The Holy Hand Medical Concubine

Chapter 393: greet you alone

   Chapter 393 Greet you alone

   The next moment, the roar of dragons sounded in mid-air, and everyone felt that the ground was shaking.

   His face was paler than when he saw Ah Kuan's death just now. At this moment, several girls who were not frightened had collapsed to the ground.


   "Ghost dragon, it's a ghost dragon, follow me."

   Sheng Chuxin looked up, and there were actually two men among the fainted.

   "Ding Ding, surround them with me."

   Seeing those people start to move, looking like they wanted to run away, she explained to Ding Ding.

   "Yes, Master."

   There was a ding ding in the air, and the huge dragon tail swept straight away, enclosing everyone inside.

  Humph, how dare you say she is a ghost dragon?

  Do you want to talk so that if you don't go to the village or the store, you can't finish the whole series?

   She is clearly a demonic gluttonous dragon of the ghost clan, okay?

  Based on this, she felt that the owner should grab all their storage rings and buy her a lot of delicious food.

   "Master, what is Cai Cai going to do?"

   There is a gap where the tail of the Ding Ding dragon is coiled, and there, there is a three-headed colorful scorpion with three heads, which clamped the big pliers with a 'bang bang'.

   "Ah, ah—"

   Everyone screamed constantly, and it was not ashamed to be stunned, but even more disgusting were the children of aristocratic families who had been frightened to the point of incontinence.

  Xing Liaomu frowned lightly and glanced at those people with contempt.

   "Disgusting to death."

   Sheng Chuxin glanced at him sideways, "Is it disgusting? Let Dingding and Caicai greet you alone in a few days, eh?"

  Xing Liaomu twitched the corners of his mouth in embarrassment, and quickly shook his head with a flattering smile on his face.

   "Aunt Shi, I feel ashamed for them. After all, we also come from an aristocratic family, right?"

   Having said that, if he didn't have the same heart as Sheng Chu, would he have done such a shameful thing? Shouldn't it?

   Thinking in his heart, his head shook. At this moment, he completely forgot how someone was shameless and wanted to bully the weak outside Fulong Town.

   "You deal with these people first, I will do all the dirty work."

   He didn't want to be 'greeted' by Dingding and Caicai alone.

   Sheng Chuxin rolled his eyes at him, raised his feet and walked under Caicai's belly, while Bei Yehan was always by her side.

   " are the devil, the devil!"

  Those children of noble families wanted to run but couldn't, so they could only look at Shengchu Xin with trembling bodies.

   "Devil?" Sheng Chuxin raised his eyebrows.

   tilted her head and thought for a while before she looked at the man who said she was a devil.

   "Isn't the devil bad? You have to thank this girl for this devil. If it weren't for me, maybe you, and you guys, would all become devils, eh?"

  Go to the **** devil, let them steal her things so openly, and she will become a devil when she fights back?

  Co-authoring Whether this world is black or white, is it all the people in front of you who have the final say?

   "Cai Cai, put away all their storage rings in the past, none of them are allowed to fall."

   she ordered to Caicai.

   "Okay, Master." Caicai responded, and her huge body walked towards the children of the aristocratic family.

   "You... do you take the initiative to hand it over, or let Ben Scorpion kill you and then take it?"

   "No, no, no, I give, I give."

   Such a big three-headed colorful scorpion, isn't it a matter of moving the scorpion's pliers to kill them?

   (end of this chapter)

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