The Holy Hand Medical Concubine

Chapter 294: Even if it's poison, I'm willing to try it

   Chapter 294 Even if it's poison, I'm willing to try it

   "Actually, I guessed it a long time ago. You want to get so many uncherished medicines, mostly for me."

   Although this girl is a little greedy for money, she is also greedy herself and won't let him help.

   But this time, he told him directly, doesn’t that explain anything?

   "Look at what you can do." Sheng Chuxin rolled his eyes at him.

   "It's just that I didn't know what you were trying to do at the beginning, until someone told me that the purpose of Hundred Steps to Return the Sun is to suppress Gu insects."

  It was also at that time that he decided that his original intention was really to unlock the poison in him.

   "Chuan Xin, thank you." He sincerely thanked her.

   "Thank you for what, do you still use it so clearly with me?" Sheng Chuxin chuckled.

   However, she was also bitter in her heart. She originally wanted to hide from Bei Yehan and quietly study how to expel Zizhixinzhi from his body.

   "Actually, I'm not very sure, I'm just doing it with the mentality of trying it out."

   Her face was not very good-looking, she said bluntly.

   "Maybe it will be a deadly poison that will be refined at that time."

   This is not impossible, who made her not sure at all?

   "Even if it's poison, I'm willing to try it." Bei Yehan said.

   "You." Sheng Chuxin shook his head helplessly.

   This is also him. He dared to say it. If it were her, she might not have the courage to take a pill that didn't know whether it was a poison or an antidote.

   "After all, you still haven't told me what the silent record is?"

   she asked.

   They are now talking about the silent record. Does this have anything to do with Gu Duzi's heart?

   "Wuyanlu is a book of medicine gods uploaded from Shenluzhi, which records the solutions of various types of poisons. Naturally, it also includes poisonous poisons."

   In fact, he only knows a little about Wuyanlu. I believe that on several continents, no one can really understand Wuyanlu thoroughly.

   "Book of Medicine God?" Sheng Chuxin's eyes lit up, staring at Bei Yehan.

Although    Shenlu is not a legend, it is real, but to the people on Xuanji mainland, Shenlu is almost the same as legend.

  Because no one has really reached the Divine Land yet, at least no one above the Xuanji Continent has yet.

   "Then I must go see it." She said.

   Even if you don’t get it, you have to go and see what this silent record looks like, right?

   "Where is it?"

   "It's a coincidence, in Xin's house." Bei Yehan replied.

   "Xin... the royal family of the Xiang Kingdom." Sheng Chuxin blinked his beautiful eyes.

   That's really a coincidence. Back then, they made a lot of trouble with the Xiang Kingdom royal family.

   I don't know if the Xin family will return to their previous appearance after more than a month of precipitation. It is estimated that it is impossible.

   "I remember we destroyed the bookstore back then, will the silent record still be there?"

  Although the bookstore was not destroyed by her own hands, it was also destroyed by the Jin Jiao she released. It is not much different from her own hands.

   "How could something so important be placed in the bookstore?" Bei Yehan asked her back.

   Hearing the words, Sheng Chuxin raised his eyebrows and nodded.

   "That's right, that old man from the Xin family is a ghost."

   "Qonglu will go with us. As for the others, let Qiongqi take them to the north first." Bei Yehan said.


   Early the next morning, Qiong Qi arrived.

  The original group of people was divided into two groups, Bei Yehan, Shengchuxin, Qionglu, and Yuner.

   and Xing Liaomu, Qiongqi, Shuiyan and Narcissus went to the north to wait for them first.

   (end of this chapter)

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