The Holy Hand Medical Concubine

Chapter 865: I am crystal, crystal mirror

   Chapter 865 I am a crystal, a crystal mirror

   She wanted to ask why she didn't let her wake up her son, but before she could ask the question, a flash of light flashed in her mind, and she figured it out.

  Everyone woke up, only her son didn't wake up, not because he didn't want to wake up, but when everyone was asleep, the treasure had already chosen its owner.

   At this moment, her son should not have fallen asleep, but had entered the realm of objects.

  The so-called realm is a world owned by the treasure itself, which is not something ordinary treasures can possess.

   Thinking of this possibility, she immediately retracted her hand.


Just as everyone was scrambling to look at the light in front of the cliff, and some people flew up, trying to touch the light, Bei Ye Xingchen's eyes were fixed on the bright light. People with appetites on their faces.

   "Father, mother, where is Xiaobao?"

   He was very confused, he was clearly sleeping, how could he wake up when his parents were not by his side, but instead seemed to be looking at a mirror, and in the mirror, there were a lot of people jumping up and down.

How is this going?

   "What are these people doing, are they trying to rob Xiaobao?"

   Watching those people compete to fly up, and just when those hands were about to hook him, they fell down again, and he was even more puzzled.

   "Master, have you seen those human faces? It's so evil."

  Suddenly, a voice rang in his ear, and the tone was full of contempt.

  Human beings are greedy, they want to get everything, they never think they have enough treasures and money, just like now, so many are vying to get it.

   "Master, look at it, in a short while, they will fight with each other to the end."

   the voice said again.

   "Who is it? Who are you?" Beiye Xingchen turned around, not knowing who was speaking in his ear.

   But what he can be sure of is that it is definitely not his little red. Although his little red is arrogant, he will not look down on humans.

   But there is no one around him, so who is talking to him?

   "Who the hell, come out!"

   Even if he is not around his father and mother, he is not afraid, because his mother taught him to be calm and find ways to deal with all difficulties, fears and fears are the most useless.

   "Master, it's me, I'm Crystal." The voice rang again, introducing himself.

   "Crystal, I've never heard of it, who are you? Why am I here, where are my father and mother?" Beiye Xingchen asked.

   Nothing will happen to father and mother, or else...

  Ah, daddy and mother are so powerful that nothing will happen, and he must be the only one who encounters it.

   " won't be the treasure of the sleeping place?"

   Suddenly, he thought of what his mother had explained to him before, telling him not to be afraid no matter what happens, because he is likely to be the owner of the sleeping treasure.

   Could it be that this sound is the place to sleep?

   "Yes, Master, I am Crystal, Crystal Mirror." Crystal replied.

   "Master, you are finally here. Crystal has been waiting for you for tens of thousands of years. Why are you only here now?"

   Hearing this, Bei Ye Xingchen secretly rolled his eyes.

   He cares that he has waited for tens of thousands of years, but he is only five years old, so it is impossible to come early.

   "Where am I, where are my father and mother? Where did you hide them?"

   (end of this chapter)

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