The Holy Hand Medical Concubine

Chapter 343: This time, it failed...

   Chapter 343 This time, it still failed...

The wry smile on   's face was fortunately covered by the mask, so it was not seen by Sheng Chuxin.

  The last time I watched the original intention 'explode' in front of my eyes, but this time, if I hadn't worked hard, I am afraid that the original intention has been kidnapped by that person.

   He realized that he is really not omnipotent.

   "What did you say, is your chest still stuffy?" Sheng Chuxin glared at him and asked with concern.

   How could she not understand what Bei Yehan was thinking?

   "What happened just now was purely accidental. The extreme cold purgatory is inherently incompatible with the dark night technique in your body, not to mention..."

   In order to deal with the businessmen, he also forcibly summoned so many monsters.

   "You take a rest first, I'll go get some holy jade Yanlu, Qiongqi, take care of him."

   Qiongqi nodded and watched Shengchuxin leave.

   "Qongqi, is this saint too weak?" Bei Yehan said quietly.

   is asking Qiongqi, but also asking oneself.

  Suddenly, Qiongqi's eyes widened, and he looked at his master in disbelief.

   "Lord, how can you say that?"

   Since he was a child, he has followed the Lord’s side. How hard the Lord cultivates and how much he has put in, he sees everything in his eyes.

  I think compared to the other princes, the cultivation of the Lord is far above them.

   "Miss will definitely be able to detoxify the poison in the body of the Lord, including the Nether Night Technique." He said affirmatively.

   As long as the child's heart in the Lord's body is resolved, and the Nether Night Technique no longer binds the Lord's cultivation, who can be the Lord's opponent in the entire Yedark Holy Land? is only temporary, and it is not the Lord's will.

   "Yes." Bei Yehan nodded.

   "Qongqi, remember that no matter when, the command of your original intention is greater than that of the original sage. You can not listen to the original sage, but - you must listen to the original intention!"

   He can not care about himself, but he cannot let his original intention be in any danger.

   "Yes, the lord, the subordinates remember it." Qiong Qi responded.

   Even if the Lord does not tell him, he still thinks so, Miss, she is worthy of their willingness to work for her!

   "Then, what is that? How can Chuxin..." Narcissus stammered and pointed in the direction of Shengchuxin.

   As far as the eyes can see, I saw a spiritual power ladder in front of Shengchuxin, and Shengchuxin actually walked up and finally disappeared in front of their eyes.

   She swallowed hard and wanted to tell herself that it was her eyesight.

   However, when she looked at Xing Liaomu and her eldest brother, she realized that this was true, not her own dazzling eyes.

   Because the two of them also stared at the direction where Sheng Chuxin left with the same surprised expression.

   "What strange place did I come to?!" Even Xing Liaomu couldn't help asking aloud.

   But he was asking himself.

   It is really his great fortune to be the master's apprentice in this life, otherwise, how could he know Shengchuxin.

   Soon, Sheng Chuxin walked down the spiritual rank again, and the spiritual rank disappeared.

   "Come on, drink it." She handed the porcelain bottle to Bei Yehan's mouth and fed him the holy jade face dew.

   She didn't let go of the heart she was hanging until she watched his face gradually recover its blood.

   "Ahan, Mother Gu's call is getting stronger and stronger."

   She was a little worried and said to Bei Yehan.

   Bei Yehan nodded, "I had a feeling she wouldn't give up so easily."

   Knowing that the child Gu had lost the news, how could the mother emperor be reconciled, and she would definitely do everything possible to summon the child Gu.

   Only this time, it failed...


   (end of this chapter)

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