This officer is also aggrieved. In fact, this thousand-person looting team will not loot casually. When a large team travels in Lugnica, they will first investigate whether the team is a bait or not. There are guards and cavalry regiments to follow, whether there are strong people to follow, and only after it is safe to do looting-looting.

This time, it was clear that Lugnica did not send any strong men to follow the convoy, but the empire was extremely unlucky to encounter a folk swordsman, which was a big loss.

"Oh ⊥ Mountain"

"Great, we survived!

"Woooooo ====z=="

See those 'robbers' and run away. The besieged team members all cheered and some were emotional and even cried.

"The world is really dangerous."

Roy knows from the emotions of these people that this kind of thing happens often in this world. It can be said that as long as you go out, you will encounter various risks. Robbers and monsters abound. This is an extremely dangerous place for ordinary people. In the world, those businessmen are also using their lives to make money.

"I wasn't used to it at the beginning, I almost died several times, and finally I learned magic before I dared to do it: too swaying to travel on the road."

Freugel sighed.

Shaula, who likes to be noisy, also quieted down at this time. Roy knew when chatting with her that Shaula was almost killed. If it wasn't for Frogel who happened to pass by and rescued her. Now Shaula has long since died. Also, because of that heroic rescue. That's what made her fall in love with her teacher.

Satila was also silent. She lives in the bottom slum. Having seen too many people who died of starvation and freezing, and were carried to death by hooligans and nobles, they knew the cruelty of this world.

[Juggernaut L who rescued the convoy was surrounded and cheered like a hero. Judging from the excited emotions of those people, Roy felt that it was actually the people in the convoy who felt that there were such strong brains to follow and thought that the next The road will become very safe.

"Let's eat, = I will continue on the road later."

Roy looked back from Reid and said

Before he knew it, he became the leader of this small group of four. Whether it was Fryugel or Shaula, there was no objection. Even take it for granted, as for Satila's idea, it can be completely ignored

Roy's previous purchases were pre-cooked foods, which, while not as good as those cooked to order, were satisfying enough to have on such a long trip.

Roy is essentially a person who doesn't care much about the living environment. Fryugel and Shaula are also hard-working after traveling for a long time. Satila even thinks that this marinated meat is already excellent and delicious. Therefore, the four of them also ate with relish.

Of course, Roy just ate a couple of bites, but he didn't eat more. His body didn't need to rely on food to replenish energy. He was just used to eating.

After a turmoil, everyone in the convoy stopped to eat, made some repairs, and continued to move forward. After encountering the robber played by the imperial soldiers, the road after that was unimpeded. Never encountered any danger again.

When the junction between Lugnica and the Flakia Empire, Roy and others will not be advancing with the Pacific Forces. They are going to the no-man's land where the four countries meet, and these convoys are going to the city-state of Kararaki

They didn't say anything about Roy and the others who left the convoy, but only after seeing "Juggernaut is going to be separated, they made a statement to hold back.

If the Juggernaut leaves, their team will lose their security again. Although these people's thoughts are a bit selfish, they are also human.

However, Reid Astrea had decided to leave, and the team members could only regret to say goodbye to him.

A luxurious dragon chariot galloped across the deserted plains, followed by another slightly worn-out dragon chariot, without the momentum of the number of dragon chariots galloping at the same time. The surroundings became quieter all of a sudden.

Roira pulled the curtains and looked at the sky outside L. It was already evening and the sun was slowly falling from the west. This piece of green grassland is reflected into z pieces of light orange light.

Satila and Shaula stood in front of the window watching the beautiful sunset, and from time to time they let out girlish exclamations.

"There's a forest ahead. - Stop when you get to the edge of the forest. We're here for the night."

Roy has excellent eyesight. I saw the forest in the distance along the horizon. ".And I think we should also meet the Juggernaut who has been following us."

When Frogel, who was driving, heard Roy's words, his face became serious. Of course, he had rich travel experience and knew that the forest at night was very dangerous, and it was best not to go deep. It's better to take a breath outside the forest = Z night is better _ At the same time, he is also wary of the Juggernaut who is following them all the time)

That Juggernaut is not someone who can be dismissed casually. Although Fryugel doesn't know that Red Astrea is famous, he has a hunch that he is not the opponent of that Juggernaut.

But after he looked back and saw the calm expression in the carriage-.faced Roy with a smile. All of a sudden, my mind is relaxed. If this guy is there... even if the Juggernaut really has any mutual intentions, don't be afraid.

"'No, how can I trust this guy so quickly, this **** won't be influenced by the protection of trust

After realizing what he was thinking, Fryugel was shocked, and he felt more and more that the white hair in the carriage was dangerous.

The dragon carriage ran for another half an hour. The surrounding environment had turned into a forest of trees. The vehicle stopped, and Roy stepped out of the carriage. He was wearing that gorgeous cardinal robe. Looking behind him.

He carried a =- hand, and shouted to another dragon carriage that was speeding up: _ "..Reid van Astrea, what are you following us?_"

The dilapidated dragon car stopped ten meters from Roy-a sudden brake. It was the red-haired sword who was driving the dragon chariot

Chapter 27 The Fight Between Swords and Swords


The dragon car came to an emergency brake. The land at the edge of the forest was damp. It didn't raise much dust.

After the dragon carriage stopped crookedly, P Sword Saint I Redfan and Astraea, who had been too powerful in the canyon before, had broken through the regular army of the Flakia Empire, appeared in front of everyone.

Satila, who was squatting and helping the Tai's house to make a fire for dinner, stood up nervously, her silver hair was blowing in the evening breeze and cyan eyes looked at Roy anxiously. Two small hands clasped in front of him, his expression full of worry.

Frogel, who was helping to make the fire, saw Satila so nervous, he couldn't help but said, ..:; Don't worry about that guy Roy. Although Reid is very strong, from the previous contact, he Shouldn't be Roy's opponent. "

In Fryugel's eyes, Roy doesn't look like a human being's huge "sixty-two soil" like a heterogeneous magic power that a human being can possess, even if he has the title of "Magister". . After comparing, I feel that my total amount of magic power may not be one-tenth of that guy who is like a monster. If not then = sure he is a human. .Fliugel has even begun to suspect that Roy is the dragon Polkenica.

This is a pure amount of suppression. Roy's huge magical power alone is enough to make him known as the strong L, not to mention that Fryugel doesn't think that this guy is really just powerful.

After hearing Fryugel's consolation, Satila breathed a sigh of relief and smiled sweetly at him, "==Thank you, Mr. Fryugel."

Seeing the sweet smile evoked by the beautiful silver-haired half-elf girl, like a violet flower in full bloom, Flougel felt that his heart skipped a beat. This portrait of 'silver-haired half-elf' is It was deeply imprinted in his mind.

'Mom' I saw an angel!.'

Fryugel covered his heart and took two steps back, looking like he was hurt.

"Mr. Freugel, are you all right?"

Suntila let out a low cry when she saw the expression of Frogel-Vice's injury.

"it's okay no problem!"

Freugel waved his hands and wiped his nose.


At this moment, Shaula was walking between the two with the firewood in her arms, pushing them away...with a displeased look.

On the other side, Roy was looking at Red. With an unusually calm expression, he said, "Then [Juggernaut] Mr. Reid, what's the matter with you following us?"

"[Juggernaut J. don't call me that, I'm just a swordsman with a sword"

Reid waved his hand and jumped out of the dragon carriage with a bold expression. Wang: I am not following you either. It just so happens that our destination may be the same. _”

"Oh? Then you're going to find it too.

Before Roy's words were over, Reid just answered: "Yes, I'm going to find the 'Too Sin Witch' too"⊥"

"Looking at the direction of your itinerary.. I should also look for those witches. I am very curious about those witches, so I want to meet them and see what is the difference between witches and humans."

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