The Holy Hand Medical Concubine

Chapter 629: Who made her a concubine?

   Chapter 629 Who told her to be a concubine?

   Hearing her words, all the disciples who were recognized as top class by Shengyun Academy gasped.

   They waited here for so long, but they didn't expect that they were not the top disciples at all, but some disciples who were ordered by their teachers to do chores. How could they feel?

   "Master Yuexin, what do you mean, Lingyin is my sister, she will not worship you as a teacher." Lan Yu Weiyin jumped out first, pointing to the female disciple behind Shengchuxin.

   The female disciple who was serving her meal just now was the Lingyin she spoke of, Lanyu Lingyin, the sister of Lanyu Weiyin.

   Naturally, it was not a daughter, but a younger sister from a concubine. She was sent to Shengyun College to study art, but with Lanyu Weiyin, her sister, she only had to serve people.

  Who made her a concubine?

  Lanyu Lingyin heard her sister's words, raised her head and glanced at her, and soon lowered her head again, daring to look at anyone again.

   "Really? Is it your decision whether she worships me as a teacher?" Sheng Chuxin asked her back.

   "That's natural, Lingyin has my sister to teach her, does it still need you?" Lan Yu Weiyin said proudly.

   "So that's the case, Master Weiyin is really amazing." Sheng Chuxin chuckled.

"However, I'm really surprised. How does Master Weiyin teach his disciples how to serve people? If you don't tell me, this sage really doesn't know that this female disciple is your own sister. ."

   "You—" Lan Yu's Wei Yin was dumbfounded by her words.

What about   's own sister, Lanyu Lingyin's aunt is not up to par, she gave birth to a daughter, and she herself is not favored, who can blame it.

   She can keep Lanyu Lingyin by her side to serve her, it is already a blessing for Lanyu Lingyin, what more dare she ask for?

   But these words can’t be said in front of outsiders, right?

  Especially in front of Sheng Chuxin, even less can be said.

   "President Hao, the three elders, can these four disciples, this sage, be the masters? Or, the disciples of Shengyun Academy need the approval of Master Weiyin before they can enter this sage's Qianbu Peak?"

   Sheng Chuxin looked at Hao Jiahai and asked.

   "Master Yuexin wants to accept these four disciples as apprentices, it must be because these four disciples are talented, naturally you can be the master." The elder said quickly.

  To be honest, he heard what Sheng Chuxin said just now, and he also felt that Sheng Yun's atmosphere should be changed.

The disciples came to Shengyun to learn the arts and improve their own cultivation, not to serve the teachers' daily life. He didn't think that at first, but since Shengchuxin said something, he looked at it no matter what. Why are these disciples so awkward when they serve their teachers?

"Lanyu Weiyin, this elder doesn't care whether Lingyin is your sister or who it is. This is Shengyun College, and there are rules of Shengyun College. Master chooses apprentices. As an apprentice, do you still want to choose your own master? "

   He said to Lan Yu Wei Yin with a cold face.

  Lanyu Weiyin took a deep breath. Naturally, she couldn't refute the Great Elder's words. She could only turn her eyes and stared at Lanyu Lingyin, trying to use her eyes to coerce Lanyu Lingyin from entering the door of Shengchuxin.

   Unexpectedly, Lan Yu Lingyin kept her head down, and did not feel her gaze at all.

   She only felt that her heart and lungs were going to explode.

   (end of this chapter)

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