The noble man is a good man. He just kindly took you away. I don't want other people in the ghetto to be hurt. Besides, there must be other better girls to be liked.

Better Girls:: "Better Girls...

Suntila's mind was full of these words, and then an emotion that she was somewhat familiar with but feared appeared from the deepest part of her mind. At that moment, Satila felt that her mind was distorted, and another self Occupying this body, I want to take all the resentment in my body and mind, especially when I think that my things will be taken away by others. Thinking that Roy is likely to find other girls, she is 'jealous'!

That's not love, and Satila isn't just--falling in love with each other the first time they meet, it's just the spread of a sin called "jealousy" that scares her

"No, it's not me.. it's not me

Sun Tila suddenly came back to her senses, and there was a fine sweat on her forehead. She stepped back in horror, until she retreated to the wall and leaned against the wall, she was panting.

Looking at him, he felt that he was almost filled with 'jealousy' and turned into a monster with only resentment and jealousy.

lb. Hundred, Miss Satila? Miss Satila,"

Luo Ruo's gentle and caring greeting changed from illusory to clear. When Satila came back to her senses, she saw Luo Dan standing not far in front of her, looking at her worriedly.

Satila shrank back subconsciously = lower body, not hatred and fear of Roy. Just afraid that his terrible emotions and powers would hurt him.

"Your power is in trouble again

Roy stared at the shadow L under Satila's slender jade legs. Under the light source created by Roy, this shadow had a strange twist, and it emitted a faint black air, as if it had come alive and had life. Same as Satila Ben, doing different movements a

'This is the sin of the witch!'

The power called 'jealousy'... is within this shadow.

"This noble man."

"Roy Crawley, my name. Miss Satila."

Roy interrupted" Satila. Said his name.

"Master Roy, please don't call me Miss Satila by my name. I can't afford a 'Miss', such an honorary title."

Hearing Roy's name, Satila, also changed two titles, but he was still a little timid, like a frightened cat. Watch out for all danger

Roy can understand Satila's psychological state. She has lived in the lowest and most filthy slums of this society since she was a child. Her kindness will inevitably develop such a character or become the other extreme. tame woman.

Suntila herself is not such a dodgy character. It's just that the environment made her become like this, so as long as you change the environment and adjust it a little bit, you can bloom with all the cheerfulness she has.

"Me: .. I think it's better not to leave. You also saw .. I can't control this power, it's dangerous."

Suntila's teeth are biting her lips. Although there is regret and sadness in her cyanotic eyes, it is more a kind of firmness.

She doesn't want to let this dangerous force hurt others

"It is indeed a very dangerous power, but this power also belongs to you, as long as you train it, you can master it. And don't worry about it hurting me, I'm not talented, but it's a powerful enough magic. Master. I won't be hurt by your power.

Of course Roy wouldn't say what kind of godslayer Sun Tila was, and he couldn't understand it. The magician is a profession that is inherent in this world. I think Satila can understand Er Er a little.

If you are a knowledgeable person, of course, you will not believe that a magician can face the power of a witch, but it is enough to deceive Satila, a young girl who is not deep in the world.

"is that true?"

The half-elf girl's cyanotic eyes lit up with hope. Roy's words made her eager to leave the slums to see a wider world. This has always been a girl's slowest wish.

But now, the man standing in front of him with a gentle smile was like an angel descending from the sky. . To take her to find Ge hope.

"Voal promises don't mean anything. Real promises are proven by actions. I have no ill will towards you, Satila, and I am not prepared to do anything to you. If I do have ill intentions towards you, I am not ashamed. At this time, I can force you, instead of talking to you like this..." ..

Roy didn't lie to Satila. He wants to take her away. In addition to wishing to study the powers of witches, she also felt pity for this beautiful and kind girl. She should grow arrogantly like a snow lotus on the plain white snow mountain, instead of being submerged in the dirty mud.

"I believe in you, Lord Roy!"

Satila didn't wait for Roy to finish her explanation_she just shook her head vigorously and made the most important decision in her life.


_"Ahh ===-"

In the capital city of Shagnaika, the Kingdom of Lionheart, a man with a strange dress and a strange appearance sneezed

"Master, what's wrong with you! Are you sick?"

Beside the man, a woman with a ponytail asked nervously.

"Ah, it's alright, it's alright" is a sudden sneeze. Chaula. , Let's continue to inquire about that half-elf's information.

The man hurriedly waved his hand. Although the apprentice had a big reason for developing his strange character, sometimes he still felt that he was self-inflicted.

A certain 'sage' who often used his apprentice's name to fool around, thought helplessly

Chapter Thirteen The Witch Holds Hope


In summer, there will always be unimaginable rainstorms

A bolt of lightning pierced the sky and illuminated the entire earth. The pitch-black Taichi was shone with pale light in an instant. An eerie atmosphere was created.

Followed by the deafening thunderbirds, like the drums of the battlefield, they shuttled back and forth between heaven and earth, and the shocked people's minds roared.

Sitting in a chair, Roy closed his eyes and opened his eyes. He looked outside through the small skylight in the room. There were no stars and moons today. There was only a thick black cloud rolling in the sky.. Lightning and thunder crackling. The sound insulation of the house is not good, can hear the 'woo woo' blowing from the outside, the wind, and penetrate through the wooden house personal coldness

Satila, who was sleeping on the bed, was woken up suddenly, she hurriedly jumped out of bed and wanted to go out.

Roy grabbed her slender and white wrist, and the half-elf girl's smooth and smooth wrist was a little thin.

"What are you going to do? It's not safe to go out so late and it's going to rain heavily."

Roy thought Satila was in a hurry.

"I'm going outside to find some shelter from the rain, Mrs. Roy! This room will leak."

Sun Tila said in a hurry and then bowed her head in embarrassment, ": I'm sorry, I let you stay in such a simple house for one night."

In the eyes of a half-elf girl, an elegant nobleman like Roy should live in a luxurious palace and be surrounded by countless people to take care of his life.

"Although I spend most of my time living the kind of life you imagine. But that doesn't mean I can't even stand this predicament.

Sun Tila's eyes clearly revealed her thoughts.

In the godslayer world and in the world of _Roy is a noble person., living an unimaginably rich life I, but in the land of shadows he also experienced five years without anything

Skahha's training was brutal but also made Roy able to handle any difficult situation

Roy raised his head and looked at the wooden shed. Satila is not a professional craftsman. The house built by himself is actually unqualified, and this kind of pure wood is the star of the house. will indeed be disturbed by the natural environment

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