The Holy Hand Medical Concubine

Chapter 281: Be as close as sisters

   Chapter 281 Be as close as sisters

   Maybe at this moment, he is thinking about how to step on the first heart after getting the antidote?

   Nine Patriarchs pursed their lips, looked at Shengchuxin with a stiff face, and began to look at her.

   I don’t think I don’t think that, when we met, the Nine Patriarchs felt a sense of remorse, and at the same time, it was a squeak.

  Why didn't he know that Shengchu Xin's cultivation level was already on par with him, and he had already reached the Golden Core Stage?

   How could such a genius with extremely high cultivation base be considered waste?

   And he, because he heard the reputation of a waste material, retired his marriage with the Yue family, and missed a chance for a genius to enter the door in vain.

   "This is the original girl of the Yue family, she's grown so big...".

   "Who are you, does this girl know you?"

   Before the nine patriarchs could finish speaking, they were interrupted rudely by Sheng Chuxin.

  I want to get close to her, she is not the kind of person who can get close to anyone who wants to get close.

  The matter of the Holy Family, her mother is still lying on the hospital bed, and she is inseparable from the people of the Jiu Family.

   At this time, let her greet the people of Jiujia with a smile, but she can't do it.

   Besides, it was the Nine Clan who came to you, so there was no need for her to be polite.

   "This... Chuxin, I am your ninth uncle. When you were young, your uncle met you, did you forget?"

   The nine patriarchs smiled shyly. Although they couldn't get along, they still tried their best to maintain the image that an elder should have in front of Sheng Chuxin.

   "Who would remember things so clearly when I was a child? Jiu Patriarch, don't talk nonsense, just clarify your intentions." Sheng Chuxin said directly.

  To be honest, she really doesn't have that skill.

   Bei Yehan only gave her a few days to prepare, and she was about to set off for the extreme cold purgatory. She had a lot of things to prepare.

   Nine Patriarchs gritted their teeth and took a deep breath.

   It doesn't matter, he doesn't want to be close, so he won't say those polite words.

   "Chu Xin, Qi'er had some misunderstandings with you before. Today, I brought Qi'er here to apologize to you. I hope you can give Qi'er the antidote for the sake of the good friendship between the Jiu family and the Yue family."


   Sheng Chuxin really laughed out loud.

   Jiu Family and Yue Family have always been on good terms? Although there is nothing wrong with saying this, doesn't this nine family head really know what kind of life she used to live in the Yue family?

   Now let’s talk about the Yue family, is it really okay?

   "Nine Patriarchs, did you make a mistake, this girl is not Yue, is the Yue family related to this girl?" She asked with a slight curl on the corner of her lips.

   Speaking of Yue Family, Yue Dao He, and Yue Qingyan, she could not wait to see each of them kill each other.

   "This..." The Nine Patriarchs paused and gritted their teeth.

   "In the beginning, whether it's the Yue Family or the Holy Family, befriend the Nine Family, and Qi'er and you should be as close as sisters. This antidote..."

   "I don't know what kind of gifts the nine patriarchs brought?" Sheng Chuxin asked directly.

"It's true that Qi'er was wrong about what happened before, so she has to come to the door to apologize, but this ceremony... I brought it here, but I was turned away. If you agree with the original intention, I will let them in immediately. You can choose a few good ones, the owner of the family just wants Qi'er to be safe and sound."

  Xing Liaomu: "..."

   Vaulted Deer: "..."

   If the current situation didn't allow it, they would have laughed out loud.

   "Nine Patriarchs, if you can't bear your treasures, you don't have to take them out. Why do you have to look here and then take them back?" Qionglu said coldly immediately.

   (end of this chapter)

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