The Holy Hand Medical Concubine

Chapter 638: It is possible to forget

   Chapter 638 It is possible to forget for a while

The idea of ​​  Second Elder is really good.

   "Don't forget, Yue Xin is now a master!"

   He reminded the second elder.

   "What kind of master, this elder has never admitted what kind of master she is." The second elder roared wildly.

   Master is amazing, can you take other people's things as your own? Could it be that he deserved all the things he had stolen?

   "Why, it's not you who have been stolen now, so don't you take it seriously? The elder I told you, that Yue Xin is a thief at all, and she will sooner or later steal all your things!"

   Anyway, he is looking for Shengchu Xin to settle accounts, and his things cannot be stolen for nothing.

"Second elder, don't look for trouble, everyone knows that you have a grudge against Master Yuexin, isn't it embarrassing for you to go through like this? She is the master of Shengyun College, and she is the master of the dean, the first elder and the The third elder's approval." Hao Jiahai took a deep breath and said.

   "What do you mean? Hao Jiahai, what do you mean, she Yuexin is the master you recognize, and this elder is not the elder you recognize?" The second elder asked Hao Jiahai with scarlet eyes.


   "Second Elder, you don't need to use this tone to question the Dean." The first elder said.

"Second elder, since you think that Master Yuexin stole your things, then this elder will come to ask you, you have always treasured your Qiyun Cauldron the most, why did you leave it in the pharmacy? I didn't mean to let people steal the Qiyun Cauldron."

  Who has some treasures that he didn't keep with him? Why would they openly leave them in the house? Will anyone believe me when I say this?

   He is now doubting whether the second elder did it on purpose?

   "You... what nonsense are you talking about?!"

   The second elder was dumbfounded by his question, and he didn't even know how to respond.

  What is his intention? Will he deliberately let me steal his own things, now he lost the treasure, it was him, not someone else!

   However, he had to admit that the words the Great Elder questioned him just now would exist in everyone's heart.

Yes, he had a holiday with Sheng Chuxin, because he didn't want Sheng Chuxin to stay in Shengyun College, and he tried every means to drive her away. Even when he left Caiyun Hall just now, he was thinking about what to do to get her out. Sheng Chuxin drove her away and made her disappear in front of everyone in Shengyun Academy.

   But that doesn't mean he will do such a sinister thing, right? Exchange your baby for a woman's departure?

   That is his Qiyun Cauldron!

  How could he give up the biggest treasure he ever got in his life for the sake of a woman?

   But who would believe it?

   Maybe, at this moment, everyone thinks that he is acting, and now Qiyun Ding must be hidden somewhere by him.

"Yeah, Second Elder, look, there's nothing in this other place. Just your Luoyu Peak lost something. Did you put them somewhere and forgot it for a while?" The Third Elder said. It's more obvious.

   "It's possible that I'm getting old and forget where I put things for a while."

"you you--"

   If the second elder was not physically strong, the third elder would have spit out a mouthful of old blood.

   He's not so old that he can't even remember where his things are? Is there such a shabby person?

   (end of this chapter)

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