The Holy Hand Medical Concubine

Chapter 535: Mother is hopeless

   Chapter 535 Mother is hopeless

Although    Rank 7 Healing Pills are also very common in Shengyun Academy, as a human race who has just entered the Holy Land of Darkness, it is incredible for him to be able to take them out.

   Not to mention, how expensive is the seventh-grade medicinal pill, can he not know?

   " can Madam Yuexin spend money? The fluttering injury will heal in a few days."

  Xue Piao Piao waved her hand embarrassedly.

   Seventh Grade Healing Pill, that is a great favor. She is not a big person in Shengyun Academy. She is afraid that she will not want to do so in the future.

   "There are dangers everywhere in the Sacred Cloud Valley. How many days are you sure you want to delay?" Sheng Chuxin raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Yes, Aunt Piao Piao, you are here to experience, how can you drag your body? Mother's medicinal pill is delicious and sweet, so you can eat it." Bei Ye Xingchen blinked. Eyes, said to the snow fluttering.

   Hearing the words, Sheng Chuxin lowered his eyes and rolled his eyes at his son.

   Her elixir is so sweet, isn't it because someone doesn't like the bitter taste and doesn't like smelling the medicine, and they will vomit as soon as they eat that smell?

   She couldn't do anything about it, that's how she made the medicinal pills sweet.

   "Then... Then thank Mrs. Yuexin." Xue Piao Piao thanked her first, then took the medicine pill and put it in her mouth.

   "Master Bai Yan, according to what Piao Piao said, once you enter the Sacred Cloud Valley, you can't just leave, right?"

   Seeing that she had taken the healing pill, Sheng Chuxin turned to look at Sui Baiyan.

  Xue Piao Piao is a disciple after all, so she may not know much about Sheng Yun Academy, so she will check with Sui Baiyan again.

  If possible, she would like to leave Sacred Cloud Valley now. Although it was not bad for her to meet A-Kan for a few days, this place was really useless to her.

   After all, the monsters here were swept away by her with just one move.

   "Indeed, this is also to prevent those outsiders from breaking into the Holy Cloud Valley at will and hurting the disciples who are training."

   Holy Beginning Heart: "..."

   It seems that she really has to advance and retreat with these people?

   "But it's not impossible to leave, but it must be the strength of all the teachers in Sacred Cloud Valley to open an opening in Sacred Cloud Valley."

   Just listen to the old sayings.

   Holy Beginning Heart: "..."

   She offended Lanyu Weiyin just now, what's the use of talking about it now?

   bowed her head, she looked at the stars of Beiye.

   "Little baby, it seems that we really have to stay here for a month and a half. Mother is hopeless, so she is counting on you."

   She said to Beiye Xingchen seriously.

   Hearing her words, Xue Piao Piao was shocked. Could it be that this lady is still suffering from a serious illness and is about to die?

   "Well, mother, just take a look, Xiaobao must show his skills and beat all those monsters to the ground!" Bei Ye Xingchen made a cheering gesture with his right hand, and his eyes were even more serious.


   He just finished speaking when a big ear scraper slapped the back of his head.

   Beiye Xingchen pursed his lips and looked up at his mother, "Mother, why are you hitting me again!"

   He doesn't understand, did he say something wrong? Why get hit again? Could it be that the mother gave birth to him just to vent her anger?

   "Only you can beat the monsters here? They almost eat you, let you experience, not let you brag!" Sheng Chu said angrily.

   is not afraid of blowing up his own cowhide, and he is also embarrassed to say it.

   (end of this chapter)

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