The Holy Hand Medical Concubine

Chapter 523: Mother said that when you go up the mountain, Xiaobao will never go down to the river

   Chapter 523 Mother said to go up the mountain, Xiaobao will never go down the river

  Dingding couldn't help but complain.

   She can't stand it anymore, what is the little master thinking? Is it possible that after staying with the ghosts in the ghost forest for a long time, the spirit has become abnormal?

   "What's the matter? I haven't gotten a bad tumor for myself, it's already good." Bei Ye Xingchen pouted and said.

  Dingding: "..."

   Hearing what he said, she hurriedly took a step back, imagining in her mind the little master with a malignant tumor on his face, and his whole person was not well.

   "Master, hurry up, put your son back in your stomach and rebuild it."

   She said to Sheng Chuxin.

   This sentence was often said by Sheng Chuxin when Beiye Xingchen was disobedient, but now she is using it to humble Beiye Xingchen.

   Such a disgusting little master, she must stay away from him!

   Sheng Chuxin smiled helplessly, and he also threw the medicine pill into his mouth, transforming into an ordinary face.

   "According to Wan Lan, this should be the Trial Valley of a certain academy in the Holy Land of Darkness," she said.

   Said, she took Dingding back into the Five Intentions Ring, and looked at her son seriously.

   "Little darling, do you want to be outside, or do you want to enter the Five Intentions Ring?"

   Beiye Xingchen heard her words and shook his head quickly, "Mother, Xiaobao wants to follow you, don't enter the Five Intentions Ring."

   He doesn't want to be locked in the space every day, he must fight side by side with his mother, let his father know in the future that he is the man who can protect his mother!

   "Then you should know what to do, right?" Sheng Chuxin asked him in a deep voice.

   "I know." Bei Ye Xingchen nodded quickly.

   "Xiaobao must be obedient and obedient. Mother said east, Xiaobao would never go west; mother said to go up the mountain, Xiaobao would never go down the river."

   Holy Beginning Heart: "..."

   It's a good thing to say now, when he is attracted by something new, he will not be so well-behaved now.

   "If you are disobedient, you can enter the Five Intentions Spiritual Precept directly." She warned solemnly.

   "Okay, okay." Beiye Xingchen responded quickly.

   With his assurance, Sheng Chuxin took his hand and walked slowly forward.


   "Drink, brother be careful."

   Not far away, several white-clothed disciples were besieging a Lightning Red Rabbit. In fact, the Lightning Red Rabbit should have blocked these disciples.

  Lightning Red Rabbit is considered a strong beast in the Dark Night Holy Land, because it has the Lightning Element, but the people on the Night Dark Holy Land do not have the Lightning Element.

   "Junior sister, this red rabbit is too powerful, we are not its opponent."

   was reminded, the male disciple turned over in mid-air, dodging the lightning element attack of the red rabbit, where he was standing just now, a large hole was blasted by the lightning element in the ground, and black smoke was blowing.

   The male disciple gritted his teeth and said to the female disciple who reminded him just now.

   The other disciples also attacked Chitu with the long swords in their hands, but obviously this attack had no effect at all.

   "What to do, teachers, where have they gone?" another disciple asked.

   These teachers are too irresponsible, they even left them without knowing where they went. They came to experience, not to be injured by these monsters.

   "Who knows, the teachers and teachers are noble, how can they care about us."

   The female disciple roared and attacked Chitu.

   But she knew very well in her heart that their attack was tickle to Chitu.

   (end of this chapter)

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