The Holy Hand Medical Concubine

Chapter 360: side door

   Chapter 360

   "Don't you need to go with the salutation?" she asked.

   "Of course, Yaosheng Villa has already controlled the whereabouts of 89 out of 10 refining pharmacists in Xuanji Continent. As long as they are a little famous, they can all get invitations."

  Xing Liaomu said it for granted.

   Just like their star family, they only received the invitation yesterday.

   "However, if you want to participate, Aunt Chuxin, you don't need to ask for a post. You can just enter with your own strength."

   "Break in?" Sheng Chu was ashamed.

   With her cultivation, can she break into Medicine Saint Villa with both hands? Are you kidding her?

   "Are you capable of playing around?"

   Anyway, she admits that she doesn't have the ability, and she doesn't want to offend people who don't need to be offended because of a whim.

  Xing Liaomu heard her words and knew that she would be wrong.

"I mean, Medicine Saint Villa has strict rules, but anyone who wants to participate in the Medicine Refining Competition and has no invitations, can enter Medicine Saint Villa in advance to identify medicines, as long as they can name two hundred medicinal materials within a quarter of an hour, they will Able to participate in the medicine refining competition."

   "So I can still do this." Sheng Chu's heart was clear.

   This is the same as the flaming beast formation of Qinglong College, you can enter the formation without a famous post, isn't it?

   "Why don't you propose that I compete in the name of your Xing Family disciple?" She suddenly questioned.

   "This..." Hearing her words, Xing Liaomu's face showed embarrassment.

   "It's not that I don't want to, it's just... Aunt Chuxin, do you want to get the flower of the gods?"

   If this is the case, then she cannot compete in the name of the star family.

   "So what?" Sheng Chu was puzzled.

   competes in the name of Xingjia, what if she gets Shenmengjuanhua? Could it still bring disaster to the star family?

   "My father is a big-hearted person, but Aunt Chuxin, as you can imagine, the people who support a big family are far more than the head of the family."

   I omit a lot of words below, and Xing Liaomu is inconvenient to say it again.

   After being reminded by him, there is no reason why Shengchuxin doesn't understand, she nodded.

It's true that every family has a hard-to-read scripture. Xing Liaomu is right. If she participates in the competition in the name of the Xing family, then if she really gets the flower of the gods, the restless members of the Xing family are not good enough. One came out.

   Therefore, for the sake of her extraordinary life, she can't have too much relationship with the Xing family.

   In front of interests, there are no friends at all.

   "I understand, I will arrange this myself."


   Back to her room, she poured a cup of tea for Bei Yehan.

   "Ahan, what are your plans?" She asked, placing the teacup beside him.

   Let Qionglu come over, he must have his own plans, right?

   Bei Yehan picked up the teacup and looked sideways at her. After a long time, he drank the tea in the teacup and put it down before he spoke.

   "Your alchemy skills have only reached the first rank, and you will be more confident when you go to Qionglu."

   Sheng Chuxin is madly sweating, is this a hallucination? Someone actually said that her alchemy was just entering the first grade?

   "Ahan, I'm not small at refining medicine pills, right? Even the seventh-grade ghost clan detoxification pills have been refined, okay?"

   With such a talent for refining medicine, is he embarrassed to say that she has just entered the first rank?

   "Do you want others to see the sidelines you showed when refining medicine?" Bei Yehan asked quietly.

   Holy Beginning Heart: "..."

   It's been a long time since I heard Bei Yehan's poisoned mouth, and he actually misses it.

   However, she did not deny that what Bei Yehan said was correct.

   (end of this chapter)

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