The Holy Hand Medical Concubine

Chapter 352: Too much blood loss

   Chapter 352 Too much blood loss and confused

   "Hmph, this karmic dragon, he's just dead!" Madam Xing snorted coldly.

   How dare you attack her son, it's so cheap for him to die like this!

   "Mu'er, are you okay? Wasn't that world-shattering Zi Xuanbing swallowed by the holy girl?"

   Thinking of the shocking Zi Xuanbing, her flesh hurts. How can I say that she went to the extreme cold purgatory together to experience it, why doesn't she have her son's share?

   If they can go in, it's the way that Mu'er led.

   "What are you talking about? If it weren't for Master Mo Shang's subordinates, Mu'er wouldn't know what to do." The owner of the Xing family was very arrogant. Hearing his wife say this, he gave her a displeased look.

   It's a woman's opinion, how can a piece of treasure be compared to a son's life?

   When you say it, you are not afraid of being laughed at.

   "Mu'er, don't listen to your mother's nonsense. Dad can see that Master Mo Shang is by no means an ordinary person. You have to get along well with them, and it will benefit you in the future."

   "Baby knows." Xing Liaomu responded.


   Back to the room, Sheng Chuxin came to the Five Intentions Spirit Realm Ring.

   "Master, do you want to make alchemy?"

   Watching Sheng Chuxin take out the purple gas medicine stove, Ding Ding hurried over and asked nervously.

  The master has lost his blood essence, so if you practice alchemy again at this time, you won't be dizzy, right?

   "I don't concoct alchemy, I just melt the emerald ink jade." Sheng Chuxin replied.

   Not only Cui Moyu, but she also promised Xing Liaomu that she would give him some amazing Zi Xuanbing, can't she break her promise?

   "What?! Master, what did you say?!"

   came over with a fruit plate, and was about to let Sheng Chuxin eat something to replenish his body, when the fruit plate in his hand fell to the ground.

   "Master, you said you want to use it... to refine emerald jade?"

  Beast and Xiaodie also stared at Shengchuxin in shock, with embarrassment and disbelief on their faces.

   "What's wrong? Can't you?" Seeing their expressions, Sheng Chuxin blinked.

  Contracted Beasts: "…"

  Master, this is too much blood loss and confused?

   "Of course not, Master, how can you use the alchemy furnace to make gold? The purple gas furnace will be broken." The beast reminded her with a strange cry.

   Even if he has been locked in the flaming beast array all his life, he knows that the alchemy furnace is for alchemy, and the alchemy furnace is for alchemy.

  Master, how could you not know?

   "Master, do you know how to alchemy?" Cai Cai also asked the same question.

   "Of course!" Sheng Chuxin immediately roared when he heard Caicai's questioning voice.

   But, after thinking about it for a while, an uncertain look appeared on her face.

   "I think it should be possible, right?"

   She has never made weapons, how can she know if she will?

   Still, it’s always a good idea to give it a try.

  Contracted Beasts: "…"

  Master, you are going to use the alchemy furnace to make gold, and you still say you can? Are you kidding them?

   "Master, didn't the master give you a Spiritual Whip, he must be an alchemist, let him do it." Xiaodie suggested.

   She refuses to let the environment she lives in become smoky, which is not good for her physical growth.

  Yes, quickly pulled Bei Yehan out.

   "Yeah, Master, you don't even have an alchemy furnace. If you really can't, go and borrow one from the master?" Ding Ding also said.

   Holy Beginning Heart: "…"

   Let her borrow the alchemy furnace? Thank goodness these little guys figured it out.

  If A-Kan heard that she wanted to alchemy, wouldn't he just hold her down and spank him?

   This idea is not good at all!

   But, what the little guys said is true, she really doesn't have an alchemy furnace, so she can only turn to Akan for help.


   (end of this chapter)

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