The Holy Hand Medical Concubine

Chapter 642: Maybe it's her

   Chapter 642 Maybe it's her

   As for those things of the second elder, they are also accumulating dust when they are placed on Luoyu Peak. Whoever loves them takes them away, and he can’t control them.


   On the Qianbu Peak, Lan Yu Lingyin and the others were placed in two small courtyards. After finishing the things they brought from the original hall, there was a quarrel outside.

   "Ju Cong, what happened outside?"

  Lanyu Lingyin was wiping the table, and when she heard the sound outside, she asked Shen Jucong who was sweeping the floor at the door.

   "I don't know, it seems like a lot of people came." Shen Ju looked up at the sky, a little stunned.

   It's so late, why are there still people coming to Qianbu Peak? Listening to that voice, it doesn't look like they're here to congratulate Master Yuexin, but rather like they're here to quarrel.

   "Let's go and have a look." Lan Yu Lingyin threw the rag into the copper basin and pulled Shen Ju out of his yard.

   On the other side, two male disciples, Mengjie and Gu Lanhua, also heard the voice and came out of their small yard, and happened to meet Lanyu Lingyin and the two of them.

   "What's wrong?" Shi Lanhua glanced at the direction of the noisy voice and asked them.

  Lanyu Lingyin shook his head, "How do we know?"

   She also wanted to ask what happened to them?

   "Lingyin, it's not your sister who came to the door and wanted to take you back, right?" Mengjie asked.

   This really seems to be something Lanyu Weiyin would do. On weekdays, she would scold Lanyu Lingyin if she wanted to. How could she let Lanyu Lingyin be at Qianbu Peak?

   Maybe it was her.

   Hearing Mengjie's guess, Lan Yu Lingyin's face suddenly turned pale, and her whole body trembled.

   "Big sister she..."

  Lanyu Weiyin is indeed the kind of woman who can be cheeky to ask for someone. If she acts like a scoundrel, no one can resist.

   "No, no." Shen Ju was frightened from seeing her, so she quickly comforted her.

   "Lingyin, what are you afraid of? Let's come to Qianbu Peak, but Dean Hao personally responded. No matter how capable Master Weiyin is, can he still have trouble with Dean Hao?"

  Lanyu Weiyin, even if there are 110,000 thoughts in his heart that he wants to return Lanyu Lingyin, it is impossible to achieve.

   "It's just that Master Yuexin doesn't let go, and you won't go back to the Eleventh Hall."

   "Really?" Lan Yu Lingyin was so scared that tears were about to fall.

   She knows exactly what kind of woman her eldest sister is. She will do anything to achieve her goals. Since she is sensible, she has suffered too many eldest sisters.

   To tell the truth, every night she dreams of the scene where the elder sister stands in front of her and bullies her with an evil smile.

   "In case Master Yuexin relaxes, she..."

   "I guess not." Before she could finish speaking, Mengjie shook her head and denied her words.

"I see, Master Yuexin looks at Master Weiyin's eyes, not to mention that it is full of hostility, then there are a thousand people who don't like Master Weiyin, not to mention we are the first batch of disciples that Master accepts, if It's so easy to be taken back, where will Shizun's face go in the future?"

   Therefore, Master Yuexin is for his own face, and he will not let Lanyu Weiyin take Lanyu Lingyin away.

   "Lingyin, don't worry, we will definitely stay at Qianbu Peak in the future." Gu Lanhua comforted her.

   "Let's go and see what happened."

   "Is this all right? Master asked us to stay in our own room. Let's go out, Master won't tell us, right?" Lan Yu Lingyin asked carefully.

   (end of this chapter)

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