The Holy Hand Medical Concubine

Chapter 570: Of course, after eating

   Chapter 570 Naturally, eat it and then fight

   Soon, the aroma drifted away, and the greedy bugs in everyone's stomach were about to come out.

  Lan Yu secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva, staring at Bei Ye Xingchen hatefully, if it weren't for a ghost talisman always beside him, she must make this stinky boy look good!

   Shengchu Xin and Qianli Jade Soul Horse fought for three days and three nights. Everyone already knew in their hearts that Qianli Jade Soul Horse belonged to Shengchu Xin.

   And she was beaten for offending Qianli Yuhunju before, and it took three days to recover.

   If there is a big gap, how could she not hate it?

   At this moment, she even has the heart to tear down Shengchu's heart, but it's a pity that she doesn't have that ability!

   But she doesn't have that ability, doesn't it mean that other people don't have that ability, right?

   "Wait and see, when you see the dean, you should know what you are!" she muttered bitterly.

   The fragrance drifted to the tip of Sheng Chuxin's nose in front of her face. She suddenly pulled out of the fight and flashed to a short distance, and Caicai and the others also came to her side.

   "Master, what's wrong with you, why don't you fight?" Cai Cai asked first.

   He was still fighting hard, let alone three days and three nights, even thirty days and thirty nights would be no problem.

   "You're just stupid, the little master has already cooked the noodles, so of course he eats them before playing." Ding Ding replied to her immediately.

   Smelling the fragrance, she felt like she could eat a cow... oh no, a hundred cows!

   "Little master, you are so kind, I know Ding Ding is hungry and cooked such delicious noodles."

   After saying those words, she rushed towards Beiye Xingchen, almost giving him a big kiss on his chubby cheek.

   When all the monsters saw this, they also rushed over. Whoever arrives first will get the most, so they naturally have to move faster.

   However, Beiye Xingchen was not happy there, and stood in front of the pot, facing them with a stern face.

   "No robbing, no one is allowed to rob!"

   This is what he cooked for his mother. Although he also cooked it for Caicai and the others, he must let his mother eat it first. She must be hungry, right?

   Said, he turned around, took out a jade bowl, and held a shovel in his small hand to prepare noodles for Sheng Chuxin.

"Oh, little master, be careful of getting burned, let Caicai come, Ding Ding promises that this first bowl will be delivered to the master by Caicai, okay?" Ding Ding hurriedly snatched the bowl from Beiye Xingchen's hand , stuffed it into Cai Cai's hands.

   Beiye Xingchen: "..."

   Now that he said it so well, when he was cooking noodles just now, why didn't he see them coming to help him, why wasn't he afraid of getting burned?

  It's better now, come to be a good man?

  He was helpless and could only turn his head to look at his mother.

  Look, mother-in-law's contracted beasts, why are they so thick-skinned?

   Sheng Chuxin is also looking at her son, casts a doting glance at him, turns her eyes, she looks at Qianli Jade Soul Horse.

   "A truce for the time being, we'll talk about it tomorrow, I still have important things to do."

   Thousand Miles Jade Soul Horse: "???"

   What kind of master will he recognize in the future? Isn't the allure of his dignified beast as big as a bowl of noodles?

   However, thinking about it is also true, after all, it was made by his own son, if he...

  Uh, where did he want to go, where did he come from, this is not a daydream.

   It's just that Qianli Yuhunju was wrong. The important thing in Shengchu's heart was not eating noodles, but another thing.

   (end of this chapter)

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