The Holy Hand Medical Concubine

Chapter 596: just...don't ask

  Chapter 596 just...don't ask

   "Oh, my lord, Yun'er is still locked in the heart ring by you." Suddenly, Qiongqi screamed.

   They've been fighting all night, and it's almost dawn, won't even the Yuner in the heart be mad?

   Hearing that, Bei Yehan moved one hand and Yuner stood beside them.

   "Lord, Brother Qiongqi, you..."

   Seeing that they all looked bad, and the corners of their mouths were bloodshot, Yuner was stunned.

   "Lord, are you injured? Brother Qionghao, is your face poisoned? Lord, there is an elixir that the lady just sent in your Lianxin ring, you..."

   "Have you seen your original intention?" Bei Yehan asked with sharp eyes.

   "Uh." Yun'er pursed her lips and nodded.

   "Yes, the slave girl saw the lady, but the lady put down a lot of medicine pills and left again."

   "Yun'er, have you asked Mistress, where is she now?" Qiong Qi asked immediately.

   He was really curious, where did the mistress hide herself? He was about to turn over the entire Dark Night Holy Land, and he couldn't find any trace of the mistress.

   This is also a little too good at hiding.

   "This... the slave girl was so happy to see the young lady at the time, so... she didn't ask." Yun'er glanced at Bei Yehan carefully, and then quickly lowered her head again.

   "What?!" Qionglu and the others all jumped when they heard her words.

  I didn't even ask about such an important thing. This girl is really... They don't even know what to do with them.

   "Yun'er, I didn't tell you, you..." Qiong Hao opened his mouth, raised his big hand and wanted to slap Yun'er on the forehead and ask her what was going on in her head.

   "Yun'er, you really... Then what did you ask when you saw the mistress?" Yuan Qi also shook his head, and could only sigh helplessly at Yun'er.

   How could there be such a girl beside the mistress, he had a headache looking at it.

   "I..." Yun'er opened her mouth and thought about what she had said?

   But in fact, she didn't really ask anything. It's just that the young lady came in a hurry and she was too excited, so...

   "What did the original intention say?" Bei Yehan asked in a deep voice.

   For him, it doesn't matter if he sees his original intention at this time, the key is to know that his original intention is safe, and he can rest assured.

   "Miss said... Said that she entered... what kind of micro." Yun'er replied intermittently while thinking.

   She has been here in Ye Dark Holy Land for so long, and she has never heard of any low level of cultivation.

   "It's in the micro stage, my lord, the mistress's cultivation is already in the micro stage?" Qiong Qi said.

   Hearing the word "Ningwei", he felt that he had been hit **** the back of the head, and he was about to be stunned.

  The people who have cultivated for so many years have not yet reached the stage of entering the micro stage. It's only been a few years since the mistress has entered the micro stage?

   Could it be that a trip to the Ghost Rune Forest is really that powerful, and the cultivation base can be greatly increased to such a degree? If that was the case, he felt that he and Qionglu should go to the Ghost Forest for a walk.

   Yuanji was also speechless, staring blankly at his master for a long time.

   When Bei Yehan heard Yun'er's words, the heart that was hanging in the air was settled.

   The original intention has entered the micro stage, at least in the dark night holy land, it is not difficult for anyone who wants to embarrass her.

   He took out all the elixir bottles left by Chuxin in Lianxinjie, and handed them to Qiongqi and Qionglu respectively, and then told Yuner to go back.

   (end of this chapter)

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