The Holy Hand Medical Concubine

Chapter 559: How about we play a game?

   Chapter 559 How about we fight?

   "Little guy, you are not yet ten years old, can you contract this divine beast?" Qianli Jade Soul Horse said.

   It's not that he looks down on this little guy, his cultivation is not bad, but his age is too young.

  If he contracted himself, would he be a nanny or a nanny? What's more, he also saw that this little guy is less than ten years old and can't form a contract with Warcraft.

  Otherwise, with the strength of this little fellow's mother, he would have already selected the best beasts to contract for him.

   "What happened before I was ten years old, does it have anything to do with you?"

   Beiye Xingchen jumped with anger when he heard his words. Is it wrong for him to be young?

   They all want to bully him for being young, don't they?

   "No matter how young I am, I can beat you down!"

   "With you?" Qianli Jade Soul Horse let out a sigh of relief.

   "I..." Bei Ye Xingchen pursed his lips.

   Well, he can't do it alone, he has to add a ghost talisman to kill Lifeng Grasshopper.

   But people are mythical beasts, how can Lifeng Grasshopper be comparable?

   "Master Baiyan, is this the treasure you are looking for?" Xue Piaopiao asked quietly beside Sui Baiyan.

  If the treasure they were looking for was this Thousand Mile Jade Soul Colt, then they would be destined to be disappointed. They didn't see the Thousand Mile Jade Soul Colt and they didn't even bird them, and they only cared about talking to Sheng Chuxin and their mother and son.

   Moreover, if they were to fight for strength, they should not be the opponents of the Thousand Mile Jade Soul Horse, right?

  Sui Baiyan just stared at Qianli Jade Soul Horse and did not answer Xue Piao Piao's words.

   In fact, what he was thinking in his heart was the same as Xue Piao Piao, this thousand-mile jade-soul horse would definitely not be obtained by any of their teachers.

   However, if there is no Qianli Jade Soul Horse, each of them here will not be able to explain to the dean.

  Because the Thousand Miles Jade Soul Horse is the sacred beast of the Holy Cloud College, if you get it, you can hope to become the next dean.

   Could it be that this Madam Yuexin will be the next dean of Saint Cloud Academy?

   He turned his eyes and glanced at Bei Yening. It just so happened that at this time, Bei Yening also looked at him, and both of them got a positive answer from each other's eyes.

   It seems that they don't need to fight anymore.

   "Little girl, how are you, how about we fight?" Qianli Yuhunju looked at Shengchuxin and suggested.

   Hearing the words, Sheng Chuxin raised his eyebrows and stared at the Qianli Jade Soul Horse.

   "As a divine beast, are you sure you want to fight with mortals?" she asked.

  Mythical beasts have always had the arrogant temperament of divine beasts, and fighting with mortals is what they most disdain to do.

   What's more, she is only a human race, not a spirit, a demon, a ghost, a person above the Three Holy Lands.

   "This divine beast is confirmed, it is not easy to find a person in the early stage of micro-entering at Shengyun Academy..."

   "Qianli Yuhunju, she is not from Shengyun Academy at all, she is an intruder!" Before Qianli Yuhunju finished speaking, Lan Yu's sharp voice rang out.

   She didn't believe that this woman's luck was so good that she could get the Thousand Mile Jade Soul Horse, obviously the Thousand Mile Jade Soul Horse should be hers.

   "When this divine beast speaks, how can a tiny human like you interfere?"

   As soon as Qianli Yuhunju finished speaking, there was a scream in everyone's ears, and the poor Lan Yu's micro voice was directly slapped by Qianli Yuhunju.

   "Master Microphone, Master Microphone."

  The disciples of Lanyu Weiyin hurried over and helped her up again. This time, she was not as simple as spitting out blood.

   (end of this chapter)

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