
Fryugel suddenly felt his stomach become empty. He collapsed to the ground because of his loss of beauty and strength, exhausted. The feeling of hunger swept his golden body. His eyes were congested, and the mouth fish flowed out of the waterway. He looked at everything in this world and thought it was delicious food. To eat it, Hani fills his black hole-like emptiness and hunger

loo "I can't. I can't--I'm hungry _ I'm so hungry⊥"

Frugel suddenly grabbed his right hand in Shaula's panic, under the calm of the witches and Roy, and under Red's stunned. The sage suddenly bit his finger. Then the disgusting squeak came, and he actually ate his own hand

"Delicious. Yummy::: It's so delicious....but can't get enough, can't get enough. Such an arm can't get enough!"

The squeaking of bones, the cracking of leather, the sound of skin being bitten, the bones, fat, blood, nerves, ligaments, etc. all eaten by Fryugel, his right hand suddenly changed Muddy blood, = open mouth is also full of blood and mud.

"Master Master, Master Master_"

Shaula cried out, and she angrily began to mobilize the magic power in her body. The magic of the yang attribute was displayed in her hands, and she wanted to throw this magic power on the face of Daphne, the gluttonous witch.

It's just that before Shaula can move, the laziness witch Segmed just sighed and stretched out the _'invisible hand'_ These hands, which only witches and Roy could see instinctively, waved in front of Shaula and slapped lightly Just carry the girl away

And Shaula and Red L didn't even know what happened.

."Stop ⊥⊥ Daphne. Don't let this tragic bloodshed happen in front of my eyes ⊥"

The Angry Witch Minerova once again let out a roar of rage

."Got it."

Daphne clearly knew Minerova well. The witch who was bound in the coffin whispered weakly, and the removed blindfold returned to Daphne's eyes again. Without the control of the power of the gluttonous witch, Fryugel finally stopped eating himself.

"Ahhhh, I can't stand you guys. Why are you hurting each other like this! L"

The Angry Witch clenched her fists, and then, with Fryugel's dazed look, she rushed over like a gorilla, and punched his face again with a set of combined fists.

._____ ask for flowers

"Eula Euler Euler Euler Euler Euler Euler Euler Euler Euler L"."

As countless fist shadows smashed into Fryugel's face, his eaten hand grew out again.

see frugel

restored. The Angry Witch is Ann, stop beating and carrying him

Lie on the ground for a while. It was Fryugel with a bruised nose and a swollen face that came back to his senses. He immediately stood up and started to buckle his throat, trying to spit out the hairy arm he just ate.

"Vag. Vomit."

Fryugel was spitting out there, and when he couldn't spit out anything, he stood up staggeringly.

He finally understood, what is a real witch⊥

"Me: I'm going to get out of here.

Fraugel said tremblingly. There was a cry in the voice. He knew that he was not the opponent of so many witches at all, and made the most correct choice. He was afraid that if he continued to stay in this witch's castle, he would be killed by these witches before long.

"Reid, what are you going to do?"

Freugel looked at the Sword Saint.

Reid Astrea hesitated, then said: ".. I'll leave too. I came here because I wanted to see the witch. Since I have seen the witch and the power of the witch. Then I don't need to stay. here."

Hearing Red's answer 4 Fryugel was relieved, then looked at Roy and asked, "--Are you going to come with us. Roy."

Still waiting for Roy to answer. The **** sitting opposite him! The witch Echidona suddenly stretched out her hand and took his hand

Echidona's hands were cold and delicate, and her white skin was soft and elastic. The lustful witch's eyes were full of anxiety, and she shook her head at Roy, as if she was afraid that he would open up here too.

After pondering for a while, Roy replied slowly, "==Sorry, I'm not going to leave here. Suntila is a jealous witch and she should have stayed in this castle. But I don't trust her to stay alone. Here. I want to accompany her."

Echidona, the **** witch, put down her flustered face and smiled again. This time, when she looked at Satila, she suddenly felt that this woman was much more pleasing to the eye.

Although Roy used Satila as an excuse to stay here. But Aiji Donna doesn't care, she won't be jealous because of this, and Aiji Mingna is a person who pays attention to the results and doesn't care about the process, since L Roy has stayed here. That's better than this

Chapter 42: The Proclamation of the Witch of Desire

The breeze on the grassland was blowing, it was obviously a gentle wind, but Fryugel shivered.

He looked around in a daze. The weather was still sunny, the sky was as blue as a choice, the blooming white clouds L the sturdy grass, and the little Kun B flying in the grassland.

This is an extremely common natural landscape. But at this moment, Fryugel had the urge to cry.

Finally left, left the witch's castle, left the witch's tea party.

The witch is really a witch, I have expectations for a witch, it's really funny to think about it now

No, Miss Satila should be excluded. Because that silver-haired half-elf girl is really gentle and different from other witches.

Freugel thinks like this

After the obscure fluctuations in the surrounding space disappear, I can no longer feel it. _Although the magic of the space system also belongs to the 'resistance' attribute, it is obvious that Fryugel's magical attainments are no better than the "Nine Earth Zero" girl, the **** demon. He couldn't find any clues about the hidden castle of the **** witch

"Master, let's go! We won't come back to this place in the future.

Shaula's eyes were still red. Although the time between entering the witch's castle and leaving was short, for Shaula, it was a terrible experience that was hard to recall.

I saw with my own eyes that the arrogant witch pinched the tellurium in the master's arm, and then was beaten by the angry witch, and then she was eaten by the gluttonous witch. Ulla felt heart palpitations when she saw it.

This place, the witch's tea party, is simply horrible.

"Well, let's go, we'll never come back."

Flugel nodded seriously.

Since crossing, he has encountered many crises. But cruel treatment like this one. It was the first time in Fryugel's life. To be honest, he already had fear and fear of witches.

"That guy Roy is really, he stayed there for the sake of the witches!"

Shaula said angrily.

"I can't blame him for that. I didn't expect Miss Satila to be a jealous witch, and he was worried that Miss Satila stayed there. With Miss Satila's gentle character, if no one cares If they do, they will definitely be bullied by those cruel witches.

At this time, Fryugel comforted Chaula instead.

Immediately, he looked at Reid again and said: Do you have any plans? Reid.

"Well, after seeing the witch, I'm very interested in dragons now. I decided to go to the Great Falls to see-see, and try to see the dragon 'Polkenica'. After that, I'm going to go back to my wife. My child should be born soon,"

What Red didn't think about was that I could see that he had rules for his travels.

Kenica’s interested. Why don't we drop by "Superfine.,I hope the dragon 'Polkenica' is not as cruel as the witches. _

Fraugel said in fear.

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