The Holy Hand Medical Concubine

Chapter 259: This is the goddess

   Chapter 259 This is Tianjuesi

   "Ahan, help me find a way to find a giant hen to hatch them."

   She took out the two baby dragons and put them on the table.


   Bei Yehan hadn't spoken yet, when an exclamation came from the door.

   The next moment, Ming Bufan rushed directly in front of the two baby dragons, and his eyes were completely glued to them.

   "A-Shang, this is... a different evil gluttonous dragon egg, a different evil gluttonous dragon!" He shouted excitedly.

  What kind of **** luck did Sheng Chuxin have, and he got two different evil gluttonous dragon eggs all at once, how could such a good thing not fall on his head.

   raised his hand, he wanted to test the relationship between the two dragon eggs at close range.

   It's just that the big palm hasn't touched them yet. The two baby dragons seemed to be frightened, and suddenly flashed into Sheng Chuxin's arms and refused to come out again.

   "This... can you still recognize people?" Fate Bufan was even more surprised.

   That means that these two dragon eggs already have consciousness, and they have regarded Shengchu Xin as their masters.

   "Ahan, can you get these two 'spider webs' down?" She asked, looking at the web that was still wrapped in Baby Dragon.

   "Spider... spider web?! Pfft!" Ming Bufan couldn't help laughing.

   This girl actually regarded this web as a spider web. This is definitely the funniest joke he has heard in recent years.

   "This is Tianjue silk, which is only produced in the ghost land Lieyan."

   "I don't care what it is, as long as I can take it down." Sheng Chuxin rolled his eyes and said.

   She had never heard of Tianjuesi, only that it trapped her two baby dragons.


   "Eat first." Bei Yehan threw his sleeves and put the two baby dragons back on the table.

   himself sat down beside Shengchuxin.

   "Ah!" a scream.

   The beast that was enjoying the food beautifully was swept to another chair by Bei Yehan.

   He raised his head and glared at Bei Yehan angrily, thinking that he couldn't do anything to Bei Yehan at all, so he could only continue to lower his head and eat slowly.

   "Oh." Sheng Chu agreed and put the two baby dragons back into the holy jade bracelet.

   But before he started eating, he looked up at Fate Bufan.

   "What are you doing?" she asked.

   Bei Yehan mentioned him just now, but he's here now?

   Wouldn't it be that the people from the nine families have already arrived?

   But that's not right, the people from the nine families shouldn't arrive at Qinglong Academy so soon, right? This is what Bei Yehan said, and it must be accurate.

   "There are two guys outside who have been clamoring to come to see you. No, this deity can only bring them here." Ming Bufan shrugged helplessly.

   It's only been less than half a month, why does he feel that he has already regretted it, and he doesn't want to accept those two crazy apprentices at all?

   "Huh?" Sheng Chu was puzzled.

   She just came out of the flaming beast formation, and she still doesn't know what's going on outside.


   Is he really from Jiujia?

   She turned her eyes and looked at Bei Yehan.

   "Chuxin, Chuxin, Junior Sister Chuxin, we are outside."

  Suddenly, a familiar voice came from outside, and Sheng Chuxin immediately understood who the two guys in Ming Bufan's mouth were.

   "It turned out to be them, congratulations, they are qualified but not bad." She congratulated Ming Bufan.

   "Yun'er, go and invite them in."

   "Yes, miss." Yun'er responded and went out.

   "They helped me a lot when I was in the flaming beast formation. I am very grateful to them." She said to Bei Yehan.

   (end of this chapter)

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