The Holy Hand Medical Concubine

Chapter 298: Let's be so high-profile, okay?

   Chapter 298 Let's be so high-profile, is it really okay?

   "Stupid." After Qionglu, Shengchuxin also spit out this word to him.

   "His!" Mie Buhezhen was going to be **** off by them.

   If he hadn't had to take care of the old Xin family, he really wanted to yell, how stupid he was.

   Didn't he continue what she said?

  He is stupid, so how can she be smart?

   "Miss, can you put some virtue in your mouth?" he said quietly.

   Could it be that there are five big characters that can be bullied on his forehead? Everyone wanted to use him as a punching bag.

   Sheng Chuxin didn't bother to pay attention to his unpleasant words, and looked sideways at Bei Yehan.

   "I just went to the main hall to investigate. If I guessed correctly, the silent record should be hidden in a secret passage in the main hall."

   "Main hall? Impossible?" Even Qionglu thought it was unlikely.

  The old emperor has not even stepped in the door of the main hall recently.

   "The more impossible the place, the more likely it is." Sheng Chuxin raised his eyebrows.

  The old emperor was able to become the emperor, which shows that he was shrewd. How could such an old fox not understand this truth?

   "I usually deal with affairs in the main hall, but these days I go to the study, don't you think it's strange?"

   she asked them.

   "What's so strange, maybe things are put in the study, he has to guard them." Mie Buhe pouted innocently and said.

   This is not without reason. Who is the old emperor, and what kind of treasure is Silent Records?

   Hearing the news that someone was going to seize the silent record, he naturally had to guard it himself.

   Hearing this, even Bei Yehan rolled his eyes.

   "No wonder only you can be scolded." He said.

   "Tsk." Mie Buhe gritted his teeth in dissatisfaction, and wanted to rush up and bite Bei Yehan.

   But he didn't have the guts, so he could only twist his head and not speak.

   "Go to the main hall first." Bei Yehan said.

   Sheng Chuxin nodded, and several people disappeared in the study in an instant.


  In the main hall, there was no light at all, Sheng Chuxin took out a huge night pearl and threw it into the arms of the discord.

   "Hold." She said.

  Miebuhe has black lines all over his forehead, and he doesn't know what to say.

   "Miss, is it really okay for us to be so high-profile?"

  Although there are no guards in the main hall, there are so many outside. Is it true that they will not be discovered by lighting with luminous pearls like this?

   Or does she think it doesn't matter if she gets discovered?

   But fighting is very tiring, he doesn't want to shoot for a night pearl at all.

   "Is it low-key if it's not high-profile?" Sheng Chuxin rolled his eyes at him.


   "Okay, it's not good, if you have the time to talk, why don't you hurry and look for it."

  Qianlu interrupted him when he was about to refute the discord.

   They can be invisible in front of the old emperor, can they still let the light penetrate outside, if the young lady doesn't even have this ability, can he be favored by his family master?

  Mie Discord took a deep breath and glanced at the night pearl in his arms.

   put it lightly, where do they need him to find him, they clearly regarded him as a light stand.

   "Xiaodie, come out." Sheng Chuxin released Xiaodie from the space.

  There were many butterflies in the main hall all of a sudden, all flapping their wings around her.

   "Master, what is your order?"

   "Look for secret passages, secret spaces, and find out the places that are invisible to the discerning person anyway." Sheng Chuxin instructed.

   "Okay." Xiaodie responded, and the butterflies immediately dispersed.

   (end of this chapter)

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