The Holy Hand Medical Concubine

Chapter 668: what do you want to say?

   Chapter 668 What are you going to say?

   "Yes, Master." The four responded.

   "Well, let's go down, Xiaodie, you let Hunxi guide them for a few days to see how their physiques are."

   She explained to Xiaodie.

   "Yes, Master." Xiaodie responded and left with the four of them.

   As soon as they left, Bei Yehan flashed out of the Lianxin Ring, along with the chattering Beiye Xingchen.

"Mother, mother, father's Lianxin Ring is so fun, there is everything, food, drink, play, and even a place to live." Beiye Xingchen said when he saw Shengchuxin. opened.

  This is the first time he has entered Daddy's Linking Heart Ring. He has only heard about it from his mother before, but he has never been there.

   "Well." Sheng Chuxin nodded.

   "Mother, you can build a small house in your medicine ring in the future, then Xiaobao can..."

   "Little Treasure, have you done your homework today?"

   Suddenly, Sheng Chuxin raised his eyes and stared at Beiye Xingchen and asked.

   "Uh." Bei Ye Xingchen was choked by his mother's words, and almost lost his breath.

   "Mother, it's not even noon yet, how can you finish your homework so quickly?" he said.

   He's not a machine, he does his homework every day, how can he finish it before night, it's still early.

   "Then do it quickly. If you don't do your homework well in the past few days, after half a month, my mother will only take the four of them to practice and leave you here alone." She said.


   Beiye Xingchen let out a miserable cry, threw off his father's hand, pulled his legs, and ran out.

   "Mother, Xiaobao will do her homework now, and she will never be lazy."

   "This child."

   Bei Yehan turned to look at his son's retreating back, shook his head and chuckled.

  Why is he so unremarkable, and I don't know who this kid looks like, obviously he and Chuxin are not so out of touch.

   "Chuanxin, I have arranged it, you can go to see Lanyu Xianyin at any time."

   When he turned to look at Shengchuxin, he said.

   "However, I still don't understand, why do you have to see her?"

  Lanyu Xianyin, what is there to see, a person who has been abandoned by his own family, no one will be a pity when he dies, what is there to see.

   Hearing the words, Sheng Chuxin shook his head, stood up and walked towards Bei Yehan.

   "I don't know either. Ever since you mentioned that Lanyu Xianyin is pregnant, I always feel weird in my heart, and I can't help but want to leave her."

   She also doesn't want to see Lanyu Xianyin, after all, that woman is not a good woman.

   But Lan Yu Xianyin is pregnant, she always smells of conspiracy, she is already stupid, how could she be pregnant?

   "How many months is she pregnant?" she asked suddenly.

   "This..." Bei Yehan hesitated, "It should be more than two months."

   "It's been more than two months, so when did you know... No, when did the Lanyu Patriarch know?" she asked.

   "A month ago, the Lanyu Patriarch gave up the daughter Lanyu Xianyin, but she is his own daughter after all. She always hopes that she will wake up and give her a pulse of peace every month."

   North Night Cold Road.

   "And I only found out a few days ago."

   Lanyu Xianyin, he naturally wouldn't pay attention to it, but something happened a few days ago that reminded him of Lanyu Xianyin.

   This is the first sentence in front of Qiongqi.

   Hearing the words, Sheng Chuxin was stunned and opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say.

   "What are you going to say?" Bei Yehan asked when she saw her like this.

   (end of this chapter)

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