The Holy Hand Medical Concubine

Chapter 631: Artifact Qiyun Ding

   Chapter 631 Artifact Qiyun Ding

   "There are indeed a lot of good things on Luoyu Peak. You are already in the dark. I'm afraid the aura in the purple gas medicine furnace is not enough for you to refine medicine pills. I brought this from Luoyu Peak."

   He moved his hand, and a small and exquisite medicine stove appeared in the palm of his hand, which gradually grew from the size of a fist to the size of a teapot, and was placed in front of Shengchuxin by him.

   "This is... Qiyun Cauldron." Sheng Chuxin exclaimed.

   Qiyun Cauldron is listed as an artifact, and it is actually above Luoyu Peak.

  Second elders are careless enough, Qiyun Cauldron, such a treasure, is not placed in the bracelet, so they have a chance to take advantage of it, this is God's will, right?

   "With Qiyun Cauldron, your alchemy skills should be able to improve to another stage." Bei Yehan said.

   "It's more than one stage. I can improve to two stages without cultivating at all. This is a divine weapon." Sheng Chuxin added.

   However, she still hurriedly put Qiyun Ding into the Five Intentions Spirit Realm Ring, so that the second elder would not find something missing after returning to Luoyu Peak, and searched around like crazy, and finally found her here.

   She can be sure that if something is lost on Luoyu Peak, the second elder will think of her first.

   Don't say that these things are really with her, even if they are not there, the second elder will deliberately find fault. This is the nature of the second elder.

   "What else?" she asked.

   Should be more than just Qiyun Ding, right?

   "And this, you often have to refine medicine pills, this inner crystal will be placed in the pharmacy, the spiritual power will be enhanced, and the light will be enough."

   He took out an inner crystal and handed it to her.

   However, seeing the inner crystal, Sheng Chuxin frowned, "This inner crystal can't be from Luoyu Peak, right?"

   she asked.

   "Last time you saw Yun'er, Qiongqi and I were fighting an ancient bone-eating dragon, and this inner crystal belongs to it." Bei Yehan said bluntly.

   "Ancient bone-eating dragon!" Hearing these five words, the cold hairs on Sheng Chuxin's whole body stood up.

   "That is an ancient beast. How could Bei Yeyi have such a beast by his side?"

   Ferocious beasts like the ancient bone-eating dragon have come out. What she wants to ask is, what else is beside Bei Yeyi?

  If Bei Yeyi brought out some beasts from time to time, no matter how talented they were, they would be too tired to deal with it, not to mention a mysterious baby.

   She must find out what this baby is and where it was raised.

   "Daddy, Little Treasure heard that the ancient beasts were very powerful, how did you defeat them?" Bei Ye Xingchen raised his eyes and asked.

   Hearing this, Bei Yehan raised his hand and touched his small head, "No matter how powerful the ancient beasts are, they are not as powerful as your mother. She is very capable, so you have to follow your mother to learn the skills, you know?"

   he said.

   He also wanted to teach his son personally, but in his current situation, if he brought his son back, he would have to be locked in the underground palace. This was not the chance he wanted to get close to his son.

   "Ahan, what did you say, you..."

   Sheng Chuxin lowered his eyes and looked at his fingers, only to realize that the reminder ring he gave him was gone.

   Only then did she realize that it was the formation in the reminder ring that played a role.

   However, she also sighed secretly. When she reminded the ring to set up a formation, she was only interested for a while and wanted to try her own skills, but she didn't expect it to play such a big role.

   (end of this chapter)

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