The Holy Hand Medical Concubine

Chapter 603: where to go

   Chapter 603

   "Two... A little girl in her twenties, Dean, this..."

  The Great Elder stammered and looked at the dean, and then looked at Shengchuxin, and was completely stunned by Shengchuxin.

   A genius who entered the micro stage in his twenties, can he still be called a genius? This is simply... a monster! ! !

   "Ahem, ahem, Dean Hao, this elder thinks that since this girl can be recognized by Qianli Yuhunju, she has a relationship with Shengyun Academy. This elder is willing to guarantee that she will stay as a teacher."

   The third elder coughed a few times to hide the stupidity of being frightened just now, and then suggested.

   A talent like this, let alone the Dark Night Holy Land, even if you add up all the Holy Lands, you can't find a second person. If you don't keep her at Saint Cloud Academy, are you still waiting for others to poach her?

   "Third Elder, you—" The Second Elder frowned upon hearing his words.

   He knew that he was not right with this woman, yet he still wanted to keep her at St. Cloud College. What did he mean, he was trying to get along with him, didn't he?

   "President, this elder feels that what the three elders said is very true, that is, if she can get the approval of Qianli Yuhunju, she is not an ordinary teacher. This elder is willing to guarantee her to be the master of Shengyun Academy."

   The first elder interrupted the second elder again, and everyone could hear the excitement in his words.

   Listening to what they said, the second elder only felt that his lungs were about to explode with anger. What do these people mean, they all came to oppose him, right?

   "Well, since the first elder and the third elder said so, then..."

"President, there are already teachers in the seventy-two courtyards of Shengyun Academy. Do you want to drive out the teachers in the academy for Yuexin's outsider?" Lan Yu Weiyin was the first to disagree with their idea. .

   But she also knew that the dean and elders would not listen to her opinion, so she could only use the Seventy-two Court as an excuse.

   After all, the seventy-two courtyards are full, and it will take time to build another dean, not to mention that the seventy-two courtyards have a fixed number and cannot be added any more.

   "Is there any reason for you to interject here?" Dean Hao glared at Lan Yu's Wei Yin displeasedly.

   "Weiyin, do you want to give up your courtyard?"

   "Dean..." Lan Yu gritted his teeth.

   Why is she so good, just talking about her head, can't you let Shengchu Xin hand over the Qianli Jade Soul Horse, and then drive her out of Shengyun Academy?

   Isn't that a bad idea?

   "Can't she let her hand over the Thousand Mile Jade Soul Horse?" asked without pursing his lips.

   "I hand it over, and then hand it over to you?" Hao Jiahai asked in a deep voice.

   It's really beautiful to think about, and the idea has even hit Qianli Yuhunju. Don't you know the rules of Shengyun Academy?

   "Lanyu Weiyin, this dean doesn't care which aristocratic clan you are from, but in Shengyun College, you have to follow the rules of Shengyun College. If not, you will go back and forth wherever you go!"

   "Dean!" Lan Yu was shocked.

   Where did she say something wrong? Why didn't Hao Jiahai help her, but instead helped Sheng Chuxin, an outsider.

   "Dean, don't forget, Yue Xin is just an outsider, and Wei Yin her..." The second elder wanted to say a fair word for Lan Yu Wei Yin.

  It's just that Hao Jiahai didn't give him a chance to finish.

   "Second Elder, everyone starts from outsiders, don't you? If it weren't for those outsiders, Saint Cloud Academy would not be Saint Cloud Academy long ago."

   (end of this chapter)

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