This woman is the **** witch Camilla, who has caused countless wars, the woman who everyone in this world wants to have, and her name as a witch is feared by the world.

She didn't love the love she was constantly pursuing, but she was also constantly welcoming destruction

"It's all gone. Camilla! Now you're being loved by the witches. Also by me::loved L"

Roy didn't know if his words were lying, he only knew that after saying this, Camilla was completely crazy. She was completely eroded by **** _

Chapter 49 Change a witch a day

The next day Roy came out leaning against the wall

I have to say that the **** witch Camilla is extremely powerful. It was very rusty at the beginning. But soon it was awakened as if the ability was engraved in the genes. It made Roy feel what it means to be thirsty. What is an official called superb technology, if it weren't for Roy, it wouldn't be an ordinary person. Absolutely the one that failed -: one.

But even if he won, Roy was still in awe. If it was an ordinary man fighting Camilla like this, then the result would have to be profound.

It's not an adjective, it's a fact

The two-person battle didn't end until the next morning. The reason for the end was that Camilla was sleepy, and it was Roy who let Roy fall asleep while hugging him.

People said that only dead cows did not plough the land, and at this moment Roy completely believed it.

However, Roy would choose this method to arouse Camilla's **** and get closer to her. Certainly not just for bodily sensations. There is absolutely no shortage of women for Roy. If it was just to meet the needs of his body, he would never have let Satila go. And doing these things with Camilla gave him a full understanding of 'big sin' and 'lust'

Roy used the characteristics of 'lust' to arouse Camila's love and get her.. You must know that Camila is not Satila, and has not loved him.. has not been with him It's not like Echidona has fallen into a 'greed' mood from the beginning. Camilla's **** is completely the result of Roy's initiative.

"In this case, whether it is laziness, gluttony, or angry witches, a similar method can be used."

However, I recalled the delicate body of Camilla I held last night. He also moved in his heart that Camilla was different from Satila. Her body was very sensual, but she was not fat at all. It feels very comfortable to hold on.

Just when Roy was thinking about it...he casually walked around and came to the open-air balcony of the castle.

Lace parasol, delicate pure white wooden table. And the beautiful white-haired girl in black mourning clothes sitting on the chair, all of this formed a beautiful picture.

Roy looked at the sun just showing in the east, it was still very early. He didn't expect that Echidona had already woken up.

Now that he saw the **** witch, Roy would not avoid her, so he walked over and pulled the chair away, and sat opposite Echidona.

"It's so early, Echidona~

The faint citrus scent emanating from Echidona's voluptuous body mixed with the crisp morning air made me feel refreshed just by taking a breath.

Echidona elegantly raised her pinky finger and held up the stubborn teacup, sipped it lightly and said, "...Want a cup of morning tea? Lord Roy."

"You don't have to use the honorific name for me like Satila."

"It's my greed that seeks Lord Roy, so I should respect you.

The **** witch put her legs together. Said elegantly, which made Roy feel that Echidona must have been born in a noble family. This high: expensive temperament takes a long time to cultivate

Don't look at Camilla being called 'the most wanted woman in the world'_. But that's the influence of Camilla's power L. Roy, who can actually see Camilla's true face, is convinced that the girl is actually who she says she is. One / village girl. Although I can't say her, but if Ai Ji Mingna is compared, it's really a comparison between the poor and lower-middle peasants and the girls from the landlord's family.

Camilla gives the impression that she is similar to the French village girl "Joan of Arc".

But since Echidona said so, Roy also let her go. To be honest, a respected title, especially when such a beautiful girl uses a title of honor, can always satisfy a little desire of a man.

He sat across from Echidona and grabbed the handle of the teapot with his hands. After pausing for a while, he said with a half-smile, _"....this tea is Donna tea?"

The **** witch blushed and took a cup of tea and took a sip to hide her nervousness. She said, "...this is just ordinary tea."

"That's really disappointing. To be honest, yesterday's Donna tea was delicious. The taste was very light when I first drank it, but the taste in it became stronger as I drank, and I don't know what you added. Finally, the tea It's not clear, it's thicker."

Roy didn't seem to know what Mingna tea was. Here is the presumptuous comment that L Ejidona can only take small sips of tea to hide her shyness. Although she sometimes acts and speaks too boldly, Echidona is still just a girl who is a ninth girl. ,

Taking a deep breath. Echidona interrupted Roy's words. She was afraid that Roy would not be able to summon up her courage if he continued to speak. She said with a pun, "-If you are willing to drink Donna tea, then I I'll prepare it for you next time, but you should have had enough 'mila tea' last night."

As for what happened between himself and Camilla, Roy knew that he could not hide from other witches of sin, especially Echidona, the witch of lust, because this castle was her magical product. Everything is actually under her supervision.

"Camilla tastes really good

Roy smiled lightly and nodded without shame.

Echidona sighed and said, "I said yesterday that Camilla was the one who was the easiest to bully. I didn't expect Mrs. Roy to bully her. To be honest, I am now a little doubtful whether you changed from yesterday. You've become a person. You still have a dual personality. You're really different from where you were yesterday

too big

Roy knew what Echidona wanted to say. She wanted to say that today's self-esteem is much more "saucy" in behavior and words than yesterday's self.

Yesterday's Roy also disliked her Donna Tea and didn't seem to have any interest in witches, but today not only took the initiative to drink tea, but also began to tease the witch directly, and even directly deceived two of them into the body.

- "上." I don't have any dual personality. The reason why I treated you so calmly yesterday was just because I thought you were useless to me, but last night I found out that you, the 'witch of sin', can satisfy me In this case, of course, I will not passively accept it. Instead, I will take the initiative to attack.”

Roy shrugged his shoulders and said narrowly

"That's a realistic answer."

"Each each other is like the reason why you abandoned women and lived a good life with me. Isn't it also to satisfy your greed. From this point of view, we are all realistic people.

Hear what Roy said. Echidona was silent.

After a while, she continued, ".::The child Camilla is the easiest to deceive but also the hardest to deceive, because all people will be captured by her power, and only you make her power invalid , and really aroused her L lust'_.,This is something that has never happened in the past. In the past, all the **** witches were actually not really motivated by 'lust'."

"- But you have to be careful, the **** witch (De Zhao) who is completely aroused will not be satisfied, I am afraid she will stick to you in the future, want to do those things with you all day long, you are the most It's good to replenish the body."

Roy just shook his head and smiled at Echidona's suggestion, ... My body doesn't need to be repaired, and that's a good thing, isn't it? Men will never refuse a beautiful girl's courtship. "

"But men always get bored with women, and you'll get bored with her someday."

"This problem is also easy to solve. Isn't there ten witches here, _change one every day from week to Sunday. Then you will never get bored. I like the number of 'juice'."

Roy took two sips of the steaming tea. Ai Ji Mingna's tea making skills were very good, even if it wasn't Donna tea. Roy thinks it tastes good too.

Although he still prefers coffee.

Echidona was stunned and speechless. She didn't expect that Roy, who let go of himself, would be so shameless, even if she thought she was shameless. I feel a little unbearable now

At this time, there was another sound of rapid footsteps from the open-air balcony of the castle. _

Chapter 50 Once upon a time there was a stinky sister

"Lord Roy, Lord Roy...

Rapid footsteps, anxious cries. When the silver-haired half-elf girl came to the open-air balcony of the castle. After seeing that Roy was still here, she breathed a sigh of relief. He patted the ups and downs of Su Xiong with his hands, and brushed the messy hair on his forehead behind his ears, feeling a little aggrieved and a little fortunate, and said, "-. When I got up and saw Mrs. Roy was not around, I thought you were there. Abandoned me and left here

Roy smiled at Satila and could I abandon Satila. Since I brought you out of the slums of Shagonica, I'll hold you accountable to the end. "

Hearing this, the corners of Satila's mouth twitched unconsciously. Showing a touching smile, the whole person became light and cheerful.

"Haven't had breakfast yet? Come and try Echidona's craft, I think it's pretty good."

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