The Holy Hand Medical Concubine

Chapter 650: It's not a big deal

   Chapter 650 I don't have much ability

But he had to say that now no one can prove who entered Luo Yufeng and stole the medicinal materials and Qiyun Cauldron. The second elder said it was Master Yuexin, but this is just what the second elder said. That's it.

   Maybe it’s not, or maybe it’s someone else in the academy? Also unknown.

   However, he didn't dare to say this in front of the second elder, knowing that the second elder had already decided in his heart that it was Master Yuexin who stole his Qiyun Cauldron.

   "Yue Xin, Yue Xin, this elder will definitely not trust you!" The second elder roared bitterly.

   He asked just now. It turned out that someone pretended to be his name and stole Qiyun Ding from the pharmacy. Those disciples watched as Qi Yun Ding disappeared from their eyes!

   These idiots didn't notice at all, didn't they know that he was in the Hall of Clouds at that time?

   "Sun Zhe, you go immediately and ask them to impose a heavier punishment, no less than two hundred big boards!" He ordered to the disciple beside him.

   A mere two hundred large boards, how could he offset the anger in his heart.

   But those disciples were also disciples of the aristocratic clan. If they were really beaten to death at Luoyu Peak, the clan would definitely be in trouble. He couldn’t get a bad reputation for a few disciples. Today is already bad luck.

  Sun Zhe opened his mouth to persuade him when he heard his words, but he swallowed the words again.

   If he tried to persuade him again, maybe he would end up with a 200 big board game, so forget it, it wasn't him who was hurting anyway.

   "Yes, the disciple obeys the order." He took the order, turned around and left.

   Listening to the sound of Sun Zhe's footsteps, the second elder stared directly at Yaohai with gloomy eyes, as if there was a Shengchuxin standing there, and he could stare out thousands of holes in her body.


   In the Five Intentions Ring, the sleeping Bei Ye Xingchen was put on the bed by Bei Yehan, and then he took Sheng Chuxin's hand to another corner.

   "Chuxin, how did you come here all these years? Tell me about it." He asked.

   He desperately wanted to know how he got here at the beginning of the year, and what a terrifying place the Ghost Forest is. Although he had never been there, just hearing about it made one’s hair stand on end.

   "What's there to say." Sheng Chuxin shrugged and leaned his head on his shoulder.

"In the beginning, as soon as you left Xuanji Continent, I obtained the order of the Holy Land. After that, I left Yun'er in Xiangguo and went to Xibo Abyss by myself. In fact, the ghost forest is nothing, but it just sounds terrible , those ghost talismans are just those who bully the soft and fear the hard, and they don't have much ability."

   She said it quite simply, she completely forgot how she was bullied when she first arrived in the Ghost Forest.

   "There's really nothing to say, it's all over, I'm a strong man now, how's it going?"

   Hearing this, Bei Yehan raised his hand and patted her little face, "It must be very hard to bring Xiaobao, is he noisy or not?"

"Little baby? He is obedient. When he was first born, he ate, slept, slept and ate every day. He never needed me to hold him. When he learned to walk, he didn't know what was going on. He would be able to walk in a few days. He's so stable, and I don't worry about him much."

   Sheng Chuxin smiled.

  Son is really a very sensible and obedient child, which she never denied.

   (end of this chapter)

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