The Holy Hand Medical Concubine

Chapter 296: It's called throwing stones for directions

   Chapter 296 This is called throwing stones to ask for directions

  Elephant Kingdom Palace, above the main hall, a few very strong bricks and tiles were moved to other places.

   On the roof, several people gathered together, staring at the back of Sheng Chuxin's head.

   "Lord, what are we doing here?" Discord came, but he just didn't understand, what was he doing?

  Since we have arrived at the palace, we should quickly spread out to find the silent record.

   Is it interesting to stare at the hall like this?

   "Stupid." Qionglu directly replied the word extermination.

   "You..." Mie Buhe took a deep breath and almost didn't reach out and beat Qionglu hard.

   "What do you mean? I'm stupid, but you're smart?"

   They are obviously half a pound, okay? Is it interesting to talk about their own brothers?

   "To say you're stupid is to flatter you, but you're still not convinced, right?" Qionglu glanced at him and said.

   "You... are you looking for a fight." Mie Buhe asked, frowning.

   Is it because you haven't had a good fight with him for a long time, and he will feel uncomfortable if you don't get beaten up?

   If this is the case, then he must show his skills.

   "Okay, now, when is there still a kung fu bickering." Sheng Chuxin raised his eyes and glared at them.

   She really obeyed them, and she was not afraid of being heard by the thousands of guards below.

  If her plan is ruined, she will definitely fight with them.

   Naturally, she definitely won't be the one who hits people, isn't it because Bei Yehan is here, make sure none of them dare to fight back!

   "Qianlu, have you done your job?" she asked.

   "It's already done, miss, don't worry, now Old Emperor Xin must know that someone is going to steal the silent record." Qionglu nodded in response.


   Hearing the words, Xie Disunhe was shocked.

   He managed to find out the secret of Wu Yan recorded here, and they actually startled the snake?

   "Miss, it's not easy for me to find out the whereabouts of Wuyanlu, I don't have such a torment."

  If old man Xin hides the silent record again, where will they find it?

   They don't even know what Wuyanlu looks like, can you stop tossing him, he's very tired.

   "What do you know, this girl is called asking for directions by throwing stones." Sheng Chuxin rolled his eyes at him.

  If they didn't do this trick, they would have to wait until the Year of the Monkey and the Horse Moon to find a book in such a big palace?

   "Go, go and meet Akan." She stood up and patted the dust on her hands.


   "Presumptuous, simply presumptuous!"

   In the study, the man in the yellow robe had half-white hair, but his face was flushed and angry.

   "Fourth, can you find out who is so bold, to enter the palace and steal the silent record?"

   Wuyan was recorded in the palace. It was a secret, a secret that even the princes did not know. How did those outsiders know about it?

  It's all right now, but he didn't even see the majesty of his emperor, and he blatantly wanted to steal the silent record.

   "Return to the emperor, that group of people is extremely secretive, the servants are incompetent, and their identities could not be found out for a while." The fourth prince returned to the emperor's words.

  The rumors spread outside, although it can't be taken as true, but it is about the silent record, and the emperor must pay attention to it.

   Don't say how the people outside knew the whereabouts of Wuyanlu, even those rumors, they must have spread it on purpose, right?

   "Damn, what's the use of raising you scumbags, you can't even handle a trivial matter." The emperor was even more angry when he heard the words of the fourth prince.

   (end of this chapter)

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