The Holy Hand Medical Concubine

Chapter 752: why don't you drink

   Chapter 752 Why don't you drink?

"Mother, Ning'er thinks that Master Yuexin can't be the heart of Shengchu. If it is, then her child should have ghost power, but that child has spiritual power." She said. .

   She said that it was inferred from this that the Moon Heart could not be the Holy Beginning Heart.

   "Spiritual power." Bei Yeyi's eyes narrowed slightly.

What about    spiritual power, only she knew whose son Bei Yehan was, and his son possessed spiritual power, that was normal.

   "You go back first. Regarding the matter of Yuexin, you always keep an eye on it. If there is any movement, send someone to report it immediately."

   She explained to Bei Yening.

   "Yes, Empress." Bei Yening nodded, turned and left the ghost palace.

  What are you reporting? After reporting it, will the Empress have a better chance to kill? She's not that stupid.

   Master Yuexin is really the heart of Shengchu, she wants to have three strengths and two weaknesses, and the fourth brother must not strangle her, the person who passed the news from it.

   You must know that the fourth brother's ruthlessness is completely inherited from the mother's body, and even the old blue is better than the blue. For the mother's emperor to offend the fourth brother...

   is not worth it.

   After Bei Yening left, Bei Yeyi took a deep breath.

   It is said that the water splashed by the married daughter is not true at all. It is impossible for her to count on Bei Yening. This daughter should not hold her back.

   And about the heart of the moon...

   No matter if this woman is Shengchuxin or not, just in case, she must die!

   It’s just that it’s not the time yet. The little contest of Saint Cloud Academy is the biggest thing for Saint Cloud, and the witch must be very concerned about it.

   Clean up the heart of the moon, let's wait for Shengyun Xiaobi, she has time.

   is just Lanyu Xianyin...


   Thinking of Lan Yu Xianyin, she waved to the guard beside her again.

   "Ghost King, what are your orders?" The guard knelt down to her and asked respectfully.

   "You personally select a few capable people and sneak to Qianbu Peak to find the whereabouts of Lan Yu Xianyin." She ordered.

  If Lanyu Xianyin is really at Qianbu Peak, then even if the identity of Shengchuxin is confirmed, it will only be a matter of time sooner or later what you want to do.

   "Yes, Ghost King." After hearing the order, the guard left immediately.


   As night fell, Saint Cloud College ushered in another unsettled night.

  Because the disciples in the seventh hall had won the competition in a row, several disciples in the hall shouted that they wanted to celebrate for them, so they brought some delicious food and wine.

   Dozens of disciples of men and women gathered around the fire and began to enjoy delicious food and chat.

   The most incompatible with them belonged to Xing Liaomu, who was not very good in cultivation in the seventh hall, but led the three of them along the way.

   However, he had the most fine wine beside him.

   "Senior Brother Liao Mu, why don't you drink, do you think the wine here is not fragrant?" A female disciple couldn't help but ask when she saw that Xing Liaomu didn't even drink a sip of the fine wine in the jar.

   Hearing this, Xing Liaomu smiled awkwardly at her, "I just came up from Xuanji, and I didn't know that in the academy on Ye An Sheng Lu, I could drink."

   he said honestly.

  When he was at Qinglong Academy, he didn't drink a drop of alcohol. Besides practicing, he practiced every day, and even his diet was very light.

   But now, after coming to St. Cloud College, the food here really makes him a little uncomfortable.

   (end of this chapter)

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