The Holy Hand Medical Concubine

Chapter 676: Are you here to hold me back?

   Chapter 676 Are you here to hold me back?

  I hope it's not what she thought, otherwise, the consequences are really unimaginable.

   "This... Mistress, the Lord will not let your subordinates tell you that there are ghosts and corpses in the Cold Palace." Qiong Qi gritted his teeth, and finally said it.

   Hearing this, Sheng Chuxin's hand on the table couldn't help but tighten.

   "Sure enough!"

   "Mother, what do you mean by that? You already guessed it?" Qiong Qi was puzzled.

   If the mistress didn't guess it, why would she say yes.

   "I didn't guess what happened to the Han Palace, but several incidents in Shengyun, either death or injury, I have seen those wounds, and they were caused by ghosts." Sheng Chuxin said.

   It's just that ghost corpses are extremely rare even on Ghost Land. Hao Jiahai and the others would never have thought that the murderer they wanted to find would be ghost corpses, right?

   "And from the back I saw in the mirror, I can also be sure that it is a ghost."

   "What?!" Qiong Qi was shocked.

   "Ghost corpse? Mistress, you mean, the ghost corpse has arrived at St. Cloud College?"

  This...this is too scary, right? Saint Cloud Academy is the most holy place on the Holy Land of Darkness, and ghosts are the darkest. How could they come to Saint Cloud Academy?

   "Then what to do, do you want to take action, or wait for the Lord to come up..."

   "Go back to the Han Palace immediately and hand these medicinal pills to Ahan in person." Sheng Chuxin took out a few bottles of medicinal pills from the Five Intentions Spirit Realm Ring and handed them to Qiongqi.

   The situation is a little urgent, A-Han is afraid that he is not free to go to Lianxinjie, and the medicine pill will be delivered to her by Qiongqi himself.

   "This is..." Qiong Qi quickly took the medicine pill.

"After the ghost corpse appeared in Qinglong College last time, I picked some medicinal materials in the ghost forest and made a powder specially designed to deal with ghost corpses. It is a white bottle, and the two red bottles are ghost corpses. The antidote to poison."

   Sheng Chu Xin returned.

   "Yes, mistress, this subordinate immediately... Mistress, this subordinate has to protect your safety." Qiong Qi wanted to respond, but he hesitated again when he thought that the Lord had told him to protect his mistress.

   Hearing his words, Sheng Chu gave him a sullen look.

   "Protect me? If ghosts really appear, I think you are here to drag me down, hurry up!"

  Protect, these two words, let Qiongqi work hard for a few more years to protect her son... No, after a few more years, her little treasure will not need Qiongqi's protection.

   Maybe when she and Akan have another daughter, they need Qiongqi's protection.

   "Mother..." Qiong Qi's face was dark, and his face was thrown to the ground by his mistress.

   But what can he do, Sheng Chuxin said that he had no room to refute, who made his cultivation base like a snail, and he couldn't climb up no matter how he climbed?

   "Go quickly." Sheng Chuxin waved at him.

   "Then... Mistress, please don't let the little master leave the Five Intentions Ring, this subordinate will report to the Lord and let him..."

   "You dare to say a word to A-Kan about Shengyun, let's see if this saint won't unscrew your head and play it as a ball!"

   Before Qiong Qi finished speaking, Sheng Chu Xin threatened.

   When dealing with ghost corpses, you must concentrate on it, and you can’t be sloppy. What’s more, the ghost corpses appeared in the two places of Han Palace and Shengyun. Could this be a coincidence?

   "Have you heard of wounding incidents or ghost corpses anywhere?" she asked Qiongqi.

   Qiongqi shook his head, "No."

   "Go away." Sheng Chuxin glared at him, then ignored him, got up and went down the peak.

   (end of this chapter)

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