they had to go to the dining hall when Qiongqi was not there. Could it be possible that they could make meals if Qiongqi was there?

   Sheng Chuxin was speechless for a while, and looked at Qionglu silently.

   "Qinglu, Yuner can still cook some food."

   Mingxinyuan has a kitchen, so you still want to come to the dining hall to eat? She finally knew why Bei Yehan brought so many wild animals to bake for her as soon as he saw her in the flaming beast formation.

   It turned out to be really hungry!

   "Qinglu, you also have to learn some kitchen skills, otherwise, your master will not dare to take you out."

   Hearing her teasing words, Qionglu's face was still red.

   He really can't learn to do that, and he doesn't know anything about things in the kitchen.

   is also strange, obviously he is a pharmacist, and it is easy to master the heat of refining medicine, but he can't understand the kitchen, and he can't help it.

   "Subordinates understand, subordinates must learn."

   "Okay, that's what I said, Yuner, you follow Qionglu to get some dishes, I'll cook."

"it is good……"


   Yuner didn't answer, Qionglu directly denied Shengchuxin's words.

   Sheng Chuxin raised his eyebrows and looked at Qionglu, "Do you have an opinion?"

   "No, miss, how dare your subordinates have any opinions." Qionglu quickly shook his head.

   Even if he has an opinion on his family master, he doesn’t dare to have an opinion on Sheng Chuxin, is he not afraid of being severely punished by the master?

   "Miss, you see that you have injuries, big and small. How can you still cook? You must heal your injuries first."

   He is a pharmacist. At a glance, it can be seen that Sheng Chuxin has not only external injuries, but also internal injuries.

   Let her enter the kitchen again at this time, isn't he asking for a beating, begging the Lord to be beating!

   And this fight is definitely not light.

   "Yes, yes, miss, where are you injured? Yun'er will help you go back to rest." On the side, Yun'er heard Qionglu's words and quickly responded.

   Holy Beginning Heart: "..."

   Seeing Yuner lift her arm like a tofu, she was speechless and looked up at the sky.

   Do you really look like a seriously injured victim? Why does she still feel pretty good about herself.

   After leaving the ghost floor and returning to Qinglong Academy, she even breathes a lot more smoothly, and feels that her body is in great shape, can you stop treating her as a dying person?

  Bah, look what she's thinking.

   (end of this chapter)

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